Home > Dismount(36)

Author: Lucia Franco

My gaze drifted further down and I noticed Kova wasn't wearing his wedding ring anymore. I glanced away, trying to think back to the Trials and whether or not he had it on then, but it was all a blur. I wanted to believe he hadn't worn it, but I just couldn't remember.

"It's good to see you, Adrianna," Madeline finally said. She looked up from the binder she'd been writing in. "It felt strange not seeing you all week."

I gave her a sincere smile and cupped some loose strands of my hair behind my ear. "It was strange not being here, actually. I didn't know what to do with myself. All my schoolwork is done. I finished early, so I just slept the whole time."

Her gaze softened with a knowing look I didn't like. She knew why I’d slept the week away, I was positive she knew. Though, it became a question with multiple choice answers. Did she know about both diseases? Or about the abortion—could I call it that if I'd already started to miscarry?

I didn't want to think about it.

"What did you do with your medals?" she asked me.

Now I was grinning from ear to ear. "I hung them up in my room at my dad’s house along with the flowers. I placed the bouquet upside down to dry so I could keep them forever."

"That was such a great idea. You can spray them with hairspray and they'll hold."

"Thanks. I'll do that."

Just as I looked at Kova, Danilo walked in. Glancing over my shoulder, I watched as he took a chair that looked too small for him to sit in and pulled it right next to me. He was a beast of a man and looked like someone on steroids. I bet he crushed soda cans between his meaty hands for fun.

"As you know, Danilo is now with World Cup," Kova said. "I felt he should sit in with us to go over a few things as he will be the new head coach."

I frowned, and looked back at Kova. Head coach? But what about him? Or were there two head coaches?

I studied Kova's gaze, trying to see what he meant by that, but he gave nothing away. Zero. Was he going to have to go back to jail? The thought made me queasy and now I had even more reason to talk to him privately…if we ever could, that was.

"Congratulations, Adrianna," Danilo said, putting my attention back on him. His Ukrainian accent was stronger than Kova's Russian.

"Thank you."

"Yes, let us get started," Kova said and stacked a few papers together. "A few universities have interest in you. They are top ranking division one schools in gymnastics. Now, while we are unaware as to what you plan for your future, it would behoove you to consider their offers, and to do it soon."

My lips twitched at the way he said "behoove.".

Kova continued. "They are aware you are a member of the Olympic gymnastics team and that you may postpone for one year. This is very common. Should you commit to a school, you have a place on any of the teams whether you postpone or not, except for one."

I was curious. "Which schools?"

Kova's eyes scanned the papers. "University of Florida, UCLA, University of Georgia, and University of Oklahoma. They are all offering full gymnastics scholarships. The head coach at UCLA feels she can work with you enough on beam to have you as an all-around gymnast, and not just a specialist. Georgia and Florida want you as a specialist on vault and bars. The difference between them is Florida wants you to commit this year. They will have to reassess you the following year. Oklahoma wants you as a specialist on vault, bars, and floor." He paused and looked me in the eyes. It was hard to focus on his words when I was looking at him. "You have options."

"All the schools are the absolute best. You can't go wrong with any of them," Madeline said. I turned toward her and she smiled. "I'm partial to Florida—Go, Gators!—since I went to school there." She put her arms out and did the gator chomp. It made me smile bigger.

"I have no preference," Danilo added blandly, and I stifled a giggle. He just shrugged when I looked at him. "I am not familiar with any university here."

I sat for a moment thinking as I looked back to Kova. Madeline and Danilo gave me their opinions, but Kova hadn't and I was curious what he thought.

"What do you think?" I asked him.

Kova's opinion mattered most to me.

"It does not matter what I think. The choice is yours to make."

My brows furrowed, my smile faltering a bit. I was overcome with emotion. Uncertain which choice was right, grateful that I'd been offered at all. I swallowed, feeling a little stressed out but happy. If we were alone, I would ask again and make him tell me.

"When do I need to make a decision by?" I asked.

"Your commitment will be announced after the Olympics so you can focus. I believe the schools will be emailing you and your dad with documents to review."

Being offered a place on the team from any of those schools was an honor. I was flattered they recognized me. Kova had said they were watching, but I never believed it when there were so many other athletes better than me.

"You have a big decision to make," Madeline said. "You'll have to weigh the pros and cons and really think about where you want to call home for the next four years or so."

Danilo added, "They will do a full medical sweep on you as well and check you for ailments. It is wise to be honest and up front before any contract is signed."

I nodded reluctantly, aware of what he was hinting at. Eventually I'd have to share my secret and pray the school wouldn't withdraw their offer. Until then, I couldn't worry about it. I had enough on my plate as it was.

"Before you leave today," Madeline said, "you'll need to clean your locker out since you won't be returning to train here."

I was quiet. It never occurred to me that I needed to take everything with me, but she was right. I would never train at World Cup again. Tomorrow I would leave for Texas, and then I was Olympics bound. After that, I was going back home to Amelia Island.

I glanced down at my hands. My palms were dry, and the skin was ripped a little. A bittersweet sensation climbed to my eyes. I hadn't grown up in this gym training, but I spent enough time here to consider it a home. I matured as a person and athlete. I formed friendships and relationships within these walls. I cried and laughed.

I'd take the memories with me and hold them close to my heart. This was another chapter of my life I was about to finish.

"You didn't realize, did you?" she asked softly. I shook my head.

Still looking at my hands, I said, "I guess I'll be saying goodbye, then."

"Take all the time you need."

Madeline and Danilo rose to their feet. "Make sure you come say goodbye before you leave. The girls are waiting on us, so we need to get out there."

Danilo stared down at me a moment, then said, "Second place winner is first place loser. Bring home the gold." My lips lifted at his words of wisdom.

I sniffled back my emotions and thanked Danilo, then told Madeline I'd find her. The door shut behind them as they left, leaving Kova and me alone.

The moment I'd been waiting for had finally arrived.

The air in the room became dense, that awkward silence filling the space between us. It was just the two of us, a ticking clock, and many, many words left unspoken.

I blinked my eyes rapidly trying to fight the tears when I decided to stand. I needed to get out of here, but I wanted to ask Kova questions. My pulse kicked up a notch and beat like a drum in my throat. I was jittery, feeling too vulnerable at the moment. I wasn't prepared for these emotions when I came here and now that they were baiting me. I needed to leave or I was going to cry any second.

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