Home > Lincoln (Knights Corruption MC - Next Generation, #2)(36)

Lincoln (Knights Corruption MC - Next Generation, #2)(36)
Author: S. Nelson

“How can you say that? Something is obviously wrong if everyone was told to carry a weapon when they never had to before.” Riley’s face flushed, and it was only a matter of seconds before she exploded. Because I didn’t want Maddie to be caught in the middle of a potentially volatile scene, I pulled my sister away from everyone else so I could have a few words with her.

“I don’t like this one bit, Linc,” she muttered.

“I know. I’m not a fan either, but we have to protect ourselves in case something happens.”

“What’s gonna happen?” Her eyes searched mine for an answer I wasn’t allowed to give. Club business was just that… business of the club. But I would give her a tidbit of information to try and put her mind at ease. “The Reapers are gonna come back at us because I took Maddie from them. We don’t know how or when, but we need to be ready when they do.”

“I don’t like it,” she repeated.

“You don’t have to.” I realized how clipped my tone sounded when she raised her brows at me. “This is hard enough for all of us,” I confessed. “You would do well to stop giving the guy such a hard time.” My sister was stubborn and would argue until she ran out of words, a trait I never found appealing, as I was sure Kaden didn’t either. But she had a right to speak her mind, like I did, and I told it to her straight, hoping she’d back off a bit on this issue. “If you wanna give him a hard time, do it later and not in front of Maddie. I don’t need her feeling any worse about her situation than she probably already does.”

My protectiveness over Maddie grew each day. Strike that, I believed it grew each hour, and I knew one thing for sure. I’d do everything in my power to keep her safe and if that meant killing someone in order to do it…. My thoughts drifted away from me because I didn’t want to think about the details, albeit hypothetical for right now. Then again, that was the potential danger I faced, we all faced. My assumed threat could turn real at any time.

“I’ll talk to Kaden in private about this,” she finally conceded. “Because you’re right, Maddie doesn’t need any more drama in her life right now.” She walked away before I could thank her.

“So, Maddie, what do you wanna do today? Different style? Or only a trim?” Maddie’s eyes met mine in the reflection of the mirror, and I wasn’t sure if she sought my approval or genuinely didn’t have an answer for Riley.

“Um… I’ve always wanted bangs.”

“Bangs would look great on you. You have the perfect face shape to pull them off. Are you okay if I cut off a couple inches as well? You have some dead ends.”

“Sure,” she answered, her voice timid.

As Riley grabbed her scissors, she turned to look at me, then to Kaden. “Are you guys gonna hover around the entire time? Don’t you have somewhere to go?”

“We’re not leavin’,” Kaden answered before I could. There was no way I’d ever leave Maddie here alone. Not that I didn’t trust my sister with her, but if anything popped off while we were gone, I’d never be able to forgive myself.

“If you’re so worried, you could have the big guy stay behind.” Riley jerked her chin toward Brick, who was still huddled with Zoe in the corner. God only knew what was goin’ on with them, but if Ryder walked in here right now, the situation wouldn’t be pretty.

“He’s busy,” I said. As I inhaled to say something else, Chelsea came barreling into the salon, her face flushed, and looking like she was out of breath.

“’Bout time you got here,” Braylen chastised. “Your client will be here any second.”

“You know I’m usually here early, but time got away from me.” She plopped down in her chair and released a heavy breath. “What are you guys doin’ here?” Chelsea looked to all three of us, although Brick’s back was still facing the group.

“I thought Maddie could have some fun.”

She leaned forward and looked around her best friend. “Who’s Maddie?”

“Linc’s woman,” Kaden blurted, making me cringe. If we were alone, I’d punch him. Then again, if no one else was around, I’d have no reason to be upset. I immediately looked at Maddie and saw her tense, but when Riley whispered something to her, she relaxed, although only marginally.

I could’ve corrected him and told everyone, including Maddie, that she wasn’t my woman, but I didn’t want to say such a thing. I barely knew her, but something inside me prohibited the words from leaving my mouth.

Riley moved to the side so that Chelsea could see the person in her chair. “This is Maddie.”

“Oh. Hi.” Chelsea smiled before leaning back. I could see the wheels hard at work in her overactive brain, and because I didn’t want her to spew a bunch of questions or comments at me, or anyone else for that matter, I asked her something which would redirect her attention.

“Where’s Ace?”

She shifted uncomfortably, averting her gaze. “How should I know?”

“You two make up from your drunken brawl?” I knew they had, or at the very least she’d let him back into her house the night I could’ve died, still thanking whoever or whatever saved me that night by only having the bullet graze the side of my head.

“Wha… what?”

“What do you mean what?” Kaden asked, taking a step toward her. “Which, by the way, was fucked up. That’s the last time you put Riley in that kind of situation.”

“Kaden.” A twinge of warning sliced through both syllables of his name when it escaped Riley’s mouth.

“I mean it,” he said, shoving his hands in his pockets before narrowing his eyes at her best friend.

“Then you need to talk to him yourself. It was Ace’s fault all that went down in the first place.” Chelsea glared at Natalie when she walked past her toward her own station.

“What happened?” Natalie asked, completely oblivious to the aggression wafting toward her.

“Nothing,” Chelsea answered, crossing her arms over her chest.

“Fine.” Natalie huffed. “Leave me out of all the juicy convo. See if I care.” She pulled out her phone, giving the device all her attention.

Even though she and Maddie were only a year apart, Natalie being older, the difference in maturity was astounding. During the times I’d been around Natalie, she came off as self-absorbed, either making comments about lusting after guys or partying. Maddie, on the other hand, had been through stuff no one should have to go through. Her biggest worry in life was safety, not drinking and hooking up.

Consumed with the rampant thoughts firing off inside my overcharged brain, I wasn’t paying attention when Ace suddenly walked into the salon. Speak of the devil.

“Hey. What are you guys doin’ here?” No one got the chance to answer before he saw Maddie, heading straight for her. “Nice to see you outside the clubhouse.” He chuckled, touching her shoulder in familiarity. She smiled at him, and even though I realized he was only being nice, their interaction annoyed me.

But apparently, my feelings toward the two of them were nothing compared to Chelsea’s. Fire lit behind her eyes when she saw Ace touch Maddie, her posture straightening right before she unfolded her hands. The chick looked like she was ready to blow.

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