Home > Full Court Press(16)

Full Court Press(16)
Author: J. Akridge

I throw the cover off of me before stretching slowly.

“Damn, a man could get used to that sight.” I jump at his deep voice.

“Oh my gosh, you scared the crap out of me.” I giggle as he walks up.

“I made you breakfast. Carson’s still asleep, I peaked in on him about 20 minutes ago.”

“Thank you. I must have been completely out of it.” I look to the nightstand where my phone normally is.

My heart swells with his thoughtfulness. I’ve longed for this for so long; it was all I ever wanted when I was pregnant with Carson and I never saw myself in the situation I ended up in.

Granted, when I think back to that time now I realize that Carson and I are both better off without Kyle in our lives.

“Thank you,” I say again, shyly.

“I love it when you look like this.” He leans against the doorframe, still shirtless since I slept in his shirt. His arms are crossed across his broad, tan chest.

“Like what?” I ask as I stand and make my way over to him.

“Sleep deprived and in my clothes.” He smirks down at me, not moving from his spot at the door.

“Actually, I’m well rested. Thanks to someone.” I jab him in the side and squeeze past him into the hall. He swats my butt as I pass, causing me to giggle.

I walk down the hall to check on Carson. He’s still covered to his neck with his blanket and is snoring sweetly. I close his door behind me and duck back into my room to slip some comfy pants on. I grab my phone and notice a text from my mom.

Mom: Good morning, sweetheart.

She always sends the same text message every morning and has since I moved out.

Me: Morning.

Mom: How was your night?

Me: It was good.

Mom: I noticed a strange vehicle in your driveway this morning.

Me: Mom….

Mom: What? I’m just curious. It must be somewhat serious considering Carson is there.

Me: Carson is sick. Landon took us to urgent care last night.

Mom: What’s wrong with him?

Me: Bronchitis.

I wait a little longer but never hear a response. I toss my phone back on the nightstand and move toward the kitchen. My doorbell rings just as I step into the living room.

That’s why she didn’t text me back.

I open the door and say, “Hi, Mom,” before I even see who is on the other side.

“Where is Carson?” She rushes through the door, tossing her purse onto the loveseat and moving down the hallway to Carson’s bedroom. I glance to Landon and give an apologetic shrug and mouth sorry.

My dad steps through after Mom is nowhere to be seen.

“Hi, peanut.” He gives me a quick squeeze and kiss to my forehead before his attention zeros in on Landon in the kitchen. Thankfully, he has somehow managed to slip his shirt on that I slept in last night. “And you are?” My dad lets go and moves to greet him in the kitchen.

“Landon Prince, sir.” Landon steps toward my dad, lifting his hand between the two of them. My dad takes it immediately and I can tell he is already impressed with Landon’s greeting. When he met Kyle, Dad attempted to shake his hand and Kyle just stood there, staring at his hand. Respect goes a long way with this man.

“No sir. Just Bob.” My dad pats Landon on the upper arm. “Sure smells good in here.”

“Bacon. Would you like some? I think I made too much.” Landon gestures to the spread currently sitting on the dining room table. Pancakes, bacon, eggs, fruit, yogurt, and orange juice.

“Well, sure. That woman will probably stay with Carson until he’s better. A man has to eat. And this man,” Dad pats his round belly, “doesn’t miss a meal.” His deep laugh causes me to giggle.

My mom chooses that moment to grace us with her presence again.

“Honey, he looks pitiful. What did the doctor say?”

“Bronchitis and strep. He’s on an oral med plus breathing treatments every six hours. He’s been pretty out of it most of the time so far.”

“Bless his little heart. I hate that for him.” She looks at my dad. “Oh, Bob. He just looks so pitiful.”

“He’ll be okay, honey. Kids get sick. Ours did. They survived.” Dad rubs his hand up her shoulder, comforting her. I watch their exchange and realize this is how Landon acts with me. I glance up at him to find him watching me with a small smile on his lips.

“Mom, this is Landon Prince,” I introduce Landon to my mom. She immediately jumps at the opportunity.

“Well, hello. I’m Kelsi’s mother, Carrie.” She reaches her hand out and Landon takes it immediately.

“It’s nice to meet you.” He turns to the table. “Are you all hungry? We have plenty.”

“This looks wonderful. Handsome and a cook.” My mom winks at me before taking her seat at the table.

Breakfast is a great time. My parents and Landon have really hit it off and the food was amazing. I ended up eating three pancakes and half my weight in bacon, I’m sure.

Once my parents leave, I go in to check on Carson. He’s still covered from head to toe. His skin is red and he’s coughing horribly.

“Landon,” I say and I hear Landon set the dishes he was putting away down.

I reach over and feel my son’s forehead and he’s nearly too hot to even touch. I quickly uncover him and begin stripping his clothes to sit him in a cool bath to help bring the temperature down. Landon walks in behind me. Carson is completely out of it and can barely stand on his own.

“Landon, he’s never been this hot before.” Panic is starting to set in and I hate feeling helpless with my child.

I put Carson in a cool bath, and we sit for a while hoping the cool water will drop his temperature some. After fifteen minutes, I pull him out and dress him in a fresh set of pajamas. I grab the thermometer from the nightstand again to check his temperature. 104.5.

“I think we need to go to the hospital.” I look to Landon and can see the worry on his face as he looks between my son and me.

“Okay, I’ll get the car ready.” He turns on his heel and heads out the front door while I get Carson and pick him up. His body is slumped over mine. He’s nearly too big to carry now. Landon walks back in and takes him from me. I grab my purse and phone as he buckles Landon into the backseat of his jeep.

On the way to the hospital I call my mom to let them know what’s going on and that Landon is driving us to the hospital. No doubt my parents will show up within fifteen minutes of hanging up the phone.

Landon parks the jeep under the emergency entrance and lets me out. I carry Carson into the waiting area, stopping at the reception desk.

“Hello, how may I help you?” the older lady asks without looking up from her desk.

“My son needs to be seen; he had a 104.5 temp before we left the house.” She glances up and notices Carson’s head falling off my shoulder.

“Okay, honey. Let me get you some paperwork and I will go ahead and get him submitted if you can give me some of his info on the first page. That way you won’t have to wait very long.”

“Thank you.”

Landon walks through the sliding doors of the hospital then. He sees me struggling with Carson and attempting to fill out paperwork. “Here, baby. I got him.” I hand Carson over and watch his retreating back as he moves to the sitting area that is mostly vacant this morning. Only a few individuals are in the waiting room.

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