Home > A Sea of Smoke(97)

A Sea of Smoke(97)
Author: Karen Lynn

“What is wrong with you Logan?” The words spurted out between desperate gulps of air.

A dark shadow fell across his face, his eyes turning a deeper, misty shade of blue. “I need you Krissy.”

Kristen’s mouth fell open in shock just as a couple of female customers headed towards her. Absentmindedly, she brought the stroller with her, stepping out of their way. Instantly, Logan was at her side, guiding her body back to his. They were hidden in the farthest corner of the long hallway. Her hands remained stuck on the stroller, but she didn’t fight him this time. Locked in his embrace, she gave in to his lips. When she couldn’t breathe anymore, she broke the kiss, opened her eyes and rested her cheek against his. The frantic rhythm of his heartbeat, melted into her.

“Logan. I am not doing this again, I can’t”

“Why not? The savage? You know you don’t love—

“—Don’t call him that! You hear me? Ever!” She wrestled him, her eyes burning with anger, until he gave her a weak smile.

Stunned, he studied her, taking in the trembling and reddened face. Then his heart sank. “You do…don’t you?” Despite himself, his arms went limp. Taking the opportunity, she jumped back, careful to stay out of the path of customers and employees scurrying along.

She never intended to reveal the true extent of her feelings for Jake to Logan, especially when he inadvertently held her future freedom in his hands. Now it was too late. In a moment of passion, she had suddenly become aware of it herself.

The baby began crying. Kristen comforted him the best she could without picking him up. An icy silence fell over them, neither of them comfortable enough to speak.

As the flurry of activity around them intensified, Logan pulled himself together. Whisking his hair out of his eyes, he straightened his posture and studied her. His mind was clearing and the thoughts re-formulating in his head, centering on what they were going to do when she went home with him. Her revelation had little impact on him. Whatever passionate daydream she was lost in, would unravel soon enough. He had all the time in the world. But for now the sooner they were in bed the better. Until then, the only way to take the edge off was by drowning himself in something a lot harder than beer.

“Let’s finish lunch.” Taking her hand gently, his eyes washed over her as he led her to the bar. “Are you sure you don’t want a beer?”

When she declined, he quickly ordered a vodka and tonic.

“Isn’t that a little strong after beer? How are you…”

The sudden loud vibrations of Logan’s cell distracted him, blocking out the rest of her words. Without checking to see who it was, he muted it, shoved it back in his pocket and grabbed his drink.

The waiter was clearing off the table when they returned. Seeing Logan already had a drink, he asked if they wanted dessert. Logan repressed a hearty chuckle, flashing a seductive glance at Kristen who was busy finishing up her salad. Since most of the burger ended up in the trash, she was thankful she had something left to satisfy her lingering hunger. Blushing from the thought, she cast her eyes down, determined not to attract Logan’s attention.

“Want ice cream?” Logan spoke into her ear as if it were some kind of decadent secret.

The sudden touch of his lips, caught her off guard. “Sure.” A dazzling smile lit up his face, destroying her confidence. Why did I agree to this? I need to get out of here and soon!

He wasn’t letting up so easily. His lips still played along her cheek, his fingers stole through her hair. “Why did you really come to see me Krissy?”

Strange how being the only sober one in the crowd, put a different perspective on things. She cringed at the glassiness of his eyes, the slur in his voice. It brought back the horrible memory of the evenings they spent with Jonny and Nick, the ones she endured, even managed to stay strong during, without any help from alcohol or drugs. Now, here she was just as clear headed and straight, but her courage was questionable. And it was so very difficult to come up with a believable answer to his question.

“I don’t know Logan. I guess I’m really thankful you took the heat for me. And I’m still hoping we can be friends, after all this time.”

Logan stopped cold, a deep frown creased his forehead. “Friends? You’ve gotta be kidding me! We went over this a million times. You know it’s impossible to just be friends, especially now after everything we’ve been through and everything I did for you.”

The waiter set a large bowl of chocolate ice cream in front of them. Before he walked away, Logan gave him a drunken grin and ordered another Vodka.

“I ordered strawberries and fudge on top, just like you like it, remember?”

Fighting the tears building in her eyes, she glanced at Alex who thankfully, was still fast asleep. “I remember everything Logan, good and bad. You don’t have to remind me.”

“Really? Sometimes I wonder if you forgot how I protected you from that crazy ass brother or yours. How I—”

“—Almost killed him? Yeah I remember it like it was yesterday Logan.” She held her voice to a whisper. With a satisfied grin, he loosened up, dropping an arm around her shoulders.

“I also remember how many times you betrayed me and lied to me after that. And how I covered for you with everything. But I’m done now, that part of my life is over. I’d say I paid my dues ten times over, wouldn’t you?” Raising her head to meet his gaze, she couldn’t stifle the anger building inside.

Logan stiffened, surprised and affected by her words and the fire consuming her. Kristen picked up the spoon, too upset to pursue it any longer. Hoping to find some relief in her favorite dessert, she dipped into it until the tremors increased and the spoon clattered to the floor. Flustered even more, she took a deep breath, shielding her face behind her hands.

“How come your lover boy isn’t going to prison for you, huh? Did you ever ask yourself that question?” He tried prying her fingers away, she clamped them harder to her face. Giving up, he sat back, waiting for her reaction.

“Logan!” A man’s voice broke the spell, interrupting them. The instant recognition set in, Logan groaned. Like usual, Nick’s timing sucked.

Kristen swiped her eyes with the back of her hand, lifting her head to see who it was. Nick’s smirk brought a rise of nausea into her chest. The tremors turning uncontrollable now, her eyes darted to Logan.

“You invited him?”

“No!” Logan shrugged, but the sheepish expression on his face, told her the truth.

“You fucking bastard!” She leaped to her feet, creating a barrier between Nick and the baby.

“Calm down Kristen. Can’t we just have a nice civilized lunch? After all, your husband’s about to go to prison.” He swayed back and forth, proving he was already buzzed.

“Like you give a shit? You wouldn’t even bail him out!” Kristen’s hands gripped the stroller. Nothing would’ve made her happier than ramming it into his legs, breaking them into pieces. The vision blazed in her head and if she wasn’t so enraged, she would’ve doubled over with laughter. Without a word, she whirled around not sure if she should run into the street or disappear into the restaurant. On impulse she started inside, refusing to turn as Logan’s voice echoed after her.

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