Home > Visible Panther Line (Paranormal Dating Agency Book 27)(25)

Visible Panther Line (Paranormal Dating Agency Book 27)(25)
Author: Milly Taiden

“I’m okay. Are you two hurt?”

Damien held his breath waiting for one of the women to reply to the Sheriff’s question.

“Eli? We found the Sheriff.”

Eli fumbled the phone when Misty spoke to him, another time Damien would have teased the man. “Misty, are you two okay? Did they hurt you?”

Damien pulled into the parking area in front of the first warehouse and stopped the car. They needed a plan and now was the perfect time.

“Eli, put it on speaker please.”

He nodded and pushed a button.

“We’re okay, Eli. They didn’t hurt us. Just pinched our arms a little bit, but nothing big. The Sheriff’s here. He’s tied up but doesn’t appear to be injured.”

Damien interrupted. “Sky?”

“I’m okay. I promise. I’m untying the Sheriff, so he can tell you what he knows.” Damien heard huffing coming through the phone, and he glanced up at Eli with a quizzical look on his face.

“Hey, Damien, Eli. I’m sorry I was texting you this morning when they jumped me. The house was already ransacked when I arrived. I had walked through and not seen anyone. There was no indication anyone was still there. I opened the door to the basement, and they rushed me. I didn’t hear any sound, so when I opened it, and they were both standing there…they took me down. I’m sorry. It was a rookie mistake.”

Eli raised an eyebrow at Damien, but spoke to the Sheriff. “It happens. You don’t have an animal to fall back on, so we forgive you. Are you injured? Do we need to have medics on standby?”

Damien nodded and pulled out his phone to make the call if the Sheriff requested it.

“No, I’m only a little banged up. Nothing worth the effort. Listen, I heard their conversation when they thought I was knocked out on the way here. They killed Jomen accidently. He promised to bring them some paperwork, and when he showed up empty handed, one of Salazar’s lackeys killed him.”

Damien heard movement through the phone, and then Patrick thanking someone. “Salazar was pissed and told them to follow you around town, Damien. You were the only one here when everything went down, so you had to be involved, he said. I was in the wrong place at the wrong time. They don’t want me. I wasn’t here for the action and only know what you told me.”

Damien nodded and looked at Eli. “When Jomen left town, I had Eli gather anything of importance from the Mayor’s office, his home, and the warehouse where they did their business. It’s still put away, and I didn’t go through it yet. I should have, but I thought it was over, and I was careless. This is on me, my friend.”

Damien’s phone rang, and he nodded at Eli. “Hold on, gang. I’m getting a call.”

Damien waited until Eli muted the phone again and then answered. “Damien Grimes.”

“Hello, Mr. Grimes, it’s been awhile.”

“Salazar, I thought you slithered away in a hole to die.” Damien wished it was that easy, but they couldn’t get close enough to him last time to put him away and now this.

“No chance, my friend. I’m sure you’ve gathered I have your little girlfriend and your pet’s girl too. This time we will get to meet in person. I hope you’re excited.”

Damien clenched the phone tightly in his hand, and tried to calm down.

“What do you want? I agreed to walk away if you left my town alone. There’s nothing here for you.” Damien worried what his words would sound like to Sky, would she think he was the asshole villain she had originally thought? Or will she let him explain everything?

“You mean, I let you live if you didn’t come after me. Don’t you? Either way, I found my affairs weren’t quite in the order I expected, and your Mayor hid a few items from me. They are mine, and I want them back. He paid the price, but you can avoid it if you bring me everything he had in his possession. I’m giving you one hour.” Damien heard footsteps through the phone, and he looked quickly at Eli. Hoping the other man understood what he was trying to say.

“One hour, and I will call back. If you don’t have what I want…well, your girlfriend here might not see another sunset.” Damien heard Sky cry out, and then the phone went dead.

He quickly looked at Eli to see the man, dialing his phone.

“Sorry, amigo, your girlfriend is otherwise occupied. She’ll call you later.” Mocking laughter echoed through the phone, and Eli threw it across the car.



Chapter Twenty



Sky wanted to cry when she heard Damien’s voice through the phone. She could see Misty felt the same way. No matter how strong they were pretending to be, they were still scared. She did feel safer with the Sheriff with them.

They listened to Damien’s part of the conversation, and Sky tried to avoid any doubts about him. He wouldn’t have let this man walk away unless he had a damn good reason. She had to have faith. He’d proven he was a good guy multiple times.

A small part of her kept saying she only had his word. What if he lied to her just to get her into bed. It’s not like he claimed her, so he could still walk away.

The door slammed open, and Salazar walked over to her and pulled her off the bed by her hair. She screamed and grabbed at his hand. She listened to him talk to Damien and tried not to move, so he didn’t pull on her any more than he was.

A moment later, Misty groaned when Hedge pulled the phone from her hand and hung it up. He held it up and showed Salazar who grinned.

It flashed with a phone call and showed Eli’s name on the screen. “Answer it.”

“Sorry, amigo, your girlfriend is otherwise occupied. She’ll call you later.” Hedge laughed, and then crushed the phone in his hand.

The Sheriff stumbled to his feet and reached out for her. “Let her go, man. You don’t need to hurt her. Damien got your message. He’s not going to double cross you. You’ve got his mate in your hands. She’s the most important person to him. You hold all the cards right now.”

Salazar grinned down at her, and Sky could only stare. “You’re right, lawman.” He let go of her hair by shoving her away. She landed on the bed next to Misty. “I know what the women are good for, but why am I keeping you alive?”

The Sheriff nodded and looked at Misty and then her. “You’re the type of person, I expect, who doesn’t care for law enforcement, so I don’t think I can say anything to keep you from killing me. But, you’re a smart man. You know how many agencies will come after you if you do.”

Sky jumped up and stood in front of the Sheriff. Misty quickly followed suit. “Not to mention what Damien and Eli will do to you if you kill the man they appointed to office here. A man they consider a friend. Do you really want a wolf and a panther after you?”

Salazar’s gaze moved over the three of them, and Sky hoped he was too arrogant to realize he was screwed no matter what. They weren’t going to let him leave alive, but she would say anything to save the Sheriff.

“Fine, you can live for now. We will see what happens when I get my items back.” Salazar turned and walked out of the room. They stopped just outside, and he turned to Hedge. “I want you to go to Damien’s house and watch for him. Hog came over and fidgeted, shifting from foot to foot. “What about me, boss?”

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