Home > Lincoln (Knights Corruption MC - Next Generation, #2)(37)

Lincoln (Knights Corruption MC - Next Generation, #2)(37)
Author: S. Nelson

Ace pulled a phone from inside his cut. “You left this at my place.” She snatched it from him, looking at all of us briefly before turning her focus back on him. Her scowling at him should’ve been enough of a hint that she didn’t want to see him, but he didn’t turn and walk away. Instead, he poured gas on the fire.

“What’s wrong with you?” he growled, stepping closer to her so as not to be so obvious they were about to argue. Little did he know that all eyes were on them.

“You’re way too friendly with everyone,” she grated.

“What are you talkin’ about?”

“First Natalie and now Maddie?”

“You’re blowing things way out of proportion like usual.”

“Am I?” she asked, shoving him out of the way so she could stand. Chelsea took a few steps away from him, mumbling something under her breath, but she didn’t get too far before he grabbed her arm to stop her. His grip wasn’t strong, however, because she easily dislodged herself from his hold and briskly walked toward the back of the salon. I thought I heard her say “fucker,” but I couldn’t be sure.

“Christ!” Ace threw his head back and grunted, and I was positive if he were anywhere but here, surrounded by his buddies and other women, he would’ve flipped the fuck out. But he restrained himself.

“Maybe you should go,” I said, coming to stand beside him with a supportive pat on his back.

“Yeah.” He shook his head. “Fuckin’ women,” he mumbled before walking toward the door. But he stopped when he reached the desk, turning back to look at me. “When’s your next fight?”

I shrugged. “I haven’t heard from Rico.”

“Maybe we should talk to Marek about having you lie low for a bit.” His eyes raked over Maddie, but thankfully she didn’t notice, too busy paying attention to whatever Riley said to her.

“Yeah.” I gave a short answer because I honestly didn’t know how I was gonna handle entering a fight so soon after what happened at the last one. I had no doubt the Reapers would show up, and God only knew the outcome this time around.






“Wow! This look certainly fits you.” Riley fiddled with my hair before stepping to the side, her eyes on mine in the mirror to see my reaction. When I pried my attention from her and onto me, my mouth fell open. How could something as simple as bangs change my look, almost completely? Even the whites of my eyes looked brighter. She cut a couple inches off, so now the length of my strands hit slightly above my collarbone. Whereas earlier my hair appeared lifeless and dull, it looked vibrant, rich.

“I love it, Riley,” I gushed, working to keep my unshed tears at bay. She had no idea what her simple act had done for me, and while I didn’t want to make a fool of myself in front of her and everyone else here, I couldn’t stop my emotions from barreling to the forefront.

“Oh, please don’t cry. ’Cause then you’re gonna make me cry, and I don’t feel like fixing my face.” She laughed, giving me a side hug before motioning for her brother. Every now and again, I’d caught Lincoln looking over at me, smiling whenever our eyes met. He was talking with Kaden and Brick when Riley waved him over. “What do you think?” she asked, moving out of the way when he stepped closer. His hand brushed my arm, a tingle of excitement swirling deep in my belly, and possibly someplace else.

“You look even more gorgeous than before.” His voice dipped. “I didn’t think that was even possible.” The compliment threw me even though he’d previously told me he thought I was beautiful. I’d been drinking then, my boldness pouring out of me before I could think better of it, even going so far as to kiss him.

I looked away for a moment, the intensity in his stare borderline too much. “Thank you.”

Lincoln traced his finger over the top of my hand, the touch triggering heat to bloom beneath my skin. I jerked my head up, catching the smile on his stunning face the same time he winked at me.

“You ready?” he asked, holding out his palm to me.

“Yeah.” I glanced at my reflection one last time before exiting the seat, placing my hand in his and allowing him to help me stand. He didn’t step back, which caused me to bump into him. “Sorry.” Only then did he back up enough to give me space, but not enough to allow me to breathe without inhaling his smell. If we were alone, I’d bury my nose in the crook of his neck and never leave. But we weren’t alone. We were surrounded by his sister and his friends. If I acted in such a way, they would definitely think there was something wrong with me, if they didn’t think that already.

“Thanks again, Riley. I love my new hair.”

She leaned in and kissed my cheek. “Anytime.” She then looked to her brother. “Don’t keep her hidden away in the clubhouse. Bring her by the house for dinner soon.”

“Whose house?”

“Mom and Dad’s,” she replied.

“I’ll bring her by there if you invite Kaden, too.”

Riley squinted at him, her teeth toying with the corner of her bottom lip. “Yeah. Can you imagine?”

“I can,” Kaden interjected. “And that’s not somethin’ I wanna experience again right now.”

Instead of trying to decode their conversation, I focused on the part where Lincoln tried to barter with his sister about bringing me to their house for dinner. Was that his subtle way of telling her he didn’t want me there, without blatantly saying it in front of me? Was he embarrassed of me? I thought his mom liked me, so I doubted she was the issue.

Normally, I would keep my mouth shut, but as we walked toward the door, I pulled my hand from his.

“You okay?”

I gave him a halfhearted shrug. Again, I wouldn’t typically question anyone’s statements, but his resistance to take me to his house hurt my feelings.

“Why don’t you want to bring me to dinner?”

With the door held open, he gestured for me to walk outside ahead of him. “Let’s go,” he said to Brick and Kaden, allowing them a moment to say goodbye to Zoe and Riley. Turning his attention to me, he said, “It’s not that I don’t want to take you home for dinner, but I don’t think it’s a good idea.”

“Oh.” I was right. He was embarrassed of me. “I understand. I thought since your mom was so nice to me, she liked me.”

Lincoln pulled me to the side as his friends passed and headed toward their bikes. “Maddie, what are you talkin’ about?”

I looked down at my feet. “You’re ashamed of me. Which is okay. I understand. I’m just thankful you saved me.” I felt the tears brewing, but I didn’t want to break down in front of him, especially out in public where I would have no shield whatsoever if things really turned south.

“I’m not ashamed of you.” He shifted his feet. “Maddie.” I kept my eyes lowered, my emotions whirling through me faster and faster. “Look at me.” Still, I kept my eyes averted. “Please.” I didn’t know if it was the pleading in his voice or the pain I thought I heard, but I lifted my head. “I’m not ashamed of you,” he repeated. “I just don’t think it’s safe. We don’t know what the Reapers are gonna do, so I don’t want to take any chances. The only reason I brought you here today was because I have backup with me,” he said, pointing toward Kaden and Brick, who were looking at us with interest. “Do you understand?”

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