Home > Carson (Lighthouse Security Investigations West Coast #1)(43)

Carson (Lighthouse Security Investigations West Coast #1)(43)
Author: Maryann Jordan

“Carson, you said you wanted me to come to stay with you. The only thing I know about where you live is it’s north of here. I know you’re not asking me to ‘move in’ with you like a couple, but it still seems like a big step even if it’s just for my protection.”

Her fingers made air quotes around the words ‘move in,’ and he fought a grin. “Don’t analyze so much. Yes, it’s a big step. And I sure as fuck can tell you that I wouldn’t ask anyone else to stay with me, I don’t care who they were or what danger they were in. I’d find alternate arrangements. Look, we were eventually going to get to this conversation in our relationship. Needing to protect you just moves it up some.”

“It takes a lot of trust to live together. What if…” Her voice trailed off, uncertainty moving through her eyes.

“Where I live is small, and it’s right next to where I work. Right next to my business. Right next to the lighthouse.”

Her gasp rocked her back slightly, and his arms tightened around her. “Yeah, now you’re getting me, Jeannie. I’m giving you something that no one outside LSI-WC has. That’s how much I trust you. That’s how much I trust us. That’s how much I trust what we have.”

He held her gaze, the air thickening all around them, electricity moving between them, something he was beginning to expect when they were together. Giving her time to sift through everything he’d said, he waited. As her lips curved slightly, he felt the pressure on his chest ease.

Running her tongue over her bottom lip, she smiled widely. “I guess I’d better pack.”

His arms tightened as he lifted, twirling her around her tiny kitchen. Setting her feet on the ground, he kissed her hard, fast, and wet. “Then all right, darlin’. Let’s get to packing.”

While Jeannie packed a suitcase full of clothing, toiletries, even food that she didn’t want to spoil from her refrigerator, Carson made several calls. The first was to Leo to let him know what her message had been the previous evening. He wanted the Keepers aware that someone on the Garza estate was specifically targeting Maggie and Jeannie. He accepted Leo’s congratulations for making up with Jeannie, shaking his head as Leo laughed about him bringing her home.

The next call was to Rachel, letting her know what was happening and asking for her assistance. “I just want to make sure there’s another female around so that she doesn’t get overwhelmed. My place is hardly a bachelor pad, but when I left, I wasn’t expecting her to come back with me.”

Like Leo, Rachel laughed. “I’m just glad to see you finally get your head out of your ass. Don’t worry about a thing. I’ll run next door and make sure everything is in order.”

Thanking her, he disconnected just as Jeannie walked back into the room, rolling a suitcase behind her with another bag slung over her shoulder. “I think I’m ready. I just need to grab my purse and laptop.” She glanced around and sighed. “I hate being chased out of my home.” She quickly turned her face up to him and added, “It’s not that I don’t want to be with you. It’s just that the choice of when was taken away from us. I’ll be so glad when Maggie gets into her own condo and I can visit her whenever I want without wondering who’s watching or listening.”

Pulling the bag from her shoulder and fastening it on top of the suitcase, he turned, reaching out to place his hand on her neck. Her soft hair moved over his fingertips, and he stepped closer, tilting her chin up with his thumb. Placing a light kiss on her lips, he said, “I know, babe. Believe me, I wish you didn’t have to have your life so upended. But I walked away once and left you unprotected. I sure as fuck am not going to do that again.” Kissing her lightly again, he leaned back and squeezed her neck. “Plus, now we don’t have to do the long-distance thing.”

She laughed and rolled her eyes. “Oh, no, I think living in the same space is definitely classified as not long distance!”

Once outside, a discussion ensued in the parking lot. He preferred her riding with him, but she proclaimed she was not going to leave her car. “Babe, it’s going to take us three hours to get to my place.”

“Yes, and that’s what it takes for me to go up to see Maggie and come back. My car can make it!” Stepping closer, she put her hand on his arm and looked up. “Honey, I don’t want to be without my car. Please.”

Knowing she needed a sense of control over her spinning life, he acquiesced. Soon after they hit the road, he was in the lead and kept his eyes on her in his rearview mirror almost as much as he did out the windshield. Halfway through the trip, they passed the area where Vincent Garza’s winery and estate were located. Christ, I’ll be glad when this mission is over, the DEA can deal with their asses, and Jeannie and I can settle in without those fuckers hanging over our heads.

Glad for beautiful weather and surprisingly uncrowded roads, they made good time, and soon, he pulled off the highway, used the security keypad and hand identifier, and drove through the gates, slowing to make sure Jeannie was following. The lane weaved through the trees before finally curving around and stopping just outside the small house tucked next to the short lighthouse facing the coast.

Climbing from his SUV, he hurried over to her car as she parked next to him, throwing open her door and assisting her out. She turned away from him, her gaze out over the building and coastline. Suddenly struck with nerves, he could only imagine what she thought of the place. The lighthouse was a short, white stucco structure. The attached house was one level, somewhat squatty in appearance. He could only imagine how disappointing it would look to someone who expected much more.

She whirled around, her hands reaching out to clutch his forearms as her wide eyes lifted to his. “Oh, my God! Carson! This is beautiful!”

The air left his lungs in a rush as relief flooded his being. Smiling in return, he pulled her in for a hug. “I’m glad you like it, babe. It’s not much, but it’s home. At least, for now.”

“You own this? You own the lighthouse as well as the house?”

“This, and about forty acres on both sides of the road. I got about twelve acres on this side, woods and coastline, and then almost thirty acres on the other side of the highway that heads up into the national forest.”

She looked around again, but her brow scrunched. “I don’t want to ask anything I’m not supposed to, but didn’t you say your workspace was here too?”

“As far as I’m concerned, babe, you can ask. And yes, LSI-WC is nearby. My Keepers have a different place they enter and park. That way, even though it’s pretty much all together, there’s a little bit of separation between work and home.”

With her hands placed on his chest, she nodded. “I think it’s perfect.”

“Come on in,” he said, linking fingers with her. “Let’s get you settled.” He led her around to the side of the house by way of the stone path and steps. On the coastal side was his wide patio, the chairs facing the ocean ready to welcome them. The entrance to LSI-WC was on the back side of the lighthouse, out of sight from where he was taking Jeannie. It wasn’t that he was trying to keep it hidden from her but for now wanted her to experience just being in his personal space.

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