Home > Lincoln (Knights Corruption MC - Next Generation, #2)(33)

Lincoln (Knights Corruption MC - Next Generation, #2)(33)
Author: S. Nelson

“Because he’s bein’ a pain in the ass.”

“What’s new there?” The memory of the blowup last week was still fresh in our minds.

“Kaden’s done with whatever it is he’s doin’.” Her tone dipped, sounding angrier than not. “And he said he’ll be back in the garage in the next half hour. I just don’t want another encounter like last time.”

Instead of focusing on her worry, which was justified, I asked, “What’s with the attitude about Kaden?” Typically, I didn’t involve myself in their relationship, which I was still getting used to, but she sounded annoyed.

“I hate when he goes to those clubs.”

“He has to, Ry. He needs to stop by to check on the status of the reno. The fire did more damage than we thought.” I wasn’t in the habit of discussing club business with my sister, but this information wasn’t a big deal. Besides, it was because of my dumb ass that she’d been there when the fire broke out, so I wanted to give her an update, even though I didn’t have to. Silence greeted me on the other end of the line. “He’s not doin’ anythin’ there with anyone.”

“I know. I still don’t like it.”

“I get it.” There wasn’t anything more I could say to her on the subject. “Hey, can you do me a favor?”

“We both know how well the last favor you asked me turned out.”

“You ever gonna stop reminding me about that?” I wasn’t upset at the dig.

“Probably not.”

“Whatever.” She chuckled, giving me the in to ask her what I wanted. “Do you think you can swing by the house and grab Maddie a few things to wear? She doesn’t really have anything here.”

“Sure. I think I have some stuff in the back of my closet that might fit her.”

“And do you think I can bring her by the salon? Maybe you can pamper her a bit, take her mind off things?”

“Of course. I’ll let her know when I get there.”

“Thanks, sis.”

We hung up as I saw Kaden driving back into the lot, backing his bike into his assigned spot. When he cut his engine, I was next to him. “Ry’s on her way over to see Maddie.”

“I can only hope she’s still not mad at me.” Kaden dropped his helmet on his seat. “I can’t help it if I have to do my fuckin’ job,” he grated, plucking his phone from the pocket inside his cut. “I can’t pick and choose what I’m responsible for.”

“You don’t have to tell me.”

“I love your sister like crazy, but sometimes I wanna sew her mouth shut.” While I hadn’t been privy to the details of their conversation, Kaden’s comment, although not entirely serious, told me this wasn’t the first time they’d argued, and it certainly wouldn’t be the last. My sister was hardheaded, as was Kaden, and even though no one knew about their relationship from years ago, the two of them had always gone at it since we were kids. So, to hear him express his annoyance about Riley wasn’t new.

“Try livin’ with her.”

“I am tryin’.”

Apparently, no matter how aggravated he was with her, he still wanted her to move in with him. A few people had told him to slow down, myself included. One, because they just got back together and two, he didn’t need to throw that in my dad’s face so soon. Let the man calm down a bit before springing that on him. But Kaden didn’t care. Patience was not one of his virtues.

My attention shifted when another bike turned into the lot. The cut was ours, but I couldn’t readily tell who it was until he parked, killed the engine, and took off his helmet.

Rez, one of our brothers from the Laredo charter, the one helping to keep watch over Tag, swung his leg over his ride and strode toward us.

“Hey, guys,” he greeted, shaking our hand one after the other. “Is Marek around?”

“He stepped out, but he should be back soon. You want something to drink while you wait?” Kaden asked, walking toward the clubhouse. Rez followed, as did I.

“Sure. It’s been a long fuckin’ day already.”

The Knights member from Texas had olive-tinted skin, his inky-colored hair long and wavy, a-few-days-old scruff covering his face. He was similar in height to me and Kaden, only an inch or so shorter. His build was thin, but I wouldn’t classify him as lanky.

“Plans not lining up?” I was curious how things were going at the house where Tag was being held. Did he have free roam of the place while Nash, Miles, and Rez supervised, or was he confined to one room like I suspected?

“As good as can be expected,” he responded, taking a seat at the bar. Trigger came out of the kitchen as Kaden and I joined Rez, the old man leaning forward and clasping his hand. “Haven’t seen you in a bit.”

“Yeah, not since the ruckus we had a few years back.”

“That shit was crazy.” Trigger laughed. “I don’t think I slept for two days.”

“That’s ’cause you snagged some crazy pussy.” He tied his hair back before accepting a beer from Trigger. “Shocking for an ol’ bastard like you.”

“Don’t underestimate the draw of the gray,” he said, sliding his hand over the top of his short hair.

“Did someone say somethin’ about a ruckus?” Hawke took a seat two down from me and tapped the top of the bar. Trigger slid him a beer. “I fuckin’ miss those.”

“What’s a ruckus?” I asked. I had somewhat of an idea but wasn’t sure.

“A ruckus was the best throwdown of all time. An anything-goes type of party. No wives or girlfriends allowed, only party favors. Wannabes galore,” Hawke said.

“Wannabes?” Kaden asked.

“A chick who wanted to be someone’s ol’ lady. But that would never happen because ain’t none of us givin’ any bitch who slept with half the club that title.” Hawke took a swig of his beer, wiping the corner of his mouth when some of the liquid came out too fast. “The good ol’ days.”

“If I remember correctly, you were shit at a ruckus,” Trigger chided, throwing a dishtowel at Hawke. “Edana always caught your ass.”

“That she did.” Hawke laughed, but the sound quickly faded, a hazy look shadowing his eyes before his smile slipped.

“Speaking of,” Trigger started. “Where is your ol’ lady?”

“In Florida, visiting her sister. When Marek called and told me he wanted me here for a bit, I didn’t want to leave her alone, not knowing exactly how long all this was gonna take.”

“Well, tell her I asked about her.”

Hawke tipped the head of his bottle toward Trigger and nodded. The mood seemed to have switched, resembling something somber, that was until Rez spoke up.

“We still have ’em,” he said. “A ruckus is called for every now and again.”

“Lucky bastard,” Hawke and Tripp responded simultaneously.

“Why did we stop?” I asked, wondering why our club hadn’t thrown one since I’d been part of the Knights. Come to think of it, I didn’t ever remember the word ruckus ever uttered before.

“Before the war with the Reapers ended, we chose any excuse possible to throw one, realizing our lives could end at the drop of a hat. Live like tomorrow’s not promised and all that shit,” Hawke answered. “But then after we got rid of the threat, there really wasn’t a reason to have one. Besides, all these fuckers,” he said, pointing around the clubhouse even though there wasn’t anyone else present beside us, “all wound up gettin’ pussy-whipped and didn’t want to have anything to do with the club whores anymore.”

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