Home > Another(23)

Author: Fiona Cole

Holy shit.

I was sure in my twenty-five years I could have said I’d felt every emotion possible, but nothing prepared me for this. No book, no class, no anything could prepare me for the overwhelming flood of love consuming me. Tears burned the backs of my eyes as I looked down at my baby girl. Mine.

My whole world shifted like it clicked perfectly into place and if I thought I’d been grateful before for having Ian there, nothing compared to how perfect it was to have him by my side, watching him experience the same emotion.

“Dad? You want to cut the cord?”

Ian blinked a few times, brushing his watery eyes. “Yeah. Definitely.” The nurse passed the scissors and directed him what to do. Before he cut, he looked to our little girl. “Sorry, if this hurts, Peanut.”

The nurse laughed and assured him Peanut couldn’t feel that. It was kind of adorable that he thought it would and cared so much.

“Okay, let me take her and get her cleaned up and checked out. We’ll be right here the whole time,” the nurse explained, pointing over to a baby station across from me.

My heavy lids slid closed, and I took a deep breath, letting myself relax a moment. One of Ian’s large hands wrapped around mine while the other brushed strands back from my face. I couldn’t have imagined this moment alone—without him by my side. Opening my eyes to find his silver ones looking back at me, grounded me, and let me know I wasn’t alone.

“Thank you for being here, Ian.”

“I wouldn’t have missed this for the world.”

The nurse came back and placed our tiny bundle back in my arms. “Hey, Peanut.”

Ian brushed her soft cheek with his thumb. “We should probably come up with a name. If you don’t have one already picked out,” he quickly backtracked.

I appreciated him trying to not step on my toes, but he was part of this, and I wanted his input. “I have a few in mind.”

“Hit me.”

“Serena, Elizabeth, or Emery, but none of them feel right.”

“Audrey,” he whispered. “What about Audrey?”

“Is that some ex-love I should know about?”

“Hardly. It was my grandma’s name. When I was with her, it was the closest I felt to a real family.”

He watched Peanut while I watched him. Ian was a complex man. He was light-hearted and always the life of the party. But he also had more depth than maybe I’d given him credit for. Watching him reveal the layers that made him was fascinating and alluring and created an energy that pulled me into his orbit. The thing was, the more time I spent with him, the more I didn’t mind giving in.

“Audrey it is.”

He flashed me a beautiful smile that had my heart skipping a beat before leaning in slowly to press a soft kiss to my lips.

“Audrey it is,” he whispered against my lips.



It was the next day before I started letting people know they could visit. Surprisingly, my aunts weren’t the first people to push through the door. Ian had just stepped out to grab some lunch for us when my dad came in.

“Hey, baby girl.”

“Dad,” I breathed.

My aunts had filled the place for my missing mother, but my dad had always been my rock. He’d been hard on me, knowing I wouldn’t be satisfied with being anything but the best—all while protecting me as much as he could. So, seeing him walk in, his eyes wide with wonder taking in Audrey, filled me with pride. I was strong because of this man.

“Look at her,” he breathed. “May I?”

“Of course.”

I passed Audrey off to her grandpa, and he cuddled the sleeping baby close to his chest.

“She’s got your nose,” he said, smiling.

“You think?”

“I know. I remember holding you in the hospital thinking how perfect your nose was.” He bounced a little, using his thumb to stroke her plump cheek. “How are you feeling?” he asked, as I laid back and let my eyes slide closed.


“It’s just the beginning, baby girl.”

“Don’t I know it.”

“But if anyone can do it, it’s you.”

His easy compliment had my eyes sliding open to find him staring at me now.

“You are the strongest woman I’ve ever known, Carina. I’m so damn proud of you. I don’t say it enough. I know I’m hard on you and shelter you, but it’s because I love you and I want to keep you from any pain or disappointment.”

“I know, Dad.” I barely choked the words out. “It’s okay.”

“It’s not. I never wanted you to doubt yourself, and I know I’ve been the one to make you do it more than anyone. Sometimes I get caught up and still see you as my little girl.”

I swallowed the lump climbing its way up my throat. “I’ll always be your little girl.”

“I know, but it’s time I see you as the strong woman you are too. I mean, look at you—my baby having a baby. I’m so proud of you.”

A few tears managed to break free, but I quickly swiped them away. “Thank you, Daddy.”

“Everything okay?” Ian asked, walking through the door.

“Yeah, yeah. Just my hormones being crazy.”

His eyes flicked between my dad and me before finally greeting my dad. “Hello, David.”

“Ian. Good to see you. Congratulations on this beautiful little girl.”

“She’s pretty perfect, isn’t she?”

“Absolute perfection,” my dad answered, his eyes on me.

My dad stayed for a little while longer, holding Audrey while Ian and I ate.

“I’ll leave you two to it,” Dad said when the nurse came in to examine me. He leaned over the bed and pressed a kiss to Audrey’s head before repeating the process with mine. “Take care of you and my grandbaby, but when you’re ready, we’ll talk about your business plan and get the ball rolling.”

He always told me that actions speak louder than words and while his words meant everything to me, the fact that he was taking my idea for our company seriously was the greatest gift he could’ve ever given me.

“Thank you, Dad.”



13 Ian



Only the dim light peeking around the curtains shined in Carina’s room when I walked in. We’d been in the hospital for a total of three days, and I knew she was ready to head home.

I gently set the car seat in the corner of the room, doing my best not to wake her and Audrey. Carina was curled up on her side with one arm reaching out to our beautiful baby girl resting in her hospital cot. I didn’t know who to look at first, both girls capturing my attention. Audrey made a small grunt and shifted, making her little cap fall off, baring that ridiculous amount of dark hair. She took after her daddy with all those luscious locks.

God, just thinking I had someone taking after me, referring to myself as daddy, filled me with the most terrifying joy I’d ever felt. I stroked my finger across her plump cheek and looked on a little longer before moving my gaze to Carina. Her hair splayed across the pillow and around her shoulders like a halo. She’d demanded a shower last night but refused to let me help. She’d even gasped like I’d offended her morals just by offering.

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