Home > All I Ask of You (The Kalmin Brothers Book 3)(101)

All I Ask of You (The Kalmin Brothers Book 3)(101)
Author: Chelsea Maria

“Turn around for me baby.” Catching him raise the silk tie in his hand I twirled around in a quickness. “Tonight.” His lips kissed the hollow of my neck. “You asked me to make love to you. To let you feel me here.” The palm of his hand pressed down right above my pelvis. The pressure mixed with the heavy weight of his muscle, I morphed incoherent words that sounded like moans and gasps. “Do you trust me?” My eyes were blinded, vision gone, and other senses heightened. The smell of the rain, the beat of his heart and heavy breathing.

“I’ll always trust you, King.” We hadn’t even begun yet and already Amell had me on the brink of combustion.

My dreams of the perfect mate for me is everything Amell is personified. I wanted a man who could protect and take care of me. Be there for me emotionally and spiritually, just as he was there for me physically. I wanted a man who protected my mental state. A man who prayed for me. Guarded my purpose and passions. Elevated me to see beyond potential but to see that if I put the work behind the faith, God would elevate me to wherever I wanted to go.

I wanted a man who courted me. Dated me and also became my best friend. A man who wore both hats a hood edge but able to sit in a boardroom with CEO’s. A man who cared about my feelings. A man who gave me butterflies just by stepping in a room. A man who romances me. Makes love to my mind, then my soul, and makes my body his.

With Amell I got all of that and so, so much more. Amell brought me catastrophic pleasure. Nuclear reactions to his selfless bedroom behavior.

“I want you to ride me in the rain. Can you do that for me, Gazelle?” “Yes.” My voice had turned husky. “Good girl.” We walked for a small distance before the fresh pine smell became clear. Splashes of the rain went from mists splashes to being covered in the coolness of the drops.

My body shook and not because of the night’s chill mixed with the pouring clouds. It came from Amell’s larger than life presence over me. The security he provided by trying to shield me. One of the lawn chairs squeaked from the weight of his massive frame. His hands guided me until I stood before him.

“I’m hungry,” he grumbled before hoisting me up on his shoulders. His quick movements startled me until I calmed down balancing on the thick width of his shoulders and hands holding on his head for security. “Amell,” I whimpered in the thunder of the night.

His tongue traveled east and west. Traveling along my walls. The harder the rain drenched us the harder his tongue twisted and twirled, making me buck and surfboard his mouth. Out of all the years we’ve been together why was this the first time we made love outside in the rain?

Feeling the droplets rain over me, sitting on the cliff of his shoulders, I rocked back and forth, and each time I rocked his tongue met me. I’m sure many women would say that I was biased when I stated that Amell was the best I ever had because he was the only man I ever had. But when you experience serenity and oblivion, see the stars and the mood, why would I ever need to experience anything else? “I’m…I’m…Oh, Amell,” I wheezed, mixing my screams with the rain showers.

Selfishly he slurped everything I had to give. Cleaned me dry and drenched me all over again. Slowly, he slid my limp limbs down his body, taking a nipple in his mouth as he positioned me right on his monster of a muscle. I was drenched, that I knew, but his girth and width, it took a while to break through.

“Gazelle,” he sang in my ear, gripping me by the shoulders, pushing down until no more of him was visible. “Breathe, Gazelle.” How did he expect me to breathe when he sucked the life out of me? When I breathed I felt him in my lungs. Felt him in my ribcage. Felt him everywhere.

I snatched off the tie wanting to look in his eyes. I never wanted him to see me so badly. His chest heaved, my eyes blurred. We moved; I rode the boat. I rocked that big weapon of destruction until it was him who begged and pleaded for me to slow down. For me to stop suctioning my walls around him.

“Cum in me,” I begged in desperation. My body tingled as the rain poured down on my back, poured over us. The coolness dancing along my sensitive skin heightened the moment. His hands spread my cheeks so he could go deep, pushing in me farther than I ever knew possible.

“Gazelle.” His restraint and resolve was weakening. I gave everything I had. Each touch of our thighs. Each scream and moan, I gave and gave. I never been this wet before. He’s never been this hard. All of it was painfully good.

“Fuck, Gazelle.” His teeth sunk into the curve of my neck.

Our movements became unchoreographed. My stomach tightened. Body felt like a furnace starting its burn. “Aaaghhhh.” I screamed almost howling from my release. The feel of him sliding in and out of me made the rivers pour and pour.

“You’ll be the death of me,” He grunted in my ear before I felt the warmness of his seeds filling me up.

As our breathing slowed down and souls housed back in our bodies. Foreheads touching and lips seeking. Our issues, we had plenty. Plenty. We weren’t delusional to think that our problems were fixed in six months. We knew we had a long way to go but the fight was going to be worth it. I regret nothing because it brought us here, to this moment, and something in my heart told me that the road ahead was going to be worth the journey.







Six Months Later

Passion. What you’re willing to suffer for. It doesn’t come without a little suffering. You can’t have passion without suffering. Protecting those around me had and will always be my passion. Loving Krishna how she deserved, growing in that love because I deserved it, that’s my passion.

Two months ago I gave Krishna the wedding she never got to have because of my past selfish acts. In front of family and friends we exchanged vows, renewing them after nine years. She wondered why I didn’t wait one more year to celebrate ten. Truth is I was tired of always waiting.

“Uncle Amell, come on. I’m ready to go home.” Ari sassed with her hands on her hips. “You said we’d only be gone for thirty minutes. It’s been an hour. I want a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, sir.”

Had it not been for her complaining all week about wanting a new art set, we wouldn’t have been in the damn store in the first place. Out of all the girls, when I asked if they wanted to go shopping, she had to be the one to want something that required us to go to the store. The other girls used Amazon like I thought she would, but Miss Smarty Pants knew how to google and check the availability of an item.

“First of all, you said the store had the art set. Second of all, I never said thirty minutes. Let Massey finish looking around and then we can leave.” I watched with amusement trying not to laugh at her version of frowning.

Ari pushed her glasses up her nose and huffed. “Massey is taking forever because she’s getting the cooties by talking to that boy over there.” I peeped that too. Kid with the freckles and blonde mohawk worked here and she’d been in his face since we got here. I already sent a picture of the two of them together to Cassian.

I was the cool uncle, true indeed, but when it came to teenage boys…nah, I wasn’t playing that.

“You know,” she huffed causing her bangs to fly up. “I’m just a kid, just a kid. You’re the adult so you should’ve called first. Ughh,” she stomped her foot. “Massey, stop sucking face and let’s go.” The little tyrant had the nerve to yell out.

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