Home > Freedom (The F-Word #5)

Freedom (The F-Word #5)
Author: E. Davies







“I really hate you,” Jaden flatly informed Spence.

As always, his big brother crossed his eyes and stuck out his tongue. “Teddy bear don’t care.”

His brother might look like one, but as far as Jaden was concerned, the nickname was misleading at best. What kind of big brother would drag him out of the house to a gay club for a charity raffle?

Sure, the gesture seemed supportive, but Spence knew better. Or he should, by now. Jaden had been fighting back waves of anxiety since Spence brought up the prospect.

Jaden’s therapist would be happy he had taken a chance and gotten out of the house, but at what price? His mental state for a few days? A week? And then there was the even bigger problem.

He hissed under his breath, “What if I win?” That would mean going out somewhere.

Best case scenario, a nice cozy restaurant. He felt safe enough in his car to cope with the drive. As long as he kept his eyes on his feet when he walked between his car and a building, he could cope. Maybe. He’d nearly passed out between the taxi and the bar tonight.

Spence looked far more at home here, which just wasn’t fair since he was straight as an arrow. Jaden might have appreciated his willingness to come to Buckle with him if he’d felt as relaxed as his big brother. As it was, his nerves were frayed just trying to keep himself from running out the door.

Spence had always been a shield for him—on the rare occasions Jaden did leave the house for longer than a grocery trip, Spence was usually at his side. If not for his big brother moving to Denver after the second nervous breakdown, Jaden never would have made it this long.

Didn’t mean he should be meddling with anything that didn’t concern him, though—like Jaden’s love life. Or his mental health recovery. God, brothers could be so irritating.

Spence ignored his question with a good-natured roll of his eyes. Winning hadn’t occurred to him, apparently. “I just think you could do with a positive reason to get out of the house. Didn’t your therapist say that? The more you shut down, the more anxious you get? Like a spiral to the bottom of social interaction.”

Damn it, he was right. Jaden had been slowly pushing himself this year, trying to prove to himself that he was safe so he could use that as evidence to create a positive spiral. And he’d made the mistake of sharing some of his insights with Spence, who was pretty much his only visitor at home.

Jaden, rooted on his chair in the corner of the bar, glared at Spence. “For that, you owe me the next drink. The usual.”

Spence grinned. “Rum and Coke? Dude, that was your college drink. Aren’t you ever going to graduate?”

“I’m in a big, spacious bar with lots of… space. And people.” Jaden flatly glared. “Comfort drinks are fine.”

At least Spence knew when he’d pushed it a little too far. “Gotcha.” He saluted and headed to the bar. No sooner had he reached it than yet another guy approached Jaden’s brother with a hopeful smile.

Watching Spence politely reject them as onlookers tried to figure his type out, not even suspecting him of being a straight guy at ease in his sexuality, was normally hilarious. Or it had been, four years ago, when he was just-turned-twenty-one and Spence had brought him here.

Now, Jaden was too busy fighting back the dizzying wave of anxiety at the space, the noise, the lights and music. Luckily, the music had been kept low compared to the bars he’d once partied in—before his nervous breakdown. They could talk without yelling. If not for that, he might have left already.

His agoraphobia wasn’t a fear of strangers, exactly. But it had developed rapidly in just the last few years.

Jaden wasn’t sure if it was the rum and Cokes or the anxiety making his stomach rumble. Maybe he just needed French fries.

Nearby, a guy was raising his voice. “If you’re straight, what are you even doing here?”

That got Jaden’s attention—and his protectiveness. But the other guy wasn’t addressing Spence. The man he talked to looked unfazed as he grinned back. There was a handsome guy next to him—but damn, he was probably this man’s boyfriend. “Helping out a friend.”

“Oh, sure.” Someone tittered. “You better not be entering any raffles yourself, straight boy. No breaking one of our hearts.”

The other guy isn’t his boyfriend? Jaden’s hope rose as he stood up, not quite sure what had come over him. But he couldn’t stand the thought of someone talking to Spence like that when he’d been nice enough to coax Jaden out of his shell tonight. So he wouldn’t let anyone talk to this guy that way, either.

“H-Hey. He’s okay. Leave him be.”

The guys who were addressing him rolled their eyes. “Sure, stand up for him. But don’t call us when he breaks your heart,” one of them muttered. The other man caught Jaden’s eye for a moment and smiled at him. Then he said something to his straight friend and headed to the bar.

Jaden blushed at the brief eye contact, suddenly hot under the collar for more than one reason. He rolled his eyes and sat down again, still a little shaky. He could hardly believe he’d actually had the nerve to speak up there.

But if someone had spoken up when he’d most needed it…

“Thanks for that. Can I take this?” The guy he’d helped nodded at the empty chair. “I saw your, um… the other guy walking away, and you looked a little upset. Lover’s spat?”

Something about this man seemed trustworthy. He had a short beard obscuring a squared jawline, and a warm glow in his eyes. He looked sympathetic, even concerned, not oily and flirtatious. He wasn’t hitting on him.

Jaden relaxed and nodded. “Brothers. He’s my big bro. He’s straight, too. He just dragged me to this raffle.” There were five dates altogether being raffled off, and he tried to reassure himself that he wouldn’t actually win any of them.

“Oh!” The stranger cast a bemused glance between the two of them, and then smiled. “So he’s just keeping you company?”

“Yes, because he’s a great brother,” Jaden muttered, rolling his eyes. If he could get his stomach to stop jumping through itself like a game of cat’s cradle, he might even think the guy was cute. But he so wasn’t Jaden’s type. Then again, it wasn’t like Jaden had had a type for the past few years.

“To get you a date?”

“No, to audition as a go-go boy.” Oops. That came out a bit more sarcastic than he’d meant. Jaden gave him an apologetic smile. “Uh, yeah. Sorry.”

The stranger didn’t take it hard, though. “Trip,” he introduced himself. “I’m here with a coworker. Same deal. He wanted to say hi, but he was worried that your brother over there was your boyfriend. I was coming over to snoop on you.” He gave an unrepentant grin.

Jaden blinked with surprise and then shook his head. “Well, I’m not dating anyone. I’ll go on one date—if I win the date—and that’s it. Back to my apartment and peace and quiet.”

Trip coughed into his fist. “Right,” he said, his eyes glimmering with amusement. “I see your brother scored drinks. Thanks for the rescue there. Good luck tonight.”

As he walked off, Jaden tried to watch him to see if the handsome guy had come back. Not that he was interested. Just for the sake of curiosity.

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