Home > He Said Together (The Lost Corisis #3)(25)

He Said Together (The Lost Corisis #3)(25)
Author: Ruth Cardello

I had to interject. “I meant what I said. I don’t want it.”

Dominic gave me a long look. “Because you don’t want to owe me.”

I conceded that with a tip of my head.

“Gifts don’t come with strings.” He sighed. “I bought it because you love the water.”

He’s testing me. That’s what this is to him. My mood took a nosedive. “No, you wanted to know if you could buy me. You can’t. I’m not interested.” I still couldn’t look myself in the mirror when I thought about how I’d let him pay off my contract. I would have thanked him for that, but I couldn’t get past the self-disgust that welled in me each time I thought about it.

“That’s not what this is,” he said harshly.

Some of my anger with myself might have been reflected in my tone. “If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it’s a duck.” I knew it was low to add, but I couldn’t stop myself from saying, “How much did you give my sister? What did you buy her with?”

“Dominic,” Abby said when she saw Dominic’s expression change. She implored, “He doesn’t know you. He needs time to.”

Dominic straightened to his full height and glared at me. “No, I’m done.” He leaned toward me. “I’ve been good to your mother and Riley, better than you’ve been lately.”

That had me growling back, “Don’t you dare imply that I’ve been anything but there for them.”

“Really? Then why am I the one who has met Gavin? Riley is about to get engaged to a man you don’t know. I call her daily to check on her. When was the last time you spoke to her?”

“Shut up.” I sucked in a breath as his words hit me like a punch below the belt.

“Dominic, this isn’t helping.” Abby looked from him to me and back. “Dom, tell him you didn’t mean that.”

“But I did.” Dominic threw his hands up in the air. “I refuse to be the villain while everyone else pretends they’re perfect. You know what, Kal, get off this boat. I’m officially ungifting it to you. Go back to Florida. Sulk. Say whatever the hell you want about me. I don’t care.”

“I don’t understand you. Is this some kind of twisted game for you?” I demanded.

“Yeah,” Dominic snapped. “That’s what this is—a fucking game. And so much fun I just keep playing it. Get out of here. You remind me too much of everything I don’t like about myself.”

I pointed to the water around us. “Should I start swimming?”

He swore and walked away.

Abby lingered. “His feelings are hurt.”

“I’m sure that’s what that was.”

She sighed and walked away saying, “I don’t know what to do with either of you.”






When my workday ended without hearing from Kal, I told myself it had been unreasonable for me to think he’d have time to call. I declined an offer from a coworker to grab something to eat together. If Kal called, or better—returned—I wanted to be there.

I headed back to my apartment, tidied things up, made myself some soup, then a tea, and curled up with a novel from my favorite author. Unable to enjoy the book the way I normally would, I decided to end the day early. I placed my phone near me on the bed and made sure none of the settings were on silent.

Sleep wouldn’t come. I tossed and turned, cycling through worrying and reassuring myself. It was late.

What if things had gone badly with his brother—really badly, and he was being hurt or held against his will? As the last person who’d spoken to him and likely the only one who knew where he was, wasn’t it my responsibility to alert someone?

There was a chance that things had gone so well that he simply hadn’t had time to call me yet. Maybe he and his brother had a few laughs followed by a few drinks and he was passed out on his brother’s couch.

Or he simply didn’t want to talk to me.

That last thought had me turning over and fluffing my pillow with a punch. No, that wasn’t it. I hadn’t imagined the kind of connection Kal and I had. It had been intense and real.

He’ll call and when he does, I’ll feel foolish about worrying.

He thanked me for understanding that he had to go.

That’s not a man who doesn’t care about my feelings.

He’ll call.

Or wake me with a knock on the door because he can’t wait until morning to see me.

I did eventually fall asleep and woke to my alarm in what felt like mere minutes later. I checked my phone—nothing. I forced myself to get up, get dressed, and head to work. It was the first day since I’d started my job that I could say I didn’t enjoy being there.

Halfway through the day, unable to stop myself from doing it, I sent Kal a text: Are you okay? How did it go?

I stared at my phone for a pathetically long time before I acknowledged that he wasn’t going to answer me—at least not right then. Eventually, I put my phone away and pushed through the day at work. The interns asked if Kal and I wanted to join them for a drink that night. I declined without telling them that I couldn’t ask if he wanted to go because I had no idea where he was.

When I returned to my apartment after work, I was tempted to call Sasha and Nikki, but I already knew what they would both say. Sasha’s optimistic take wouldn’t resonate with how I was feeling, and I wasn’t ready to have what was left of my hope challenged by a reality check from Nikki.

Kal’s laptop was still on the coffee table in my living room. It drew my attention repeatedly even as I made my dinner. I frowned at it while munching on my salad. He wouldn’t have left his laptop if he had no intention of coming back.

He would have taken it with him if he didn’t trust me with it.

But he did trust me, just like I should trust him.

I washed my dinner plates and placed them on a rack to dry then headed back to the living room. With a sigh I sat in the chair where Kal had sat the last time he’d used his laptop.

Leaning forward, I laid a hand over the closed top of it. If the situation were reversed, he would probably be worried just like I am. Worried enough to search one of my computers for a sign that I was either okay or in trouble?

I forced myself to stand and leave the room before I did just that. A hot shower made me feel a little better. Checking my phone for a message from him confused me again.

Why? What would keep him from taking a moment to tell me he’s okay?

Did he lose his phone?

That was a possibility. In the age of no one knowing anyone’s phone number, it was highly unlikely he would know mine. I checked the messages on all of my social media sites—even checked my email in case he’d used that to contact me—nothing.

I told myself not to overthink it, but worry was slowly being replaced by anger. Everything he’d said, every kiss, every touch . . . had led me to believe he cared about me. Men who cared, called—period.

He was worried about his family. It was possible he’d gone straight from seeing his brother to checking in on his mother and sister. Forgetting to call me and then not answering my text wasn’t considerate . . . but he did have a lot on his mind.

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