Home > Little Harbour(24)

Little Harbour(24)
Author: Sophia Soames

Suggested nominees by next Friday please. Can we sit down at 1? I will get Bernt and Mathilde to sit in too.

We have the Novelist nominees under discussion, would love to discuss this with you too. Let me know when you have a minute next week.

There will be the usual Gala Dinner on the Friday Evening. I know it is not my place to ask, but you have an option to bring a +1. No stress.

Carla sends her love, she is pleased to hear you are attending. Hope the children are fine. She says she would be happy to help find you a babysitter for the week if you need one, she knows of this agency that can arrange things like that. I suppose you have that under control anyway.

Talk next week.




To: [email protected]

From: [email protected]

Subject: Re: Professor Reim Hussain




Professor Hussain in Bergen rang me this morning, she has been trying to reach you all last week and you haven’t replied.

She has two Doctorate Students with final papers on Hauge/Ibsen and she needs you to come up and do your thing on their Oral Exams.

I know you have worked with Professor Hussain before, but just to remind you, do not go easy on those kids, as she will hand your arse to you on a plate if you do. Trust me. (as someone who made that mistake once)

Anyway, she needs you two days in Bergen Thursday, Friday. Sanchez and Kjellstrøm can handle your classes. Since you seem to be willing to travel again I have taken the liberty of saying that you will be there. I have emailed Sylvia the itinerary.

For God’s sake Jens, check your emails!




To: [email protected]

From: [email protected]

Re: Services needed




I hope life is good for you, and that your children are bringing you joy and peace.

I need you again, please, because there is no one as bad-ass as you when it comes to Opponent exams. You rock my friend.

Two doctorate hopefuls, I have attached both their papers. The first one is a lively cocky little shit. You should have fun with that one. The second one you will have in tears at least twice. I am placing my bets now.

Both should be a walk in the park for you, and I am, as always, eternally grateful.

I need you Thursday at 14.15 and Friday at 9.45.

As a blatant bribe, I might throw in one of my legendary dinners. Yousef will be cooking, of course, as my delicate hands do not go anywhere near kitchen equipment.

All my love to you my friend, may you always walk in the safety of Allah.




Sommerfeldt Apartment, Skøyen, Oslo

The same evening



Axel thinks it’s like coming home. It is a really weird feeling in his stomach. It’s not like when he kicks his shoes off in his bright and clean little apartment and throws himself down on his spotless sofa. No, this is different. Here he has to check the sofa, for that spot where you will get stabbed in the bum, before you sit.

Yet Axel has to do a double-take over the bright new couch that has taken up residence in the Sommerfeldt living room. He strokes the soft fabric and lets himself carefully sit on the plump cushions before he practically gets attacked by a little person, who climbs on his lap and covers him with kisses while talking at two hundred kilometers per hour, trying to show him something on his tablet. Morten actually comes out and grunts at him. Axel grunts back. And Axel feels happy. He feels calm and safe and well, he feels included. Wanted even. Like this is okay. Like this is his little piece of home too.

Jens makes them fishcakes and they all curl up in front of the TV, to eat together, and Morten doesn’t even flinch when Axel leans into Jens and lets himself be hugged. Lets himself breathe in his scent. The faint smell of aftershave and cooking and, well… sex. They both smell a bit of sex. And sweat.

Jens puts the boys to bed, and Axel tries to wash up and put things away in the kitchen, but it’s hard to know where to put things, and it’s a bit of a mess, and he feels awkwardly like he is intruding when he starts looking for something to scrub the top of the stove with, because there are a quite a few empty bottles of cleaning stuff that he kind of wants to throw away, but there is nothing that looks like what he needs and nothing useful.

So, he just stands there and looks at it all when Jens comes in and curls himself around Axel’s back. Lets himself be held. Rocked a little. Jens’ mouth kissing his neck.

“This has happened fast, hasn’t it. I can’t believe that a month ago I didn’t know if you were still living in Oslo, if you were even still alive. I thought I had lost you forever. And now you are standing in my kitchen and letting me hold you and not wanting you to ever leave. You just fit here. You belong here with me. I know that is a bit of a crap thing to say, after just a few weeks, but I want you in my life. I want you here so badly. I missed you all this week.”

Jens is rambling. Spilling words into Axel’s neck and Axel can’t stop smiling. He turns around and cups Jens’ face in his hands, pressing himself further into his arms. Letting himself be held. His lips kissing Jens’. Just soft little kisses. A little bit of tongue. Just enough that Axel is a tiny bit breathless again. Shuffling his hips against Jens. A little embarrassed laugh escaping him as he stands there and blushes and lets Jens just look at him. Admire him.

Which is a whole different feeling on its own. Just letting someone love you with their eyes.

Axel remembers this well, the way Jens would look at him. Just as they would walk along the corridor in school. He would glance over and just meet his eye. And Axel’s heart would jolt and his cheeks would burn and Jens wouldn’t even say a word. Axel just knew. He knew he was loved. That Jens loved him just like Axel loved him back. He wished he had been stronger back then. Braver. Dared to open his mouth and say it out loud. Make it real. Instead, they had both just looked away. Jens chewing his lip and Axel biting the nail on his thumb. Then the moment had been gone. Back to normal. So Axel would nudge Jens’ shoulder and Jens would hug him goodbye, and stroke his jacket. Just letting his hand linger on Axel’s shoulder that second too long.

And now they are here. And Axel can say it. He doesn’t hold back. He tells Jens over and over. That he loves him. That he is his. That he belongs wherever Jens is. Wherever that might be. Hoping that Jens will let him stay. Stay here forever where he is safe. Loved. Held.

“I’m running a bath. I thought we could do with one. Morten is watching TV with his headphones on, and Mikki is fast asleep. He asked for you, if you would be here in the morning. Said he needs you in the morning for his breakfast. I love that he has that thing with you, something you have bonded over.”

“Is Marthe asleep?”

“She’s in my bed. Malena sorted her out.”

“Your Malena’s very cool. Bright girl.”

“I know. She’s the best. I would normally put all the kids in the car and go and pick her up if she’s out late like tonight, but since you are here, can I leave you to watch the kids when I pick her up? I mean they will all be asleep. I will only be twenty minutes, tops, as I have to drop her friend off too.”

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