Home > Dirty Truth : A High School Bully Romance(29)

Dirty Truth : A High School Bully Romance(29)
Author: K. Walker

I didn’t even know he could do that, but apparently, that was one of the perks of his company having been responsible for creating and securing the prison’s network and communications system.

The call connected and the large screen at the end of the conference room filled with the image of a man. He was obviously even older than Lucas, but even in a bright orange prison jumpsuit, he was handsome in a rugged sort of way. It was easy to see why Mom might’ve fallen for the man.

He beamed broadly, his eyes lighting up. “Isabella!” he exclaimed with a heavy accent. “You are even more beautiful in person. You look so much like your mother. It’s like having stepped back in time.”

Heat rushed to my cheeks as I blushed. I smiled at him, but I wasn’t sure what to say in response.

“And little Wesley! It’s so good to see you again. You’ve certainly grown up. What happened to the scrawny boy who used to cling to my ankles, huh? You’re taking care of my daughter, I assume. Not doing anything untoward, right?”

Wes laughed and grinned, squeezing my hand. “It’s good to see you too, Uncle Carter. And don’t worry; I’m taking good care of Bella. I wouldn’t dream of doing anything untoward.”

I resisted the urge to snort. Pretty much every thought Wes had bordered on untoward, but I figured it was better not to bring that up. Not with both of our fathers standing right there.

“Good, good. I’d hate to have to bury your body out in the desert, you know.” Carter winked and grinned. I was pretty sure the threat was just a joke, but with a man like that, you never could be too sure. “How are you holding up, Bella? I was so sorry to hear about your mother. She was a good woman. I hear that you killed the man who shot her, is that right?”

I nodded as my heart skipped a beat. I still had dreams about that night, no matter how hard I’d tried to put it out of my mind and forget all of it.

“Good. I’m sorry you two ended up with that disgrace. I should never have walked away from the two of you like I had. I told myself it was for the best that neither of you would be safe if I’d married your mother and officially claimed you. I should have done more for you, though. I should’ve had Lucas give your mother money or something. If I had, then she would still be with us. I hope you will one day forgive me for not having protected her.”

“There’s nothing to forgive,” I told him. I’d been angry at him for not having done more for us at first, but I couldn’t blame him for what that bastard had done to me and my mother. That wasn’t his fault. “You did what you thought was right. I can’t ask for more than that.”

“So gracious,” Carter said with a smile. “You really are Terry’s daughter, aren’t you? Now, tell me about yourself. Lucas has told me about you over the years, but I want to hear it from you. What do you like to do for fun? What’s your favorite food? Your favorite color? I can’t help but feel like a horrible father for not even knowing the basics.”

“Green,” I said, answering the easiest question first. “My favorite color is green. I’m not sure if I have a favorite food really unless you count the milkshakes from Susie’s...”

I lost track of time as we talked. I wasn’t sure what to expect going into the meeting, knowing Carter’s past, but he didn’t seem like a drug kingpin or anything. He was just a kind old man, one whose eyes lit up when I talked. When Wes told him about taking me to his poker nights and how I always cleaned them out, Carter had laughed his head off, giving me a toothy grin and encouraging me to keep showing the guys who was boss.

As nervous as I’d been going into the meeting, I was actually disappointed when it was time for the call to end. He certainly seemed more like the man Lucas and Wes had told me about than the shadowy murder-happy gang lord JP had made him out to be.

Carter’s lawyer left right after the call ended, leaving the three of us alone in the conference room.

“So, what did you think of your father?” Wes asked, squeezing my hand again. There was no way I could’ve gone through with the call without him by my side, and I was so thankful he’d been able to be there with me.

“He was nice. I can definitely see why Mom fell for him. He’s like one of those suave princes that always showed up to sweep women off their feet in her romance movies.” I looked over at Lucas and smiled at him. “Thanks for arranging this. Will it be possible to talk to him again? I’d like to get to know him better if it’s possible.”

Lucas nodded. “Sure. I can’t promise how often I’ll be able to arrange these chats, but I can see about getting you another chance to talk to him. Carter has some influence in the prison itself, and I’m sure he’ll be as eager to talk again as you are.”

“Did Carter ever tell you how he met my mother?” Mom had never told me the details of how she’d met him. It’s always driven me crazy how secretive she’d been about him, but now I knew why she’d never wanted me to know about him. Not only was it dangerous, but I’m sure she didn’t want me growing up knowing my father was in prison. Even if the fathers of most of my friends growing up had been in prison as well and a good number of their mothers too.

“Your mother was working as a waitress at a little bar at the time. I don’t even remember what it was called; it’s been so long. Carter was in town, working on a trade agreement with one of the local gangs. I’d driven up to see him since we had some things to discuss, and he’d chosen this little hole in the wall bar. Your mother was our waitress that night, and something about her caught his eye. She was attractive, sure, but so were all the other women in that bar. It was something about the way she held herself that intrigued him, I think.”

That certainly sounded like Mom. She’d always had this air of confidence about her, no matter who she was with. She wasn’t scared of anyone, but she wasn’t cocky either. It was just this right combination of respect and no bullshit that I’d only ever seen her pull off.

Lucas started laughing as he thought back to that night, and he grinned. “Carter called her over to our table every five minutes, I swear. The bar owner, he was quite pissed about him monopolizing one of his girls. Your father reached into his bag and pulled out a stack of bills and a pistol, setting them both on the table. He told the guy in no uncertain terms he could either take the money and piss off, or Carter would shoot him right there in the bar.”

“Shit!” That sure didn’t sound like the man I’d just met. It sounded a lot more like than man JP had told me about. Was it really possible for someone to be so gentle and ruthless?

“The owner took the money and kept his mouth shut for the rest of your night. Your mother, on the other hand, was much less impressed. She just stood there, hands-on-hips, and frowned at him, asking if he thought she was some kind of hooker he could buy. You know what he said? Christ, eighteen years later and I can still remember it word for word. ‘There’s not enough money in the world to buy a woman as refined as you. I was just tired of the yappy dog opening his mouth.’ God, I thought for sure she was going to slap him.”

Any other woman would’ve done exactly that over such a cheesy line. But I knew my mom better than that. Cheesy romance was her weakness, and I had no doubt a man as handsome as Carter saying something like that had made her swoon.

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