Home > These Dirty Lies (Darling Hill Duet #1)(34)

These Dirty Lies (Darling Hill Duet #1)(34)
Author: L. A. Cotton

“I’ll get right on that.” I rolled my eyes in disgust, and he blew out a long, steady breath.

Did the man ever lose his cool?

“You’re taking your medication?”

“What kind of question is that?” I snapped. “Of course I’m taking it.”

I couldn’t function without it.

“Sorry.” He held up his hands. “That was an insensitive thing to say. I’m just…” A sigh rumbled through him. “This is still new, for all of us.”

Still new?

It had been nine months, not that I was counting. But I supposed I had been exiled for most of them.

“Are we done here?” I said. “I need to get ready for school.” And try to shake off my awful hangover.

“Yes, okay. I’ll make sure Max is punished.”

I almost snorted. Like Max was ever punished for anything. And even if he was, he didn’t listen.

Michael went to leave, but paused at the door, glancing back at me. “Harleigh, I know I haven’t always done right by you, but I really am trying.”

He said the words, but all I heard was, ‘she’s gone and she isn’t coming back.’ Because if Mom was alive, I wouldn’t be stuck in this hellish place. I’d still be in The Row. And yeah, maybe life was hard there. Maybe every day felt like trudging up a mountain with no peak in sight. But it was better than this… this world built on falsities and riches.

Michael lingered, waiting for an answer.

But the bitter truth was, I couldn’t give him one.



“I can’t believe you skipped class with Nate Miller,” Celeste said as we pulled up at school. She cut the engine and turned to me. “I thought we’d decided he was bad news.”

“He is bad news. But he was in the right place at the right time.”

“You could have texted me.” Dejection clung to her words.

“And ruin your squeaky-clean, star student reputation? I wouldn’t ever do that.”

“Okay, so I probably wouldn’t have cut class with you, but I could have helped.”

“I know. I just really needed to get out of there.”

“Angelica is such a bitch.” She scoffed. “Maybe you should tell Miss Hanley.”

“No, it’ll only make things worse. I can handle it, I promise. Yesterday was just… a blip.”

“Did Max apologize yet?”

I arched a brow. “I think we both know that’s never going to happen.”

“I could… ugh, he’s such a little shit.” She forced herself to take a breath. “On behalf of our brother, I’m sorry he’s such an asshole.”

With a tight smile, I shouldered the door open and climbed out of the car, scanning the parking lot for Nate. Things were hazy from when we parted last night. He’d given me a ride back to the house, but I’d insisted he drop me off at the end of the driveway to avoid being seen together.

Fat lot of good that had done me.

We hadn’t exchanged numbers or made any kind of promises to see each other again. Not that I wanted to. But I couldn’t pinpoint his motivations.

Why had he helped me?

And would he expect me to pay him back somehow?

I pushed all thoughts of Nate out of my head. I had bigger things to worry about, like the delightful sneers being thrown my way from Marc, Angelica, and their group.

“Ignore them,” Celeste said, coming around to lace her arm through mine.

“Good morning, my two favorite people.” Miles bounded toward us wearing a goofy smile. He slung his arm around Celeste’s shoulder. “What are we talking—” He spotted Marc and his friends, and said, “Say no more. Man, I really hate him.”

“Join the club,” I murmured.

We headed into school, and I stopped at my locker, leaving Celeste and Miles discussing our upcoming anti-pep rally. The details of which they were keeping to themselves. So long as it meant avoiding the actual pep rally at all costs, I was okay with whatever they had planned.

I yanked my locker open and grabbed a couple of textbooks I needed. When I closed the door, Nate grinned down at me. “Maguire.”

My brows furrowed. “Uh, hello.”

“Don’t look so worried. I’m not here to suggest we cut class or anything. Which, by the way, Diego gave me a real roasting for. What’s your punishment?”

“Punishment?” I frowned.

“Yeah, didn’t he—of course he didn’t. Guess it helps having a father who is a major school donor.”

“Harleigh?” Celeste said, and I glanced at her. “We’re heading to class if you’re ready?”

“Go on ahead and I’ll see you at lunch, okay?”

“You’re sure?” Her eyes lingered on Nate.

“Relax, Rowe. I come in peace.” He held up his hands.

“Okay, well, see you later.” Celeste dragged a gawking Miles down the hall, and Nate let out a breathy chuckle.

“And here’s me thinking Celeste was on my side.”

“There are sides now?”

He gave me a half-hearted shrug. “How are you feeling this morning?”

“It took a while for me to get going. What are you doing, Nate?”

“Well, I thought I was saying hi. But I’m sensing I missed the mark.”

“We’re not friends,” I said.

“You wound me, Maguire. I don’t hotbox my car for anyone, you know.” Amusement danced in his eyes, but I didn’t return his smile.

“I’d prefer it if you kept our… interaction to yourself.”

“Interaction? Is that what we’re calling it? You know,” he leaned in, lowering his voice, “some people might say I did you a favor.”

“Hey, Miller,” Marc’s voice made my skin crawl. I took a step back, putting some space between us, and glowered at him.

“Your friend is calling,” I said. “Better run along.”

Nate’s lips pursed as if he was considering his next words carefully. But they never came.

Instead, he gave me a small smirk and said, “See you around, Maguire,” and he disappeared down the hall.



As I entered third period, a wall of muscle stepped into the doorway, refusing me entry.

“Seriously?” I snarled up at Marc.

“What’s up with you and Miller?”

“What? Nothing.”

“Don’t act dumb, Maguire. I know you two cut class together yesterday. Ange said she saw him chase you out.”

“Why don’t you ask him since you’re such good friends and all?”

“I did ask him, and he wouldn’t tell me. So I’m asking you. Why the fuck would he come to your rescue?”

Nate hadn’t told him. Interesting. He could have easily sold me out to them, giving them even more ammunition to come at me with.

But he hadn’t.

I didn’t know what to make of it, or him.

“Maybe he was feeling chivalrous.”

“Or maybe you made it worth his while.”

“What the hell is that supposed to mean?”

“You know—”

“Mr. Denby, Miss Rowe, I assume you’re both about to go inside and take your seats?” The teacher glared at us both.

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