Home > Little Harbour(47)

Little Harbour(47)
Author: Sophia Soames

“Where is your prostate? Am I hitting it?” Jens’ voice is barely there.

“Hard lump. Up a bit. Fuuuuuuuckck!”

“Is that it?” Jens lifts his head up and tries to meet Axel’s eyes. Axel’s eyes that are so firmly squeezed shut, that Jens can’t help giggle. “Am I doing okay baby? Making you feel good?” Jens’ voice is full of laughter and Axel just moans, embarrassingly loud as Jens’ fingers touch that spot, over and over. “How do you feel baby?”

Why is Jens still talking? Axel’s brain is struggling now. Just fucking keep doing that and Axel will be the happiest man on earth. Like, forever.

“Ahhhhrgh…Oh… all loose. Sloppy.” Axel needs a filter. He hasn’t got a clue what makes him talk. “Just get inside me. I need… you. Your cock. In me.”

Not only is he spurting out embarrassingly ridiculous words, but his body can’t seem to keep still, and his arms are trying to get Jens back up so he can kiss him while at the same time almost screaming for Jens to “get your tongue up my arse.”

If Axel wasn’t so far gone he would die of shame. Instead he laughs. His eyes squeezed shut and his cheeks burning up and sweat rolling down his forehead as Jens’ soft giggles bounce against his neck. Breath on his forehead. Lips on his lips. Tasting of sex and come, and musk and scents that he can’t quite put his finger on. Not that he cares. Smiling like a deranged lunatic into Jens’ mouth. Letting his legs wrap around Jens’ waist. His hips arching up and wriggling until he feels Jens’ cock right there. Pushing gently against his hole.

“Don’t hold back. Just go. Fuck me. Please. Please just fuck me. I want to feel you. Know what it feels like when it’s good. Please make it good.” Axel doesn’t know who is speaking. All he knows is that it’s not him. It’s definitely not him.

“I’ll look after you baby. I will always look after you.” Jens’ voice is there. And his eyes are there. Piercingly blue staring into his… and Axel is just mesmerised. Stunned by the look in those eyes as Jens’ cock begins to push inside of him. Not even blinking when the pressure builds. Because nothing matters. This is Axel and this is his Jens, and where there once was two there is now one, and if this was the end of the world, right now, Axel would die happy. He has everything he ever needs right here as his legs push against Jens’ back, driving him further inside him.

Axel thinks he might pass out. Because fucking Jens was amazing. It made him feel like a king. Fucking king of the fucking world. But this is something completely different. Giving himself to Jens like this. Knowing that he must feel all those things right now, the pressure around his cock. The hard slide of skin. The slickness of lube.

The condom. They fucking forgot about the condom. Not that he is going to stop Jens now, not that Jens would be able to stop. Not with that glazed look in his eyes and the way his breaths have gone all funny and the jerked twitching he has going on with his hips on top of Axel. Instead Axel laughs. Smiles into Jens’ hitched breath as he urges him to move. Pushes with his legs alternating with rolling his hips to make Jens slide out.

It’s amazing. It’s freaking breath-taking. Axel’s fingers are scratching lines into Jens’ shoulders. Jens’ head resting awkwardly against Axel’s face as his movements become stronger. Hard drag out and fast slam in. Sloppy skin hitting flesh with slaps and moans and shouts. Axel might be shouting. Might be screaming for Jens to go faster. Harder. More.

In and out. Drool dripping from Jens’ mouth as his voice starts to build. A long drawn out moan that is rising to a scream. His body twisting into a frozen state above him as Jens’ orgasm claims him. As his body curls and his arms fold in around Axel’s body and his breath is held for the longest time.

That’s all it takes for Axel to let go. To let himself rock those final jerks against Jens’ cock. He comes. Hard. Shooting in between their bodies with a strangled moan. His legs shaking with the strain of being held up for so long. His veins tingling with the lack of blood to his limbs. His heart so full that he thinks he might just explode.

“I don’t know what to say, baby,” comes Jens’ voice from somewhere on his chest. Barely there. Soaked in breaths and awe.

“Then don’t… I know… I know.” Axel still doesn’t recognise his voice. Not that he would call it a voice. He is croaking out his words.

“I never ever felt anything like this before. I never had sex like this before.”

“Me neither.” Axel whispers. Trying to get his arms wrapped up tight around Jens’ body, hating the feeling of the limp cock sliding out of him. “I think I want your cock up my arse forever. We should just stay like that. You inside me.”

“That’s not fair. I want to be fucked too.” Jens has managed to raise his head. His face flushed and his hair damp, sticking to his forehead like he has just been drenched by rain.

“I think we need a clean-up.” Axel laughs.

“Not yet.” Jens whispers, burying his face in Axel’s chest. “Need to cuddle first. I can’t make my legs work. Too wrecked to move.”

“Jens. I hate to tell you, but you kind of forgot the condom.”

“Oh fuck!” Jens’ face is back up. Looking terrified. “Oh, Axel. I’m so fucking sorry! I never even thought! I don’t know what came over me! Oh, baby!”

Axel just smiles. “It’s amazing without those slippery fuckers. I loved it. And we need to get rid of those things anyway. I will get blood tests arranged for us and we can make sure we are both alright, which we should be anyway, but better be safe, eh. Then we will ditch the condoms. Totally.”

“You see, I fuck up. I get carried away with shit. I’m impulsive and unreliable and a little crazy sometimes. Are you sure you want to move in with me?”

“Absolutely. Never been more sure of anything in my life.”

Just saying those words are worth everything. Just to see the look on Jens’ face. The way his eyes are shining. Twinkling and bright in the evening light.

“Then come home with me now. And never leave again. Would you do that for me? Make me stop worrying every day whether you will sleep at ours or come here and sleep for no reason. I hate when you are not with me. So please, say that you will always stay with me. Sleep with me every night when you are not working. I get that. That you need to work nights. But all the other times. Stay with me, please.”

The lump in Axel’s throat is threatening to tip him over the edge. The tears prickling in his eyes are not helping either.

It’s the sob that comes out of his throat that makes Jens wrap him up in his arms like a baby. Holds him tight against Jens’ chest as the tears fall down his face and his sobs slowly die down. Soothes him with whispers and kisses until he feels slightly like himself again. Warm and sweaty against Jens’ chest. Held tight and safe in his arms. Loved. So fucking loved that he can’t even start to figure out where he should go from here. Apart from home.

“Let’s go home, Jens.” He whispers. “I want to go home.”



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