Home > The Difference Between Somehow and Someway(41)

The Difference Between Somehow and Someway(41)
Author: Aly Martinez

“Then you would be wrong,” Cassidy said. “Any chance I could give you a hug? I’ve really fucking missed you.”

Jesus, my sister had no boundaries.

“Cass,” I scolded.

I was alone in that reprimand.

Remi smiled. “Yeah, sure. Why not.”

In the next beat, my sister had her in her arms. Her tall, lanky body enveloped Remi. It was wholly dumb, but I’d never been so jealous in my life. Though she was standing on my front porch, hugging my sister, which gave me hope that maybe I was next.

“God, it is so good to see you again,” Cassidy said, releasing her.

I had to give her credit. She didn’t cry. I’d have been out a hundred bucks on that bet if we’d been in Vegas.

“Hey, thanks for all those dinners,” Remi said. “The Chicken Marsala was amazing.”

Cassidy beamed at her. “It always was your favorite.”

I cleared my throat. “Right, well, you want to come in? Cassidy was just leaving.”

“Oh, absolutely,” my sister said. “Sorry, I totally forgot.” Breezing past Remi, she walked down my sidewalk, calling out, “See you when I get back from California!”

“Don’t rush!” I shouted. With a sweeping gesture, I invited Remi inside.

The way she hesitated did not give me confidence, but she eventually stepped inside, not moving past the foyer.

“You can come in. Can I get you something to drink?”

“Thanks, but I won’t be here long.”

Fuuuuuuuuck. If hopes could be shattered, mine had just been dropped off the Empire State Building.

“Remi,” I breathed, the pleading in my tone desperate even to my own ears.

Smoothing down the front of her baby-blue sundress, she avoided my gaze. “I want my dog back.”

My brows shot up my head. Those weren’t the words I’d expected to come out of her mouth. Though he was her dog. I couldn’t very well fault her for it, even if it did sting like a slap to the face.

“Okay,” I mumbled.

“And my stuff too. Whatever else was in that box in your closet and that flash drive. I want it. If it was mine before, it’s mine now too.”

My gut wrenched. It was in no way the direction I’d hoped her surprise visit would take us. Jesus. When would the hits stop coming?

“Yeah. Sure. I have more in the attic too. It won’t all fit in your car. I can drop them off later tonight if you want.”

“That’d be great. I’m taking off for a while. I found a rental in Savannah and passed my clients off to a realtor friend. I need—”

“How long is a while?” I rushed out with my heart in my throat.

“I don’t know yet.” Still refusing me eye contact, she shook her head. “I got the rental for a month, but I’m looking for something a little more permanent.”

“Permanent?” I exclaimed, taking a giant step toward her. “You’re moving?”

She backed away. “I have to get out of here. Everything I do, everywhere I go reminds me of you. And that’s only the stuff I remember. I can’t walk down the street without wondering if maybe we’d been there before. Did we go on a date to that new sushi restaurant that I’ve been eyeing? Or drinks at that bar downtown with the cotton candy martinis? Have I already had them? Is that why I want more? Did we take the dogs to the park I pass every day on my way to work? Is that why I’m drawn to it? See, Bowen, when you pretended to be a grieving widower, you didn’t just make our relationship a lie. You turned my entire life into a lie too.”

I planted my hands on my hips, the panic of losing her making my tone gruff. “Maybe. But please, enlighten me. How the fuck do the memories of sushi and cotton candy martinis compare to finding you bleeding to death in my bed?”

Her back shot straight, and her wide eyes once again met mine.

Her shock only fueled my fire.

I took another step toward her, crowding her without touching. “Just explain to me how whether or not you’ve ever been to a Goddamn dog park even remotely compares to me physically restraining you, kicking and screaming, to give the doctors time to sedate you?” Another step, this one causing her back to hit the wall beside the door. “Or how about the time I begged and pleaded with your sobbing father to sign papers to have you involuntarily committed?”

Her mouth fell open, but the year and a half of agony tumbling from my lips was a runaway freight train I was unable to stop.

“What about the night I stripped all the sheets from your bed and took every belt, scarf, and even bra from your room because you wanted to take a shower alone and I was terrified of what you would do with them? I spent entire fucking nights hiding every pill, cleaning supply, and even your own car keys, trying to keep you alive. And you’re worried about whether or not we’ve walked down a fucking street together?”

Her chest heaved as she peered up at me, emotion crinkling her brow. “You left me.”

“I freed you,” I corrected. Gripping her hips, I leaned down, bringing my mouth mere centimeters from hers, swallowing her exhales as if they were the only oxygen I would ever need. Resting an elbow beside her head, I pressed my body against hers. Chest to chest, her breasts pillowed between us. “I have loved you every single minute of every single day since I laid eyes on you. Happy. Sad. Desperate. Lost in love. You were all of my memories. And then suddenly, I was none of yours. I always swore to myself I would get you back. Somehow. Someway. Well, this was my way. I would tear the gates to hell down if need be. You are mine, Remi. Past, present, and if I get any say in it…future.”

With that, I kissed her. Hard and unyielding. I expected her to push me away, to tell me no. To deny me.

And for a split second, I rethought what I was doing. Until her hand climbed my chest, traced up my neck, and cupped my cheek.

There was nothing more to say at the moment. Hell, it wasn’t like she was inclined to believe me anyway. Despite it all, one thing was true.

Our bodies couldn’t lie. They weren’t capable of pretending that what we did to each other wasn’t real. It was impossible for my touch not to affect her and utterly futile for me to resist hers.

I didn’t have a solution to offer her.

I couldn’t answer all of her questions or calm her raging anger.

What I could do for my Sally, for my Remi, for the love of my life, was remind her that we belonged together. If all else was lost and there was nothing left to salvage, I could prove this one last thing.

She and I had been made for one another.

My mouth crashed over hers with a desperate frenzy. There were no lies or half-truths between us anymore. It was just two people more in love than ever, yet somehow on the verge of once again falling apart.

Drawing me impossibly closer, she looped her arms around my neck, her tongue meeting mine stroke for stroke. I swallowed her moans, hungry and starving for more.

More of her.

More of us.

The whole fucking life together we deserved.

With her mouth still connected to mine, she pulled and tugged at my shirt until I used one hand at the back of my neck to tear the T-shirt over my head.

“Fuck me,” I groaned as she moved her assault down my neck and my chest.

Her fumbling hands went to the button on my jeans. She wasn’t fast enough though, so I took over. Once again finding her mouth, I made quick work of popping the button open and shoving my jeans down to free my straining cock.

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