Home > Rockstar Romeo(16)

Rockstar Romeo(16)
Author: Abbie Zanders

My lips quirked at Ross’s CEO tone. His bossiness could be frustrating at times, but I knew it was because he cared. And the truth was, the boys and I wouldn’t be where we were if Ross hadn’t been there for us. It was worth the occasional humility on my part. He’d earned that much.


I stood in the foyer for a good ten minutes after they left. What was I supposed to do now? For that matter, what was I supposed to do for the next twelve weeks?

Despite the early hour, I poured myself a glass of wine and considered typing out an email to “Ida,” but what I was feeling was too raw and personal to express in black letters on a white screen. I picked up my phone, my thumb hovering over her number, then changed my mind about that, too, when the first tears fell.

I put the phone down, picked up my wine, and curled into a tight, upright ball on my sofa. I’d call her later, once I had a chance to process the glut of emotions threatening to suffocate me.



Chapter 8


Dear Ida,

I find myself in uncharted territory. The woman I’m interested in is going through a rough patch, and I want to be there for her. How can I do that without making it seem like I’m trying to take advantage of her vulnerability? – Supportive Rocker

* * *

Dear Supportive,

Congratulations! You have officially evolved beyond caveman mentality. The simple answer: be there for her. Pay attention. She will let you know exactly what she needs.

~ * ~


“Want to run through that one again?” Kurt asked as the final notes faded away.

We’d spent most of the day in the studio, working on a couple of songs for the new album.

“No. We can’t do any better than that last one, man.”

Kurt was a perfectionist, but if this track got any more perfect, it would be divine. Besides, I was anxious to wrap it up. I hadn’t seen Eva all day, and I was as jittery as a junkie craving a fix.

“Guess you’re right,” Kurt admitted. “What about the new one?”

I frowned. Our latest song had all the makings of an epic hit, but it was missing something, something we hadn’t yet identified. We were close—I could feel it—but we weren’t there yet.

“I need a break. Maybe it’ll come to me.”

Chaz, our bassist, nodded and grinned. “It always does. Hey, are you hanging with us tonight? The wives and kids are going shopping or some shit, so it’ll be just us guys. We’re grabbing some Chinese takeout and a case of beer or two, doing it up old school with some cult classics. You in?”

“Thanks, but I’ll pass.”

Kurt smiled knowingly. “Eva?”

I couldn’t help the grin that split my face. “Yeah.”

“Jesus,” our drummer Dave piped up, a look of surprise on his face.


“That look, man. The only time I’ve ever seen that look on your face is when you talk about that Black Raven chick from back in the day.”

It was Kurt’s turn to laugh. “Eva is that chick, Dave.”

“No shit?”

“No shit,” Kurt confirmed. “Jacie finally found her.”

“Well, it’s about fucking time. Can we retire now?”

~ * ~

Eva’s house was dark when I pulled into her driveway later that night, and I wondered if she’d gone out. A quick check of the garage revealed her little black Audi TTS Roadster parked in there.

Of course, there was the possibility that she was out with someone, but I hoped fate wouldn’t be that cruel. I believed everything happened for a reason, and the fact that our paths had crossed again here and now wasn’t just a happy accident.

I rang the bell several times and received no response. Unwilling to give up so easily, I pulled out my phone and called her. I knew she was going through a rough time, and I wanted to make sure she was okay.

Admittedly, it wasn’t completely selfless on my part. As clichéd and corny as it sounded, kissing her last night had awoken something inside of me, something I’d begun to think I would never feel. I wanted to see where it led. Even if it ending up leading nowhere, I figured she could still use a friend.

If she didn’t want me here, I would respect her wishes, but she’d have to come right out and tell me that straight up, repeatedly and with conviction, because I had no intention of going anywhere otherwise.

“Yes?” Her voice sounded tired.

“Eva, it’s Jace. Can you let me in?”


“I’m at your front door.”

Less than a minute later, the front door opened a crack. “Jace. Is there something wrong?” It was definitely Eva’s voice, but it sounded off. She stood back in the shadows where I couldn’t see her well.

“You weren’t at the studio today.”

“No. I took a personal day.”

“May I come in?”

There was a definite hesitation as I counted four pounding beats against the inner walls of my chest. I silently prayed she didn’t send me away. Timing was everything, and I was a big believer in cosmic timing. It was no coincidence that I’d finally found her, at this time, in this place. She needed someone, and as far as I was concerned, that someone was me. Now, I just had to convince her.

Thankfully, the door opened wider, and I stepped inside. The only light came from the porch light streaming in through the side panels of beveled glass. It took a few moments for my eyes to adjust to the darkness, but when they did, I felt a sharp pain shoot through my chest. Eva looked even smaller than usual. Her skin was pale, making the dark circles under her eyes more noticeable.

“Eva. You look like hell.”

She self-consciously crossed her arms over her chest. “Thanks,” she mumbled, moving farther back into the shadows.

“No! I didn’t mean it like that,” I said quickly, putting my hand on her forehead. “You’re cold.”

“I was out back by the pool.”

I shrugged out of my jacket and wrapped it around her shoulders. Thankfully, she didn’t protest. Instead, she pulled it around her, snuggling into the warmth. My warmth.

“I didn’t think it would be this hard.” She sniffled. “I was just going to make some tea. Would you like some?”

“I’ve got a better idea. How about you soak in a hot bath and I make the tea?”

She blinked, lifting her head to stare at me. “Why would you do that?”

I could see her mind working, trying to figure out my angle, and it saddened me that she expected even the simplest kindness to come with an ulterior motive. Then again, the music industry was a vicious business, and I’d bet that most of the people she dealt with on a daily basis were only concerned with what she could do for them.

“Because you look like you could use a friend right now; that’s why.”

The tiniest hint of a smile ghosted her lips. “You want to be my friend, Jace? Is that what you’re saying?”

“Among other things,” I answered truthfully. I had a feeling she’d been lied to enough in her lifetime. “It’s a start.”

She considered that for a few moments, during which I held my breath.

“Fair enough,” she finally said. “A bath does sound like a good idea, and if you don’t mind waiting, I’d like the company.”

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