Home > My Year of Saying No(8)

My Year of Saying No(8)
Author: Maxine Morrey

‘You look like you could do with a rest.’

‘You know what I really fancy?’

‘Enlighten me.’

‘A spa weekend.’

‘Right now?’

‘No. Just to look forward to. This weekend, I want to just veg with Humphs in front of the telly, watch old films and eat crumpets.’

‘Crumpets? That’s very specific.’

‘I bloody love crumpets. And you’d better not say you don’t like them because I’m not sure we can be friends any more if you don’t.’

‘Then I most certainly do.’

‘Is that a fib?’

‘Nope. I like a bit of crumpet as much as the next man.’

‘You’re such a cliché.’

‘You say the nicest things.’

I toasted him with my tea cup and nodded.

‘I’m not sure crumpets are going to cover all the major food groups though.’

‘No. I suppose not. I will eat other stuff too. But mostly crumpets.’

Seb’s laugh took me by surprise and sent a warming thrill throughout my body. I really hated, and loved, when it did that.

‘What?’ I asked.


‘What about me?’

‘You just make me laugh. And, before you analyse it, that’s a good thing.’

I nodded in acceptance.

‘So. This spa thing? I take it you’ve done one before.’

‘No. I haven’t actually,’ I admitted.


‘I know. Everyone and their dog seems to have done one but me. But that’s the other thing.’

‘What is?’


‘I still can’t believe you called him that.’

‘Oh shoosh. He likes it, and so do I.’

Seb shook his head and made a motion with his hand for me to continue.

‘Well, I don’t want to leave Humphs out. My parents are off on one of their jaunts. Jess would take him, but I don’t really want to ask her. She’s still settling in and it seems a bit cheeky.’

‘Shame you don’t live closer.’

Wasn’t it just?

‘I’d take him otherwise.’

‘Even though you have a hang-up about his name.’

‘Even though. That just goes to show what a good guy I am.’

‘A good guy wouldn’t make fun of his name in the first place.’

‘I said I was good, not perfect.’

‘That is true. Anyway, I don’t live closer, so, unfortunately, that’s not an option either.’

‘Do you have any preference as to where you go for this spa weekend?’ Seb asked.

‘No, not especially. Why?’ I squinted at him. ‘You have your “I might have a plan” face on. Which is both worrying and exciting in equal parts.’

‘I wasn’t aware I had one of those faces, but it’s a good thing to know. And yes, I might just have a plan.’

‘Which is?’

‘An ex of mine is the manager of a small chain of boutique hotels and I’m pretty sure some of them do spa days. I’ve also got a feeling at least a couple of them are dog friendly because we talked about going to one once and obviously Scoobs would have had to come. I can ask her if you like.’

‘Ooooooo… K.’

He folded his arms, giving me a front row view of perfectly muscled forearms. Perhaps I should send him a couple of long-sleeve T-shirts for days I really needed to concentrate… ‘What’s up?’

‘You’re still in touch then?’



‘Spit it out, Lots.’

‘Well, I’m just a little concerned that if you enquire for me, that, depending on what you did, once she finds out I’m anything remotely connected to you, the rates they charge might suddenly double!’

His brows rose. ‘Who said I did anything?’

‘Did you?’

He furrowed his brow. ‘I don’t think so.’

‘Oh god, you totally did something.’

‘I did not,’ he laughed. ‘It was just one of those things that didn’t work out. Not enough spark, chemistry, whatever you want to call it. We still chat though. She’s a nice woman.’


‘Want me to see what I can find out?’

‘Do you mind?’

‘Of course not. It’d be my pleasure. Especially if I know you’re actually going to get some proper rest and pampering, then it’s definitely my pleasure.’

‘Don’t worry. I won’t let my work slide.’

His face was serious. ‘That’s not what I meant.’

‘No, I know. I’m just messing about.’

He nodded.

‘I promise. I know you look out for people. For me. And I do appreciate that. It’s very kind.’

‘I just want you to practise some of that self-care you spoke about earlier in the year. The last couple of weeks seem to have been about everyone but you.’

‘Which is why I’m looking into spa weekends.’

‘And why I’m going to get on that right now. Talk to you in a bit.’






I may have to give you a few days free for arranging this



I pressed send and put my phone down next to me on the table, exchanging it for a delicious juice full of organic goodness and a bunch of ingredients I’d never even heard of.

Good then?



My phone lit up as Seb’s reply came in. I’d turned the ringer off so that it didn’t disturb me or anyone else in the relaxing surroundings as various guests lay on loungers, some in swimsuits, some, like me, snuggled in the softest of fluffy white dressing gowns with a subtle logo embroidered on the right chest. The area was warm but not stuffy and an assortment of greenery, from small ferns to large palms, was interspersed around it, providing both privacy as well as that sense of relaxation that comes from being surrounded by plants.

Gorgeous! I’m still convinced they’re going to come and ask for the rest of the money! I can’t believe the deal you got me



I couldn’t help but wonder if perhaps something had reignited with Seb and his ex because I was pretty sure what I’d paid for this weekend was a fraction of what it should be. And that feeling caused a little ripple in my stomach. Which was ridiculous because Seb had dated plenty of people during the time I’d known him and it had never bothered me. So why did it send a quiver of curiosity through me now? I knew the answer, of course. Before, I hadn’t been single, so what Seb did and who he saw had no impact on me. But now that I was… I gave my towelled head a gentle boink back against the top of the lounger. Now that I was – it made no difference. I just needed my body to start listening to my brain.

A laughing face emoticon bounced in on to the screen and I could see that he was still typing.

Don’t worry about it. They won’t. Secret? They had someone cancel a package last minute. With you there, they know they’re getting some money on top of the other person’s deposit they lost, but they’d have been unlikely to fill it this late otherwise. You’re doing them a favour

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