Home > Securing Avery (SEAL of Protection Legacy #5)(49)

Securing Avery (SEAL of Protection Legacy #5)(49)
Author: Susan Stoker

But maybe Avery wasn’t that woman.

Without another word, Rex pulled up as close to her stairs as he could and gripped the steering wheel tightly.

“Thanks for the ride,” Avery said softly.

“You’re welcome.” Rex held his breath and prayed that she would ask him in so they could talk.

But she didn’t. She opened the car door and slid out, closing it firmly behind her. Then she practically ran from the car and up the stairs. Rex watched until he could see the lights turn on in her apartment, then he pulled out and headed back to his own, his heart heavy.



Avery sat in a corner of her bedroom, knees to her chest, heart pounding. Every single light she owned was turned on, and yet it was still too dark. There were still shadows in the corners and waiting for her just outside her door and windows. Every time she closed her eyes, she was afraid when she opened them, all she’d see was blackness. Like when she was in that cave.

She’d spoken to Dr. Halterman, but couldn’t bring herself to admit how fucking petrified she was of the dark. It was stupid. She’d been in the dark right after she’d been rescued. She’d slept outside. It had even been dark on the plane when they’d flown home.

But upon reflection, every time she’d been in the dark in those cases, she’d been with Cole. He’d been by her side, keeping her demons at bay. She’d done her best over the last week, especially since her parents had left, to overcome this…weakness…but it was getting worse, not better.

She hadn’t slept more than a few hours here and there in a week, and every aspect of her life was suffering as a result. She looked like shit. Couldn’t concentrate at work. And tonight she’d fallen asleep in the fucking police station while she was supposed to be figuring out who had purposely told that Afghani insurgent to kill her without a second thought.

Then, to top it off, it had been Cole who’d found her like that. Asleep on the job. Some naval officer she was. She’d punched him and practically fallen on her head. Not her finest moment.

She hadn’t meant to piss Cole off, but apparently she had. She didn’t want to talk. She wanted to sleep, but knew she wouldn’t. She’d wanted to ask him to stay. Wanted to beg him to stay with her. But he’d clearly been upset, and the last thing she needed was to deal with his censure.

Wanting to cry, but not having the energy, Avery sat in the corner for hours. Trying not to blink. Trying to keep the darkness away. She was supposed to be at work at oh-eight hundred in the morning but she knew there was no way she’d be able to make it. She’d end up giving the wrong medicine to someone or unable to properly diagnose a patient. The last thing she wanted to do was hurt someone else because of her issues.

Looking at the clock and seeing it was nearly two-thirty in the morning, so desperate for sleep, Avery couldn’t stop herself from reaching up to the small table next to her bed and grabbing her phone. She clicked on Cole’s name and brought the phone to her ear.


Cole’s voice was scratchy, and it was obvious she’d woken him up. It was one more thing to feel bad about.


“Avery?” He sounded much more awake now. “What’s wrong?”

“Can you come over?” she asked, knowing she sounded way more pathetic than she wanted.

“I’m on my way. Talk to me, sweetheart. Tell me what’s wrong.”

Avery couldn’t talk. Her throat had closed up. She knew she was on the verge of a mental breakdown and if she said even one more word, she’d lose it.

“At least tell me if you’re hurt. Are you in danger? Is someone there?”

“No,” she choked out, the one word answering both his questions.

“Okay, I’m coming, Avery. Right now. When I get there, can you open the door for me?”

Avery nodded.


Realizing he couldn’t see her, she managed to whisper, “Yes.”

“Okay. Give me ten minutes and I’ll be there. I’m coming, Avery. Just hold on.”



Chapter Sixteen



Rex drove like a bat out of hell.

He’d been irritated when his phone had rung, but could no longer deny the thought of going on a mission wasn’t exactly a bad one.

Hearing it was Avery instead had scared him to death. He hadn’t even considered saying no when she’d asked if he could come over.

All sorts of scenarios were running through his head about what could be wrong. She’d said no one was there, but what if she had to say that because they were right there, threatening her? What if the traitor had left Afghanistan already and was trying to break in?

Shit, he was overreacting and he knew it. Avery was at the end of her rope. Exhausted, scared, and dealing with PTSD. He was an idiot for not insisting on staying with her earlier.

Kicking himself, Rex drove even faster. He pulled into a parking space right in front of her building and raced up the three flights of stairs to her home. Her apartment stuck out because it was the only one with lights on at this time of the morning.

And not just one light, but from what he could see, every single light in her place was blazing.

He knocked on her door, then immediately tried the knob. It turned in his hand and, despite his surprise, he blew out a sigh of relief. He would’ve broken the door down if he had to, but he much preferred not to cause a ruckus this early in the morning.

“Avery?” he called out as he entered her apartment. Rex locked the door behind him, then went looking for her.

The space wasn’t very big, so it didn’t take him long to find her. He was about to walk down the hallway to her bedroom when he looked to his left.

There she was, huddled in a corner of her small dining room next to her kitchen, her knees drawn up to her chest and her arms around them. Her eyes were open, but she seemed to be staring straight ahead at nothing. Her knuckles were white with how hard she was holding onto herself, the dark bags under her eyes looking even deeper in her pale complexion. She was wearing shorts and a tank top instead of her usual scrubs or uniform.

He hadn’t exactly missed her spiraling downward, but he’d vastly overestimated her ability to recognize the signs herself, and deal with them.

Deciding his questions could wait, Rex immediately strode over to the table. He crouched down, somewhat afraid to touch her. He didn’t want to startle her or set her off in any way.

“Avery? It’s Cole. I’m here.”

Her gaze flicked up to him and she blinked. “Cole?”

“Yeah, baby, it’s me. What’s wrong?”

“The dark,” she whispered. “I can’t make the dark go away.”

Rex’s heart broke for her. “Can I touch you, sweetheart?”

“Please,” she begged.

Without a second’s hesitation, Rex leaned over and picked her up. She grabbed onto his neck as if she would never let go and buried her face in his chest. He walked to her room and sat down with her in his lap. He kicked off his shoes, then scooted back until he was leaning against the headboard. The covers were a mess, and it didn’t take much for him to lift a butt cheek and grab the sheet and comforter and pull the covers over them.

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