Home > Broken_ Broken #1(68)

Broken_ Broken #1(68)
Author: A. E. Murphy

Tommy cocks his head. “What do you mean?”

“Maybe it’s the whole rebellion thing. Or maybe they had women in mind for their sons. Who knows how they work?”

“Hmm.” Sasha starts walking again and we start following. “It is all a bit strange but it does happen. Remember that guy I dated?” She looks up in thought. “What was his name?”


“The one with the strange flick at the front of his hair.”

Tommy chuckles. “Reece?”

“That’s the one.” She clicks her fingers and smiles. “His parents were really strict. They hated it when they found out he was dating me. They wanted him to marry a girl from his neck of the woods.”

Ah, I remember that. “That guy was an idiot.”

“Yep,” Tommy chips in and places his arm around her shoulders. “Not that it matters much seeing as you forgot his name after only two years.”

Her hand whips around to smack his chest, her smile never faltering. “I was just using him for his car. When summer was over we dropped each other. He was sad about it, I just pretended to be.”

“Bitch,” I laugh in shock and kick a small pebble across the ground. “I thought me and Caleb would end the summer before I started University. I was so sure he was lying and saying pretty things to take my virtue.”


I elbow her to shut her up and continue. “He kept telling me he was staying but I couldn’t even comprehend the reality of a man as amazing as Caleb, after only a few days, promising me the world.”

“He always did promise you the world,” Sasha sighs wistfully, her hand clinging to mine.

“I don’t think he ever realised he’d already given me it,” I mumble, feeling that familiar ache of grief in my chest. “He was my world.”

“Soppy.” Tommy pretends to hurl on the sidewalk. Immature much?

“Do you think he’d be angry with me? I promised him I’d stay away from Nathan.”

Tommy shrugs. “Probably not. I mean, the circumstances haven’t been ideal. I’m sure he’s grateful to his brother.” Why don’t I feel like this is true?

Sasha shakes her head. “Nah, he’s definitely pissed. Caleb was the jealous type, but he’ll understand too. I don’t think you need to be worried about what he’ll be thinking. He knows you’re doing the best you can to get your life how you want it.”

“I hope you’re right.”

“We are.”



Chapter Nineteen


I cry when my friends leave at five. They promise to visit again in a couple of weeks, so our parting wasn’t too difficult. It was difficult hugging them and thanking them for all they did for me. It brought back painful memories but it needed to be said.

When they left, I instantly raced up the stairs and pulled the envelope back out of the drawer.

It’s been half an hour and I’m still stood slapping it against my other hand, wondering how I’m going to deal with this.

“Gwen?” Nathan shouts as the front door closes.

Oh bugger, I was supposed to make dinner. I hastily throw the envelope back in the drawer and jog to the stairs. “Sorry, I fell asleep.” I’m lying. What I want to say is, ‘You mind fucked me with your note and ring and I stared into space for god knows how long.’

He smiles, his eyes softening. “No problem. Go and rest, I’ll make dinner.”

“Umm, no, that’s okay. You’ve been driving and I just… I’ll go and…” I point to the kitchen. “That way.”

His lips twitch. “Everything okay?”

“Yeah.” I turn and walk straight into the small desk that holds a vase of fresh flowers that I stocked only two days ago. I grab it before it can roll, inwardly cursing at my clumsiness.

Nathan takes a few steps over to me. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah, just…” He asked me to marry him, in a note, which I guess is better than him asking me to my face. I don’t think I could handle that. “I’m a little out of sorts. Is that the kettle? Did you press the kettle?” I begin my journey to the kitchen but Nathan’s hand wrapping around the back of my shirt stops me. “Problem?”

“I was about to ask you the same thing.” He’s standing right behind me, like directly behind me. “Is there something you want to talk about?”

My mouth opens and closes. Do I? “I should start dinner if we want to eat before midnight.”

Even though his chest is to my back and I can’t see him, I know he’s licking his lip. “I’ll help.”

“You don’t have to.” I tug forward but he pulls me back and my heart hits my throat, I can hear it in my ears.

“I want to.”

“’Kay.” Gulp.

He finally releases me and follows me into the kitchen. I collect the ingredients needed and start preparing. Nathan stands to the side waiting for orders.

“Could you pass me the milk?” I ask as I cut the pasta sheet into smaller squares and start filling each one. He looks over my shoulder as I dip the sealed parcels in the milk and place them in the boiling water. “Why did you leave last night?”

“I wanted to give you and your friends some privacy,” he responds and I’m shocked by his honesty, although now I feel guilty. “Don’t look like that, I didn’t mind. I had work to do anyway.”

“Well… thank you.” I look at him with a grateful smile and grab the salad bowl. “How are things with your parents?”

“My father is furious but he’s also scared. My mum isn’t speaking to me and the business is suffering because my father refuses to change his stock and prices.”

“That’s not good.” I shake my head a little as my hand wields the salad knife on rolled up lettuce. “What are you going to do?”

“Actually…” His lips purse as if thinking about whether or not he should tell me. “I was thinking of starting my own.”

I stop chopping and tilt my head. “Your own jewellery business?”


My curious expression slowly melts into a smile. “Nathan, that’s a brilliant idea.”

He blinks as if shocked. “You think so?”

“I know so. You’ll do great! The jewellery you showed me is fantastic. Better than anything I’ve seen of your dad’s.” It’s true, his jewellery is really good, although I don’t speak for everyone. We all have different tastes. But if his dad’s business is failing then maybe that’s the direction he should go. I tell him my thoughts and his face stretches into a smile I’ve not seen on him before. It makes him look very handsome. Too handsome.

“You have no idea how…” He clears his throat and chews on his lip for a moment. “You’re amazing. Thank you.”

“I didn’t do anything,” I laugh, enjoying his giddiness that makes him look his age rather than the age he pretends to be.

“Excuse me for a moment.” He leaves the room and races up the stairs like a kid going for his favourite toy.

Still smiling, I look back at the meal I’m preparing and continue with it. This has been a very, very good day.

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