Home > The Gift of Cockleberry Bay (Cockleberry Bay #3)(24)

The Gift of Cockleberry Bay (Cockleberry Bay #3)(24)
Author: Nicola May






With Titch up to her eyes in baby teeth, puppies and wedding preparations, Rosa had told her to have a day at home to sort herself out. All the goings-on at the pub last night had got in the way of Rosa doing a pregnancy test, but was that still necessary? This morning she had woken up feeling slightly sick and with a sensation in her tummy that she had never felt before, so she was certain that something was happening down there. Unless it was due to the sheer number of ghoulish iced cakes that she had consumed in the café the day before.

She’d not heard anything from Lucas, but then why would she? Rosa thought. He’d have a lot on his plate, with a death to register and a funeral to arrange. Chief village gossip Edie Rogers, mother of Titch’s fiancé Ritchie, had reported that Luke and his brother Tom had managed to book rooms in a hotel in Polhampton, so she assumed they were still there.

Rosa was just cleaning the back kitchen when the shop bell rang.

‘I’ll be with you in a minute!’ she shouted through to the front. Hot poked his nose out from under his blanket to see who was there, then settled back down in his basket in the corner. Wiping her hands on a towel, Rosa came through and greeted the sun-kissed surfer dude.

‘I should have been cross with you, Scott Wilde, for telling the world that ownership of my shop is open to any bugger who wants it. But thankfully, that led to me having a serious think about how I could pass it on in a way that suited both my family and the community.’

‘Have you had many envelopes in yet?’

‘Not one. I guess people are considering their actions, or maybe there isn’t anyone out there who wants to take it on. Who knows?’

Scott laughed. ‘For one so streetwise, I don’t believe you see that happening. A free shop in this beautiful setting?’

‘It’s a massive decision if you are moving down here, and still a risk. I think people buy people, if you know what I mean. Somebody could take on this place and keep it running as it is, but they may not have the same impact as the delectable me, Hot and Titch greeting customers.’ Rosa smirked.

‘Look at you bigging yourself up, but yes, it’s not just the dog treats I’d be after if you weren’t already hitched.’ Rosa tutted at the cocky reporter as he went on cheekily, ‘If I wasn’t so ambitious about becoming a name in the media world, I might even consider making a play for it myself.’ He winked and clicked his tongue.

‘Have you not got work to do, Mr Wilde, by name and nature?’

‘Later I have, but for now I’ve got a date with a new señorita. I’m meeting her at the café, or should I say, your café in ten minutes.’

‘So – to what do I owe this pleasure?’

‘Oh, I was just checking in to say hello to the little Rich Bitch of the Bay and to see what was going on with the shop sale – not a lot, by the sound of it. C’est la vie.’

‘You’ll be the first to know – not.’

‘I know you don’t mean that. Watch out for charlatans, eh, though, Rosa. You never know who’s waiting in the wings to schmooze you without you being aware.’

‘Scott, with my background, I’d like to think I’d know if someone was trying to bamboozle me.’

‘That’s quite a word for a Monday. Even with my exemplary writing skills I’m not sure I know how to spell it. Have a good day, pal.’

Rosa became thoughtful as Scott sauntered off down the street. He didn’t miss a trick, and reminded her of Joe Fox with his duplicitous ways. How love had blinkered her then, but things had changed. Yes, without doubt she loved the Corner Shop and all it stood for, but she had vowed she would never be blind-sided like that ever again, in any aspect of her life.






Rosa had taken a lot of care preparing for a FaceTime call with Josh that evening. She had borrowed a baby sleepsuit off Titch and spent ages sticking felt letters she had got from the craft shop in Polhampton on to it. It then took another age and more dog treats than were good for him, for Hot to be convinced that wearing such a thing around his bits was all in a greater cause. Fortunately, she had already relayed the sad tale of Sheila’s death by text message to Josh, so that she didn’t have to use precious call time with him on that sorry subject now.

‘You OK, wifey? Sorry about the noise, I’m walking to Midtown Manhattan for a meeting. Rosa, what have you been up to? You look a bit shifty.’

‘Shifty? I think not. How else do I look?’

‘Er, gorgeous, as usual. What’s going on with you, Rosalar? You’re being very strange.’

She disappeared off the screen for a second to hoist up a miserable-looking Hot. As a New York fire-engine siren blasted across the airwaves, making Rosa feel like she was immersed in some Hollywood movie, she held up the now struggling dachshund in his babygrow, which announced in multi-coloured letters WHO’S THE DADDY? Rosa had assumed that this would be a fun and wondrous moment in their lives: one which every mother-to-be dreams of when she announces her big news. However, she hadn’t reckoned with a dachshund’s digestion. The number of dog treats made a sudden and unwelcome reappearance as, with one huge, gulping retch, Hot proceeded to sick them up all over Rosa’s jeans and the iPad screen.

Josh was utterly bemused. Through the chaos of barking and noises of distress from Rosa, he said, ‘Bloody hell, Rosa, what’s happening – and why is Hot wearing that get-up? Hang on, don’t tell me – I need to cross the road.’ And on reaching the other side: ‘What did it say? I saw the words…’ Josh stopped and tried to work it out. ‘As in I’m Hot’s daddy? Or…’ His voice rose an octave. ‘Rosa, are you telling me what I think you are telling me?’

‘Yes, yes,’ Rosa gagged, ‘but I’ve also got Hot’s smelly sick literally all over me so I’m going to have to sort this and I will call you back straightaway, I promise.’

‘No, don’t go. You’ll have to get used to more than that all over you in nine months’ time. I love you so much, darling girl. When are you due? How are you feeling? And have you had any envelopes for the shop yet? I want to know it all!’

‘Josh, I’ve got to go. Ew, this stink.’ She gagged again. ‘Call me after your meeting. I’ll still be up, and we can have a proper chat then. I love you, Boo.’

‘Love you more and I take it I am the daddy?’ Another siren drowned out Josh’s laughter.

Feeling guilty for having subjected her beloved hound to such an ordeal, and rather glad he could only bark, not talk, so as not to report her to the RSPCA, she fussed Hot and gave him a bowl of fresh water. Then, wiping the lumps of sick off her jeans with a tea towel she went through to the lounge to open the balcony door for him, and to breathe in some fresh air. As she did so she noticed the security light coming on in the yard: somebody was entering through the back gate. There were only a few people who knew how to get in that way – and one of them was Lucas Hannafore.

Rosa shivered with the cold and slight trepidation as to what the handsome plumber might want. If he had taken advantage of her drunken state less than a year ago, then the question of: ‘who’s the daddy?’ really could have been debatable!

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