Home > My Year of Saying No(6)

My Year of Saying No(6)
Author: Maxine Morrey

‘I’d say yes, but I know it’s your year of saying no, so I’m thinking this might be a trick question.’

I grinned. ‘No tricks, I promise. The saying no thing doesn’t mean saying no to everything—'

‘I feel like this is information I really ought to pass on to Seb Marshall.’

‘Oh shoosh. Look, do you want me to come round with my incredible organisational skills tomorrow and help you whip this lot into shape so you can stop tying yourself up in knots about it all?’

‘I do.’

‘OK. Good. We’ll be round at ten.’

‘We?’ Her eyes lit up expectantly.

I rolled my own. ‘If you’re thinking what I think you’re thinking, I’m pretty sure the way to Seb’s heart is not to ask him to come and pack up my best friend’s house as a first date.’

Jess shrugged. ‘He’s ex-military. They’re usually really organised and like things just so. Who knows? That might be a dream date for him!’

‘He’s been on quite a few dates since I’ve known him and, as far as I can remember, none of them have veered in the direction of moving someone’s stuff. It’s been more candlelit dinners and walks in the great outdoors.’

‘And yet he’s still single. Perhaps because none of those dates were the perfect one?’ My friend was nothing if not persistent.

‘I really don’t know. I know one girl got funny about his prosthetic when it came to… getting intimate.’

‘Getting intimate? You all right, grandma?’ Jess laughed. ‘What do you mean, anyway? She didn’t know?’

‘Oh, she knew. He’s upfront about that and lives in shorts half the time anyway, but… I don’t know. I guess she hadn’t clicked that he takes it off at night or something.’

‘How did he seem after that?’ Jess’ forehead wrinkled with concern and I loved her for it.

‘OK. Just took it in his stride – no pun intended. He said it’s not the first time someone’s been uncomfortable about it, and it won’t be the last. He wasn’t bitter about it and didn’t hold it against her. Said it just showed she wasn’t the one for him and that was OK.’

‘Sounds like he has a pretty healthy attitude.’

‘He does. Although he’ll be the first to admit he struggled with that when he was first injured. I think that’s why he’s so good at what he does with the charity. He’s been there, literally.’

Jess went quiet.

‘I can practically hear the cogs turning. What?’

‘Does it bother you?’

‘Does what bother me?’

‘His injury.’

‘Of course not. Why would it?’

‘I don’t mean now. I meant if something happened. You know, between you two.’

‘Nothing’s going to happen, but it would still be the same answer. Why should it bother me? He’s still Seb. I’m just grateful that he survived and came out the other side of it.’

‘I agree. I have a soft spot for him, being your first client. I still remember how excited you were when you signed him up. Of course, that had nothing to do with you having seen his profile picture on his website…’ Jess arched a perfect brow.

‘It didn’t.’ Much. ‘I was just thrilled, and a little scared, that things were starting to happen.’

‘Of course.’ She nodded in a way that suggested she disagreed with the words coming from both our mouths.

‘Whatever. Do you want me to help you with this tomorrow or not?’


‘Then I suggest you stop giving me grief about my love life.’

‘Or lack thereof.’

‘Which is just the way I like it. I have Humphrey and that’s all the men I need in my life right now.’

‘Humphrey is wonderful, of course.’ At this, my little mutt woke up, basked for a moment in the praise, and then went straight back to sleep. ‘But I just worry about you. Especially once I move.’

‘You won’t be that far away.’

‘I won’t be round the corner any more.’

‘Jess, I’m fine. You’re not getting rid of me that easily.’

She flung her arms out. ‘I never want to get rid of you. I’m just worried you will hibernate even more without me living on top of you.’

‘Hibernation is very underrated, I find.’

‘This is not helping my concern.’

‘Oh, will you stop worrying? I’m fine. You’re supposed to be getting excited about this new step in your own life, not fretting about me.’

‘So, go out with Seb and I won’t.’

‘Jess, he lives two hours away. It’s not even practical. And that’s without the small point of the fact he’s never even hinted that he’d be interested. We’re just friends, and right now, that’s actually really good for me. We get on really well but I honestly don’t think we’d be all that compatible as anything more.’

‘What makes you say that?’ Jess asked, topping up my wine.

‘You know what he’s like. He’s missing part of a leg and he can, quite literally, still run rings around me when it comes to fitness and stuff like that.’

Jess paused, thoughtful for a moment. ‘You do have an affinity for your pyjamas, I will give you that. But you’re not entirely potato.’

‘Always good to hear.’

‘And you’re out every day now with Humphs.’

‘That’s true. It’s not been that long since I got him, although I can hardly remember how I got by without him in my life—’

‘We’re still talking about the dog, right?’

‘Yes. We are.’

‘OK. Just checking.’

‘Harry is aware how you’re like a dog with a bone sometimes, and how entirely annoying it is, right?’

‘Oh yeah. Absolutely.’

‘Good. Just checking.’ I echoed.

She grinned.

‘Anyway. As I was saying, I’ve already noticed some benefits to having him. Even just getting up to let him out for a tinkle gets me moving away from the computer, whereas I’d probably have sat there – correction, did sit there – for hours at a time before. And then, obviously, we have our walk every day, rain or shine. I’d never have just gone out for a random walk in the rain, but now I don’t even think about it. We just go.’

‘And they say it’s sociable, walking a dog.’

‘It can be. You start seeing some familiar faces and we’ve met a few dogs that Humphrey loves to see now.’

‘Anyone interesting?’

I looked up and immediately became suspicious at the far too innocent expression Jess was wearing. ‘Oh, for goodness’ sake! Just because you’re hooked up doesn’t mean I have to be!’ I said, half laughing, half exasperated. ‘Two minutes ago you were trying to set me up with Seb Marshall, and now we’re already on to the other dog walkers!’

‘I’m just giving you options!’

‘I choose the option of none of the above, thanks!’

Jess gave a dramatic roll of her eyes. ‘Fiiiiine.’

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