Home > Safeguarding Kelly(41)

Safeguarding Kelly(41)
Author: Zoe Dawson

Gathering her up in a rough embrace, he held her tightly. There were so many emotions breaking loose from too many years of holding back. It was as if his walking out the door had stripped everything away. And she knew she couldn’t let him go without saying how she felt.
One hand tangling in her hair, she cupped the back of his neck, hanging on to him, her whole body shaking, suddenly experiencing the same soaring sensation she had experienced so long ago, one that had never gone away. This was right. He was her freedom. But he would also be her anchor.
“What is it?”
“I’ve got something to say,” she said, pulling away so that she could look him in his so, so blue eyes. A thousand feelings washed through her, and she sagged against him. Jason stroked her back, molding her closer, his touch firm and reassuring. “I love you, Jason. I’ve never stopped loving you. We will be here when you get back, and I’ll do everything I can to make this right. That’s my promise.”
“You gotta know that I love you. I never stopped loving you,” he whispered unevenly. “You gotta know that, babe.”
She tightened her arms around his neck and nodded, focusing on the warm scent of him, the weight of his arms around her. Those were real and solid. And secure. He held her for a few more minutes, then he swept her hair back and tipped her face up. He gazed at her, his expression taut and solemn, then bent his head and kissed her—one of those long, wet, open-mouthed kisses that made her senses swim and her body go weak. And Kelly sank into it, tears seeping out from beneath her lashes, not sure how she was ever going to let him go.
Dragging his mouth away, Jason pressed his face against her neck and hugged her. “I gotta go, babe,” he whispered gruffly. He kissed her again, then let her go. His face carved with the import of her words, he threw his bag in the back, then climbed into the car, started it, and rolled down the window.
“I will see you on Monday. I’ll call and let you know when.”
Hugging herself, her throat so tight she couldn’t answer, Kelly nodded.
He stared at her for an instant, then the muscles of his jaw bunched, and he looked down as he put the car into reverse. With one final glance, he wheeled the vehicle into a sweeping turn, and with dust rolling around him, he headed toward the street.
And Kelly felt her daughter’s soft hand slip into hers and squeeze as the two of them watched him go, her vision blurring, the hope in her chest nearly intolerable. That was everything, not only to her, but to him, too. She could see it in his eyes and that hope blossomed into a huge, giant ache.
When Jenny came over to take Kiko for a playdate with her daughter, it gave Kelly a moment alone with her thoughts. The case continued to nag at her, but there was still nothing concrete she could offer as any kind of evidence to refute Blake’s arrest. When her communication app on her laptop chimed, she saw that it was Captain Nova Buchanan.
Kelly tapped the key to answer the video call.
“You’ve been avoiding me.” Nova’s eyes lit up when the connection went through. “I was about to make a reservation for San Diego. Luckily, it’s a short flight from Hawaii.”
Kelly’s relationship with Nova had only strengthened over the years since they were together in Alaska. Nova had moved from Kodiak to Coast Guard Station Barbers Point. It was a reward after her continued hardship service on the Bering Sea. She was now the executive officer in a tropical paradise. Even though she had taken on more administrative duties and was a mom to two children, four-year-old Lacy, and two-year-old Liam, she was still flying operational missions. The woman was certified in both commercial aircraft and helicopters. Her husband, Logan Buchanan was a sea captain in partnership with his two brothers and Nova’s dad back in Unalaska. They all owned the F/V Nova’s Gift, and along with his stints fishing on the Bering Sea, he was also a talented furniture designer and builder. His web business shipped pieces all over the world. They had made their hectic life work for them quite nicely.
“I’m sorry. It’s been…stressful.” Sticking an upbeat look on her face, Kelly worked at keeping herself together.
Nova leaned forward, her face scrunching up in concern. “I wasn’t kidding about flying there if you need me.”
“That’s not necessary, although I miss you very much. How’s Logan?”
Nova studied her friend, the smile leaving her eyes and a thoughtful, perceptive look appearing. She didn’t say anything for a moment, then said, her voice firm. “He and the kids are great, but don’t change the subject.”
It was the kindness that did it—that genuine compassion and understanding that came from deep within this woman who had been there when Kelly had needed her the most. And without any warning, Kelly’s unhappiness blindsided her. And she had to look away. She didn’t want to lose Jason or Kiko, or her freedom. She couldn’t bear it.
As if realizing Kelly couldn’t handle any show of sympathy, Nova kept her tone more businesslike as she said, “What’s going on?”
Feeling like a big baby, Kelly swallowed hard and straightened her back. She was so fed up with herself. She didn’t have patience for women who cried over everything, and she hated the fact that she had become one of them. She’d been reduced to tears more times in the past week than she had in her entire life. She needed to get a grip. “You will never guess who showed up in my morgue last week.”
When her life fell apart in Kodiak, she’d been able to hold it together and make a tough, albeit unfair decision. She would do the same thing now. Even though everything was up in the air, the way she felt about Jason came through in her husky voice. “Warrant Officer Jason Hollow.”
Nova’s eyes widened and she sighed. “Oh, my God.” There was only a brief pause as Nova absorbed that information. “Does he know about Kiko?”
Straightening, Kelly swallowed hard and stared off across the room, trying to control the sting in her eyes and the lump in her throat. “Yes, I told him. I couldn’t keep it from him any longer.”
There was another brief silence, then Nova asked, “Is he angry?” Her tone was carefully controlled. “I know you still love him. How does he feel?”
“We’ve rekindled our relationship, and I refuse to let him go again.” Nova’s features softened at that news. “But he was more hurt than angry.” She leaned forward and set her hand on her chin. “Yes, I still love him. He knows it and he still loves me. He’s so devoted to Kiko and she’s head-over-heels for her dad.”
“Does she know?”
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