Home > Little Harbour(26)

Little Harbour(26)
Author: Sophia Soames

“It’s too much to ask of you Axel. I can’t just up and leave and make you look after my kids.”

“Are you asking me to?”

Jens blushes. “I feel stupid now. Of course, I know you weren’t offering. I mean, who would be brave enough to volunteer to babysit my brood overnight? Axel, I wouldn’t ask that of you.” Jens sounds stern. Like he means it.

“I would be upset if you didn’t ask me Jens.” Axel can do stern too, and why not? He needs to try. Needs to see if he can actually do it. Try. “I know I haven’t known them for long, but I am a trained nurse. I deal with babies every day. I clean poo and shit and bodily fluids for a living. I am pretty sure I could cope with getting Marthe and Mikki to nursery in the morning and picking them up afterwards. And I mean, Malena would be watching me like a hawk reporting back to you every five minutes. I wouldn’t fuck up. I wouldn’t dare to.”

“Would you sleep here? I mean you would end up with the kids in bed with you at some ungodly hour, and it would be hard work. The kids would play up and try to trick you into giving them ice-cream for breakfast and letting Mikki wear no clothes to school. He would do it too. He tries it at least once a month. Saying that the teacher says they are having a nudey-rudey day. No clothes allowed in school.”

Axel giggles. Leans up so he can place another kiss on Jens’ pouting mouth. Because Jens is a sap, and Axel is quite sure he could wrap Jens around his little finger if he only tried.

“Baby, don’t worry about it. Let that be one less thing to worry about on your list of all the stuff you need to do next week. I will move in here on Thursday morning and take over, and you enjoy your trip away. Then I will have dinner ready for you Friday night when you get back. It will be fun.”

“Malena will kill me. Honestly.”

“I can talk to her Jens. I can try to talk to her. See if I can make her at least tolerate that I will be here on my own. We might even have fun. I would prefer her to be here though, as backup, in case I am doing things all wrong.”

“That is probably the angle we should go with. She will be in charge. You will be her second-in-command and will be told to do whatever she says. She would probably find that hilarious. And agree to it.”

“I am cool with that. I’ll the back-up slave. I am off Friday night, but then I am on nights again the whole weekend so she will have you to herself then.”

“I can’t believe we are lying here having an adult conversation about work and childcare. Like a married couple.” Jens is laughing. And Axel is in love. Trying to reach to kiss him as he scrambles out of the bathwater. All his bits on show. Being admired by Jens who has gone all serious again. Mouth hanging open. Eyes stuck on Axel’s stomach. He thinks Jens could be staring at his dick too. He is not too sure.

“Thank you.” Jens’ voice is low and strained. “Thank you for understanding me. For being so incredibly cool with all this.”

“How can I be anything else? You are like the coolest person I know. I love you. Of course, I will help you. Whatever you need.”

“But what is in it for you? I have nothing to offer in return, Axel.”

“I get you. I get to be with you. To love you. That is more than enough, Jens.”

The water is cold but their bodies are warm, and Axel has to physically pull Jens out. They are not young anymore, and Jens might be slightly stuck to the side of the bath. It’s ridiculous. There is laughter hanging in the air threatening to burst out of Axel’s lungs. Not that he would laugh at Jens. He wouldn’t. Even if he is stark-naked in front of him looking adorably handsome. Gorgeous. Beautiful. Damn hot.

There is a bathrobe on the side that Axel wraps himself in, and Jens ties a towel around his waist as he walks down the hall to get some clothes on. They still manage to touch. Kiss. Hold onto one another as Jens steps into his shoes and grabs the car keys.

He leaves Axel with a kiss, in the hallway, closing the door carefully behind him. And Axel checks on Mikki, fast asleep curled up in his own bed. Arms around a teddy and hair covering his eyes. The room littered with toys and clothes and childish drawings sellotaped to the bedposts.

He knocks carefully on Morten's door. Lets it fall open. Morten isn’t moving, still in his school clothes. Earphones on. Sleeping soundly where he lies. So, Axel tiptoes in and carefully switches off the TV, then removes the headphones from his head. His eyes search for a blanket, but there is just a coat on the side, so he lays it over the sleeping boy. Tucks the hem in over his chin.

Then he allows himself to slip under the covers in Jens’ bed. Just lies there. Checks his emails on his phone while listening to Marthe’s snuffles next to him.

He is tired. And Jens is taking ages collecting Malena. Ages.

He turns over on his side. And Marthe slings her leg in his face. Sits up. Lies back down again. Puts her arm around Axel’s neck.

And that is how Jens finds them when he tiptoes back in half an hour later. His Axel asleep under the covers, and his youngest daughter with her arm around his neck.

Jens knows he should tidy up the kitchen. Not stand here and marvel at the feeling in his chest. He knows he should sit down and do some work. Load up a few books on his Kindle to read. Check his emails. He doesn’t.

He turns off the light and slips under the covers next to Axel. Let’s his arm rest around his waist. His breath warm against Axel’s hair.

He is home. He is safe. And he is loved. He is okay, and it is a comforting feeling. That maybe somehow, things will be okay.



To: [email protected]

From: [email protected]

Subject: Re: Services needed.



Professor Hussain,

It still gives me a thrill to write that! Well done you! So amazingly proud of you!! So, you need me. Well as always, I shall be there. I will get Sylvia to email your secretary (whoever is currently brave enough to do that job), and I will come see you before the first exam sitting. I will assume that you have coffee, and I shall bring you a box of baklava from Zagros bakery. I am nice like that you see.

Remember at school, remember the guy I used to hang out with? Axel? Was he in your year? Well he has become a bit of a celebrity. Check this out:

www.PNN.no/askAxel /blogg.



All the best to Yousef and the kiddos.

وتفضلوا بقبول فائق الاحترام




To: [email protected]

From: [email protected]

Subject: Re: Re: Services needed



Jens, this is where you men don’t get how clever us women are.

So, you and Axel? Thank God for that. He always had a thing for you. And you had a thing for him. We remember these things.

I will expect gossip. There will be no mercy.

مع خالص الاحترام




Sommerfeldt apartment, Skøyen, Oslo



There are a few things Axel has forgotten about, things that are coming back to him now.

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