Home > Bliss(16)

Author: Kaylee Ryan

“I’m sorry.” He places another soft kiss on my forehead.

“Well, I’m glad one of us has our dream job.”

“Maybe it’s just working for the county. Are there other avenues, places you can work that you can feel more fulfilled?”

“Possibly. I like my coworkers. I’m just riding it out, getting some knowledge and experience under my belt for now.”

“Maybe you can look for a new job,” he suggests.

“I’ve thought about it a lot recently.”

“Maybe you could look in Indy.”

It’s a casual suggestion, but the meaning behind it is nothing close to casual. “Maybe. Although adding the stress of finding a place to live and learning a new city doesn’t sound appealing.”

“You could live with me.” He tightens his hold. “Just consider it, Reese. I hate the thought of being away from you. We could see each other every morning and every night.”

“Do you know the definition of slow?” I ask him. I’m teasing. I know that he knows. I’m just trying to distract my heart as it thunders in my chest at his suggestion.

“Not when it comes to you. No.”

“That’s a big step.”

I feel him nod. “It is, but at the same time, we’re not strangers. Yeah, this is a new development in our relationship, but to hear everyone around us talk, they’ve been waiting on this and expecting it for years.”


“My parents, your parents, our friends. Everyone says they saw this coming. I just wish they would have pointed it out to me sooner. Maybe I could have pulled my head out of my ass a long time ago.”

“Did they tell you that? Our parents?” I ask. Although, I’m not surprised. My mother has dropped hints for years how she thought Cooper and I looked good together. I would roll my eyes, while inside I was secretly thrilled she thought so. Looks like I didn’t hide my feelings as well as I thought I did.

“They did. Nixon too.”

“Yeah, Tess said something similar while we were in Mexico.” I guess it’s not a bad thing we have so many people in our corner.

“I want this, Reese. I want you. I agreed I would try to go slow, but I need you to know that slowing this down doesn’t change the way I feel about you. It doesn’t change the fact you’re all I think about, and the life I want with you is all I can see when I think about the future.” He’s quiet for a few minutes. “Every future has a past, Reese. This is our story. We choose the ending.”

I’m certain he can feel the way my heart is racing. His words make me want to throw caution to the wind and jump in eyes closed, hoping for the best. I just need a little time, and I need to talk to Hunter, though. He really does deserve an apology.

“You’re making this hard for me,” I confess.

“Good. Because the thought of being away from you is tearing me up inside. This last year was pure hell, and I never want to go through that again.”

I snuggle into his chest, needing to be close to him. “I missed you too, Cooper.”

He doesn’t reply, but the tight hold of his arms around me tells me everything. He’s never been like this. We used to cuddle a lot, but this, needing me close, and not being able to stay away. That’s all-new. It’s new, and even so, my heart craves it. Not just my heart but me. I crave him. There’s no doubt in my mind that Cooper is the man for me. And somehow, here in the darkness of my room, he’s managed to chip away at my doubts that this is really what he wants.

I want him. I want this life he talks about, the two of us and happily ever after. I guess only time will tell what the future brings.



Chapter 9





The morning sun gleams in through the window. I blink slowly, opening my eyes and adjusting to the light. A smile immediately breaks out when I see Reese is still in my arms, still facing me just as she was last night. I’ve woken up in her bed before, and her in mine, but this time it’s different. This time she’s going to wake up knowing she slept in the arms of the man who loves her.

Carefully, I push her hair out of her eyes, and they flutter open. “Good morning, beautiful,” I say, leaning down and kissing the corner of her mouth.

“I need to brush my teeth,” she mumbles.

“You’re here in my arms. That’s the last thing I’m worried about. How did you sleep?”

“Like a rock.”

I want to puff out my chest at that. She slept like a rock in my arms. Mine. Where she belongs. “What’s on the agenda for today?” I ask instead of gloating. I have a feeling that will get me nowhere.

“Toothbrush, shower, and food. In that order.”

I chuckle at her. “What’s after that?”

“I need to call Hunter.”

I nod. “Are you surprised he hasn’t reached out to you before now?”

“No. Not really. He’s a good guy. He’s never pressured me, and I know he’s hurting.”

“I’m sorry.”

“Me too, but it’s for the best. It might have been bad timing, but it’s better in the long run. I mean, he was saving himself for his wife. I could have taken that from him. I know we would have made it work, and maybe in time, I would have been able to give him more of me, but… I don’t think so.”

“Why is that?” I ask. My heart hammers in my chest, waiting to hear her say it. I know the answer; it’s me. Don’t judge me. I need a small morsel of something when it comes to her.


It’s not a confession of love, but I’ll take it. “The offer still stands. If you want me to go with you.”

“No. I need to do it on my own. Besides, that’s kind of a slap in the face bringing you with me.”

“Why? For all he knows, we’re just friends.” I’m sure by now he’s heard rumors or even figured it out on his own. Nixon said it was written all over my face. It’s also no coincidence I was the one that rushed out of the banquet hall after her.

“I think our friends and family have proved otherwise.”

“You’re right. I don’t hate the guy, but he wasn’t the man for you.” I lean down and kiss the tip of her nose. “No one can love you like I can.”

“Who are you and what have you done with my best friend?” she asks, a slow, sleepy smile playing at her lips.

“Didn’t you hear? Your best friend fell in love,” I say, and her eyes soften. “Now, go grab that shower and toothbrush you were rambling about, while I make us some breakfast.”

“I’m not sure what our options are. I guess I should add going to the store to my list of things to do today,” she says, climbing out of bed.

“We can do that.”


I nod. “Yes, we. Now go.” I walk toward her and snake my arms around her waist before she can get away. I give her a hug and kiss her neck softly before releasing her. I leave her to grab her shower while I rummage through her cabinets.

She’s right. She has nothing. There’s a small diner just down the street we used to frequent in college. After a quick search, I have their number, and I call in an order. I should be back just as she’s finished getting ready. Not wanting to find me gone and think I ran, I head back down the hall and knock on the bathroom door.

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