Home > More of Us ( A Love You More Rock Star Romance #3)(14)

More of Us ( A Love You More Rock Star Romance #3)(14)
Author: Laura Pavlov

   She wanted a reaction out of me. It would be an easy out. I’d get pissed off, she’d say this is why we can’t hang out right now, and the night would end. And I didn’t want it to end.

   Nope. I wasn’t taking that path.

   “Dick clearly can’t kiss for shit, or it wouldn’t have only happened once.” I shrugged.

   She slapped my shoulder. “Shut up. That’s not it. He knows that I’m still getting over you.”

   “Do you think there’s a reason it’s taking you so long?” I smirked.

   Her face hardened. “Yes, Cruz. Because I love you too much, and it’s been hell getting over you. You tore my heart out. That’s why it’s taking me so long.”

   She stormed out of the car and hurried to the trunk to get her bags.

   I popped the trunk and reached for her forearm, wrapping my fingers around her delicate wrist. I turned her to face me. “I’m sorry. I fucked up. And I’m working hard to make up for it. I know it’s going to take time. So, if you think you need to date other people, including that douchebag, Dick—then do it. I’ll be here working on me and waiting for you.”

   How about them fucking apples, Dr. Evil.

   She blinked a few times, the streetlight shined down on her beautiful face, and she tilted her head to the side. “That’s very mature of you.”

   This was some kind of test that I wasn’t going to fail. I’d surprised her by remaining calm, and I’d even surprised myself. Chalk it up to months of therapy. Yes, I still wanted to smash Dick’s face in, or any guy who looked at her. But, like Dr. Roberts loved to remind me—I was in this shit show because of my own actions. So, I’d need to be patient.

   “What can I say? I’m very mature these days.”

   “How about you? Have you been sleeping with everything that moves?” she asked, studying my face like it hid all the answers to her questions.

   “Well, Jade, this might surprise you… but no. I haven’t fucked a single chick. And that’s all because of you,” I said, lips pursed.

   She narrowed her gaze at me. Her eyebrows pinched, and her hands moved to her hips. “How is it because of me?”

   “Well, if I’m being honest. You broke my dick.”

   Her head fell back in hysterical laughter, and damn if it wasn’t the best sound I’d heard in a long ass time.

   She leaned in close to me and whispered, “Like, literally? I bent it?”

   I barked out a laugh. “No. It’s not physically broken. I think it’s emotionally broken, at least that’s what Dr. fucking Evil thinks. Apparently, it doesn’t like anyone but you. You put some sort of spell on it, and now it has no interest in other girls.”

   “Is that so?”

   “That is so. You don’t need to look so judgy, though. Your nipples were telling a story of their own earlier.”

   She swatted my arm again. “Shut up with that. You really expect me to believe you’ve gone all summer without sex?”

   “It’s the fucking truth. Who would willingly admit their dick was broken? And, you’ve practically begged me to date. Why would I lie?”

   “That’s a good question. Well, I still think you should date. It doesn’t mean you have to sleep with anyone. Maybe play the field a little, you know? Make sure you know what you want.”

   “I’ve always known what I want. I just got lost for a little bit. And I believe right now, we’re waiting for you to figure out what you want, right?” I said, our hands somehow linked together of their own will.

   “Right,” she said, running the pad of her thumb over my palm. And damn if I wasn’t already hard again. All over. Her nearness had my body reacting like a teenage boy in puberty.

   “So, I leave tomorrow. How do you feel about a sleepover?”

   She rolled her eyes. “No.”

   “I thought we were friends. I believe you even said best friends. You don’t have sleepovers with your best friends?”

   She laughed. “Please. Like you’ve ever had sleepovers.”

   “I love me a good slumber party. Facials, and chocolate, and girl talk,” I said, fighting the urge to lean down and taste her sweet mouth.

   She turned and faced the car again. “What would be the purpose? We’re both tired. It’s late. You’re leaving tomorrow.”

   “Those are my exact arguments. We’re both tired, it’s late, and I’m leaving tomorrow. I’m not going to see you for a while. I always sleep better with you.” I took her bags and started walking toward her front door.

   “I’m not having sex with you. Nothing’s going to happen.”

   “Jesus, More Jade. Get your mind out of the gutter. When did you become such a dirty bird?” I laughed.

   “I’m not a dirty bird.” She huffed and pushed inside.

   Ari came out of her bedroom wearing pajamas and rubbing her eyes. “I’m so happy to have you back, roomie. I’ve missed you so much.”

   Jace sauntered out behind her wearing boxer shorts and nothing else. He fist-bumped me and reached over to hug Jade. “Thank God you’re back. I can’t talk about nail polish or fashion any longer.”

   “I’m really happy to be home.”

   “Okay, lunch tomorrow, right?” Ari said.

   “Yes. Can’t wait to hear everything that’s been going on.” Jade smiled at her friend and moved down the hallway to her room.

   I was actually shocked that she’d agreed to let me spend the night. I figured it was a long shot. But the thought of sleeping beside her, well it would be worth all the fucking discomfort I was about to face. I’m sure I’d be awake the entire night with a raging boner, but so be it.

   “So, I need to take a bath,” she said, fidgeting with the promise ring I’d given her, that now hung on a chain around her neck. Hell, I was just happy she still wore it.

   “Want company?” I pressed. It was an asshole thing to say. She’d made it clear where she stood right now. But when it came to Jade, I’d always take the shot.

   “No, Cruz. I’ll be out in a little bit.”

   She shut the door, and I heard the lock click behind her.


   “I’m not going to come in uninvited,” I shouted through the door.

   “It’s a safety precaution.” She laughed, and I heard the tub water running.

   I checked my phone and responded to a few emails. I jotted down a few lyrics to a song that I was feeling at the moment. Being around Jade always inspired something deep inside me.

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