Home > Love is Contagious : A Charity Anthology(480)

Love is Contagious : A Charity Anthology(480)
Author: J. Saman

I duck around the kitchen island and run up the stairs, knocking quietly on her door.

"I'm comin' mama! I told you I wasn't--"

She opens the door and I push inside, smashing our lips together as I shut it behind me. I grab her waist and turn her around, pushing her against the door.

"Mmm you smell delicious, baby cakes," I murmer against her lips.

"Gabe, what are you doin' up here? My daddy is gonna have a heart attack," she whisper-yells.

"I just wanted a kiss before we went outside. I'm gonna have to behave, I needed somethin' to sustain me," I say with a grin, kissing her again.

She grips my cheeks, kissing me back with the same need, the same want.

"You're bad, Gabriel John. You better get before someone sees you!" she says pushing me off her, but then pulling me back for another kiss.

Our breathing is heavy, both of us dying to take the next step. A knock on the door makes us both freeze, our eyes wide, staring at each other.

"Honey Bear, everyone's here, you comin' down?" my father asks through the door.

"Shit," Charlotte whispers. "Closet!"

She points to her closet and I nod, quietly running inside and shutting the door. I hear her open it and her father steps inside.

"Why you all outta breath? And have you seen Gabriel? He disappeared as soon as everyone got here," he says with an edge to his tone.

I've been here before after sneaking into Charlotte's window a couple months back and know exactly where this is headed. I duck down further and tuck myself behind the row of clothes hanging on her bottom pole. I make sure my body and feet are hidden behind her shirts and sure enough, her father opens the closet as Charlotte runs to try and shut it.

"I...I have private stuff in there, daddy," she says nervously.

"Private like what? Not sinnin' objects I hope."

"Oh my gosh daddy, no! Stop! Gross! I was just gettin' ready and couldn't pull my shorts on so I was jumpin' around and--"

"If you needa jump around to put on shorts, then maybe you need to wear different shorts. I don't need you dressin' like that with Gabriel in the house."

"Daddy, Gabriel's my boyfriend. He's seen me...in these shorts before."

I hold my breath and hope to God her father didn't catch the almost slip up of me seeing Charlotte naked already. I'll be dead before I even step out of this closet.

"Well come down now. You're dressed so let's go," he says sternly.

I hear the door close and silence but I don't trust it. I take my phone out and text Charlotte and she gives me the all clear. I slowly start to push past the clothes in the closet and get to my feet, walking through her bedroom.

I see her notebook on her desk with her sticky notes and smile, grabbing a pen from her holder.

Baby cakes,

Always on my mind,

Always in my heart.

X, G


I sit on the patio fiddling with my phone as I wait for Gabriel to come back downstairs without getting caught.

"He's an idiot, y'all almost got caught," Savannah whispers to me. "I told my mama he forgot somethin' in the car."

"Thank you," I whisper back. "I owe you one," I wink.

"Girl, you owe me about fifteen. I'll collect don't you worry," she winks back.

I laugh as I see Gabriel come out the sliding doors and smile. God, he is getting so handsome. Everyday I swear he looks more and more like a man and I have to pinch myself that I'm the one he chose.

"Sorry, forgot somethin' in the car," he laughs, slapping his father on the back.

He looks over at me and winks and I blush.

"Gah, y'all are grossin' me out," Savannah mumbles.

I laugh and roll my eyes.

"You figure out who you're gonna take to Junior Banquet in a few months?" I ask.

She exhales and shakes her head.

"No. All the boys in our grade are stupid. I want a ball player but...well they all dip and it's gross and the other ones are so pervy. I need an older man," Savannah says.

"How old we talkin'? Your mama and daddy would kill you."

"I'm gonna wait until I get to Texas. Find me a nice A & M baller with that thick southern drawl that'll kiss my feet," she laughs.

"That's nasty," I laugh back. "But I'm gonna be super sad when you leave. What am I gonna do with myself?" I groan.

"Oh stop, you got Caryann and Mikey and my brother, you don't need me!"

"You're my best friend, Sav, I'll always need you," I say squeezing her hand.

"Well then, come visit me in Texas. I'll introduce you to my hot boyfriend," she laughs.

"Who's your boyfriend?" Gabriel growls from behind me, putting his hands on my shoulders.

"Nobody, Gabriel, mind your damn business," Savannah snaps.

"I wanna know who I need to kill. Better not be one of the guys on my team, they're all perverts," he says pointing at her.

Savannah laughs and points at me.

"See! Told you! Nope, I'm holdin' out for a Texas boy. You gonna hop the few states over to kick my future boyfriends ass, Gabe?"

"Yeah, I just might."









I link arms with Savannah as we walk towards the field for the home opener.

"You excited to be playin' this year? I don't know why you didn't tryout last year, you were amazin' in middle school," Savannah says.

"I am. My parents aren't too happy though, at least my mama ain't. I think my daddy is but he don't wanna show it because my mama will pitch a hissy fit."

"Well screw them, you're gonna carry the team this year, I swear. You gonna play for LSU?"

"I wanna try, their team is amazin' though, we'll see."

We find a place in the stands and plop down as I wave to Gabriel. He motions for me to come to the fence and I hop down off the bleachers meeting him.

"Kiss for good luck, baby cakes," he says smirking.

He moves to the batting net and presses his face into it as I do the same, the net in the way of our lips. I laugh as he moves his face, making a loud kissing noise.

My belly flops at his antics in front of his team, not caring who sees, only that I'm laughing. I've never met someone that embraces life as much as him. It's contagious, how happy he is and I know with my whole heart, I will always need his smile. That's what makes me happy. I would blindly follow him forever.

"Every strikeout is yours today, girlie. Every damn one," he winks.

I laugh and give him a fist pound through the netting and he jogs back to the dugout. I glance quickly at his butt in those pants and blush, looking away.

"Oh Lord, Charlotte Daniels. You got it so, so bad for my brother," Savannah laughs.

"Oh shut up! So what you gonna do at Texas? Decided yet?" I ask, changing the subject.

"Sports Management. Gabe and I...if he don't get drafted, we’re gonna open our own company. Double Play, get it. We’re twins..double...no?" she asks, studying me.

"That's pretty catchy, I like it! I'm leanin' towards sports management too. Nothin' else catches my attention except the game."

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