Home > SAX (Desert Rebels MC Book 4)(38)

SAX (Desert Rebels MC Book 4)(38)
Author: Tory Richards

"Come with me," Reid said in a calm tone.

"We need to move out!" Cole stated. He grabbed the dead driver and hauled him from the van, tossing him off the road and into the dirt so he wouldn't be noticed.

We plowed into the van and took off down the road. The trailer turned out to be a lot more than the old tin box that I'd been expecting. It was a newer manufactured home, the kind you saw in retirement communities. Either Oz had been given incorrect info, or the Knights had done some upgrading. I wondered what other surprises we were going to find.

Cole pulled up to the side of the main building, out of sight of the entrance door. We didn't know how many Knights we'd be dealing with, or if there were guards. The plan was to storm the studio, but there was also another building on the property that we hadn't expected. A hunch told me that it was probably where they held the girls. It wasn't as nice as the main building, and looked as if it was used mainly for storage.

"Chewy, Loco, you check out the other building!" Cole commanded in a harsh whisper the minute we were all outside the van. "The rest come with me."

Demon stayed close to Cole's backside, and Reid and I followed as we rushed around the building toward the door. Movement in the shadows drew our attention, and several of us fired off a shot, content that the threat was gone when we heard a grunt. Cole kicked in the door and we rushed inside with our weapons ready. The first two men we came across went down before they could even reach for their guns.

"Spread out!" Demon growled.

We hadn’t gotten far when three other fuckers came running into the room. I managed to nail the first one, while the other two shot in our direction, causing us to scramble for cover. I saw movement out of the corner of my eye as another Knight entered the room from a different direction. Our eyes met, but he didn't have time to line up his shot. Before I could get a shot off, he chopped the gun out of my hand, and we began fighting each other for control.

I pushed him down the tight hallway. I didn't trust his brothers not to shoot blindly, not caring of who they hit. We went at each other like two bulls, bouncing back and forth against the walls while our fists pounded against hard muscles and flesh. His fist glanced off my face, the ring he was wearing splitting my cheek open. With a snarl I brought my fist up and clipped him beneath the chin in a solid uppercut. Blood and spit went flying. His retaliation caught me square in the eye, and for a second I saw stars. My head flew back, hitting the wall before I gave it a shake and came back at him with several punches to his nose and mouth. Several punches to my torso took my breath away, but I knew that if I went down, I wouldn't get back up

As I dropped to my knees I slammed my fist directly into his balls. I knew it was a cheap shot, but we were fighting for life or death. He released a sound like an animal on the verge of dying as he reached for his balls and his body slowly started to crumble. Before he could recover I got to my feet and brought my knee up, hitting him in the throat. He went down. I looked around for my gun, picked it up, and fired one shot between his eyes.

I stood panting for breath. The shooting had stopped. Reid and Demon were heading down the hallway opposite where I was standing, so I decided to check the rooms at my end. I walked into the first bedroom, which appeared to be set up as a studio, cameras facing a round bed. There was a mirror on the ceiling that would reflect anything that might happen on the bed. The décor was strictly a porn setting. I squinted, swearing as I realized that mixed among the various stains on the bed was blood.


I left that room and checked two other similar rooms, finding them empty. Dancer was heading down the hallway as I was heading back. "How much time do you need?"

"Give me ten to set it up. I can detonate after we leave."

I nodded and continued to the main room. The door opened, and Chewy and Loco came inside. I raised a brow, silently asking what had gone down. From their expressions I knew that it wasn't good.

"Found two girls in that fucking hot box," Loco said, grinding his back teeth until a muscle jerked in his jaw. "One of them is just a kid, Brother. A fucking kid."

Jesus H. Christ. I thought about the blood that I’d seen on the bed. Had that been hers? Had those fucking bastards raped a kid?

"Took out two of them," Chewy said as Demon, Cole, and Reid returned.

"Where are the girls?" I frowned.

"Outside. Didn't know what we'd find in here."

"We'd better get gone." Cole tucked his gun away. He glanced up when Dancer came back into the room. "You done?"

"Yup. Set explosives up in that shed, too. Time the Knights get here, this place is going to look like a fucking crater," he grinned.

"Good." Demon was already at the door. "Let's go."

We’d barely made it outside when he paused and pulled out his phone. A smirk moved across his face. "Oz said it's done."

"The fucking Knights won't know which way to go," Loco remarked as he moved toward the two cowering girls.

Jesus fuck. The one looked to be about ten, maybe eleven-years-old at most. I went over to her. Her eyes were downcast, and I could feel her trembling when I put my finger beneath her small chin and gently pulled her head up to meet her eyes. God, hers were big and so full of innocence. "We're going to get you home, okay, sweetheart?"

She nodded slowly, her bottom lip quivering.

"Did any of those men touch you?"

Before she could respond, the woman next to her said, "They were saving her. They said they could get more money for a virgin."

Fucking hell. I ground my teeth until a sharp pain shot up the side of my jaw. Thank God she wouldn't have to deal with the aftermath of being raped. From the look of the woman in front of me, it seemed like she hadn't avoided anything. In spite of that, there was gratitude swimming in her eyes

"We got to go, Brother," Demon insisted.

Loco and Chewy carried the barefoot girls to the van. We plowed inside and took off down the road and back to the van we'd arrived in. I glanced back at the girls where they sat on the floor. The older one was holding the little girl close to her, trying to comfort her in her own way. "What are your names?"

"Shanna," the woman answered. "This is Tara.

"How long were you with those men?"

"Two days," Shanna answered, looking down at the floor. "Too long."

"We have a doctor at the clubhouse if you need one."

She shook her head, keeping her eyes down.

"There's two other girls. I promise we'll get you all home."

As we pulled up next to the other van, Demon growled, "Reid, you drive the other van back, Brother."

Reid got up without question.

"I gotta go too, Prez." Dancer followed behind Reid after he opened the door and jumped to the ground. "Detonator's over there."

"After we take off, you know what to do," Cole said.

"Got it." He closed the door behind him.

"Let's get the fuck out of here." I didn't want to face any more Knights tonight with the girls present.

"We're not going to watch the fireworks?" Chewy joked.

Oh, we'd be watching them. Well, I would, because I had a window. If I knew Dancer he'd set up enough explosives to light up the fucking sky for miles around, which was another reason that I wanted to put distance between us and this place. It was going to draw the cops.

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