Home > Rockstar Romeo(19)

Rockstar Romeo(19)
Author: Abbie Zanders

I looked at her, afraid to hope, knowing I had to clarify. “I’m not sorry we had sex. I’m sorry for not loving you properly,” I amended. “For being so rough, so quick.”

The sex had been fast and furious and of single-minded purpose: to slake the incendiary lust between us. And yet, oddly enough, it had felt like more than that. We’d come together like desperate lovers, not consenting adults out for a round of strings-free sex. At least, that was what it had felt like to me.

“Mmm, don’t apologize. I needed that. Now that we’ve taken the edge off, we can take our time.”

I looked deep into her eyes, at once hopeful and relieved. “We can?”

“Oh, yes,” she purred, squeezing her inner muscles around my dick, which was still buried deep inside her. “I want them all, one through six. I even have some suggestions for seven, eight, and nine ...”

~ * ~

It wouldn’t be accurate to say that we’d spent the entire day in bed. We’d made great use of the living room, the kitchen, the bathroom, and the stairway, eventually winding up in Eva’s master bedroom.

“You are a wicked, wicked woman,” I moaned as I lay naked and spent after the latest round.

Eva hummed in response. Half of her body was draped over my chest; the other half was sprawled languidly atop the fluffy bedspread. Making her scream in pleasure was my new favorite pastime. There was not an inch of that luscious body I had not licked, fondled, teased, and loved, and after some much-needed recovery time, I fully intended to do it all over again.

Eva’s cell phone vibrated on the nightstand, an unwelcome reminder that, despite the last twenty-four hours, we were not the only two people in the universe. Eva started to move, but I was closer. I reached out and checked the caller ID on the screen.

Eva mumbled something against my skin that might or might not have been, “The boys?”


I tossed the phone back on the nightstand, filling my now-empty palm with the soft swell of her ass. She rewarded me by pressing an open-mouthed kiss to my nipple, tonguing me the way I had tongued her earlier. The woman was the softest, warmest, naughtiest little cuddler.

“Who then?”


Eva groaned, and I felt the vibrations down the length of my midsection. The sound was similar to the moans she made right after she came—which she’d done a lot over the last few hours, I was happy to say.

“Oh shit. I forgot I was supposed to meet him for dinner tonight.”

My hand moved possessively over her ass. Going out to dinner meant we would have to leave this bed, and that was definitely not in my immediate plans. “Ignore it. It’s Saturday.”

“No rest for the wicked,” she quipped, sounding no happier about it than I was. “But this isn’t about work. He’s worried about me.”

She pulled her body fully onto mine, pausing to kiss the corners of my mouth before stretching for the phone. The move placed her tits right in line with my lips, an opportunity I simply couldn’t ignore. I ruthlessly nipped and sucked until she moved them out of reach by sitting up and straddling my stomach.

She laughed softly when I pouted.

“You’re insatiable.”

“Around you, yes,” I answered honestly.

At that point, I was quite certain I would never get enough of her.

~ * ~


Jace’s gaze dropped to my chest, his fine male lips pursing into a pout like a child who’d had his new toy taken away. Physically spent and pleasantly tingling from head to toe, I’d never felt so completely desired. The man was a skilled, generous lover, and had a particular fascination with my breasts. I’d always been self-conscious of my well-endowed chest, primarily because it drew unwanted attention, but I felt nothing of the sort with Jace. I took pleasure in the fact that he took so much pleasure in them. In fact, I could see number eight becoming a personal favorite of mine.

Even as I thought that, he took full advantage of our position and sat up, drawing one into his mouth again. The things that man could do with his tongue should be flagged as illegal—or possibly immoral. Maybe both.

At least they aren’t fattening, I thought with a secret smile.

I cursed softly when I read Ross’s most recent text and the several I’d missed before that. While Jace and I had been indulging in a mind-blowing, day-long sex marathon, Ross had been trying to contact me, with each subsequent, unanswered text exhibiting a rising level of concern.

Any hopes I had of getting out of meeting Ross for dinner were dashed when another text popped up on the screen, announcing that he was on his way and would be at my house in an hour.

He meant well, I knew. I was sure he believed me to be wallowing around in a haze of self-pity and depression, which, honestly, I probably would have been if it wasn’t for Jace and his highly effective version of “empty nest therapy,” as he had jokingly called it. I was pleased to say that it was one hundred percent effective in keeping me from lapsing into anything but decadent pleasure.

I couldn’t tell Ross that though. He’d go ballistic.

“I have to go.”

“Don’t go. Stay. Tell him you’re with me,” Jace suggested.

“Oh yeah, that’ll calm him right down,” I said, unable to keep the sarcasm from my tone. I thumbed a quick text to Ross, explaining that I had simply lost track of time and would meet him at the restaurant, then tossed the phone back on the night table. “I’m breaking just about every rule there is by sleeping with you, you know.”

He frowned, his beautiful golden-brown eyes darkening. “Seriously?”


“Is this going to be an issue?”

“No, because I don’t plan on advertising it. I’m not telling anyone about this, Jace, and you can’t either.”

A moment later, I was on my back. Jace had reversed our positions, and now, he was the one straddling me. Threading his fingers through mine, he lifted my arms above my head and pressed warm, moist kisses against the pulse points on my neck.

“Ashamed of me, Angel?” he challenged, nipping my skin with his teeth and then soothing over the sting with his tongue. When I didn’t answer right away, he pulled back enough to look into my face. “Are you?”

“Of course I’m not ashamed of you,” I snapped.

And I wasn’t. That didn’t mean I wanted to shout what we’d done from the rooftops even if part of me did want to do exactly that. And therein lay my biggest problem.

I pushed at his chest and rolled out from beneath him. This time, he didn’t try to stop me.

“But you think this was a mistake?” he pressed, his tone carefully measured.

Sleeping with clients was never a good idea, but in this business, it happened all the time—a fact that I was sure Jace knew very well. To him, this was no big deal, just another day in the life of a rock god.

To me? Not so much. Still, I was going to give myself a pass this one time. Extenuating circumstances and all that.

No, for me, the real issue wasn’t that it had happened but that I’d foolishly allowed my feelings to come into play. If it were just sex, I could accept that I’d given in during a moment of weakness, just like I had during last night’s dinner binge.

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