Home > Dirty Truth : A High School Bully Romance(32)

Dirty Truth : A High School Bully Romance(32)
Author: K. Walker

Wes held onto me as I moaned and shook. He kept thrusting in and out of me for a couple more moments; then, he hit his breaking point too. He thrust up into me one last time, pulling me down on top of him at the same time. Then, I felt his cock throb inside me as he came. He let out a groan that echoed off the walls and filled the room.

Then, everything faded away. Blinding white light filled my vision, wiping away all of my senses. I couldn’t even feel Wes’s fingers digging into my hip anymore. All I could feel was the mind-numbing pleasure that had spread to encompass every inch of my body.

When I came back to reality, I collapsed against Wes. Our bodies quickly became stuck together with cooling sweat, but I didn’t care. I was still reeling from the aftershocks of an orgasm that was unlike anything I’d ever experienced before. Not only did my legs feel like jelly, but my entire body also did.

I couldn’t even form words to tell Wes how amazing that’d been. Thankfully, I didn’t really need them. Wes wrapped his arms around me and held me tight. For a little while at least, we were connected. He knew exactly how I felt because I knew exactly how he felt as well.

“I love you,” I managed to get out a few minutes later. I was still lying on top of Wes, trying to find the strength to move. But even as my heart rate slowed and my breathing went back to normal, I still couldn’t bring myself to even lift my head.

“I love you, too.” Wes’s reply was instant, followed quickly by a kiss. He tightened his grip around me like he never wanted to let go. I never wanted him to let go either, but I knew he had to at some point. We were both sticky and sweaty and smelly, and we desperately needed a shower before we could go to sleep.

I wasn’t eager to leave his room, though. Neither of us had exactly been quiet, and I wasn’t sure just how thick the walls were in this house. For all I knew, everyone else had heard the two of us. And while Wes may not have cared who knew or heard, I certainly did.

It was mortifying just how out of control I’d let myself get. But something about Wes had pressed all the right buttons, bringing out a side of me I’d never experienced before. I could only imagine what else he’d bring out with a bit more time. In a couple more months, there was a pretty good chance I wouldn’t even recognize myself.

“Come on,” Wes whispered into my ear. “Let’s go shower; then we can curl up and get some sleep. We’ve still got school in the morning.”

“Can’t,” I said with a groan, squeezing my eyes shut. “Body won’t move.”

Wes laughed and shifted beneath me. At first, I thought he was getting ready to dump me off him. He didn’t, though. Instead, he managed to stand and scoop me up into his arms at the same time. I squeaked and squirmed, but he held me tight, and I knew he wouldn’t drop me.

But then he carried me out of his room and down the hall toward the bathroom, both of us still completely naked. I tried to cover myself, but it was useless. In his arms, there wasn’t much I could do to hide the fact I was naked. Thankfully, the hallway was empty.

The bathroom, however, was not. Sebastian looked up at us when we walked in. He’d just finished brushing his teeth and was putting his toothbrush away as I flushed scarlet and fought to cover myself again. God, could this night get any more mortifying?

“Out,” Wes said, nodding toward the door. The tone in his voice left no room for argument, and Sebastian quickly scrambled to leave. Wes turned though and called after him, Sebastian freezing in the doorway as he glanced over his shoulder at us. I wasn’t the only one who blushed now, his cheeks a bright red. “Say a word about this to anyone, and I will kill you myself. Understood?”

Sebastian nodded so fast and hard I thought his head was going to go fly right off his shoulders. He made a zipping motion in front of his lips. “I didn’t see anything. I don’t know anything!” With that, he turned and fled, pulling the door closed behind him.

Wes chuckled, the sound reverberating through my entire body. God, he really had no shame. I couldn’t believe he’d been able to stand there so calmly in front of his younger brother. There was no way Sebastian wouldn’t have figured out everything, even if he hadn’t heard us earlier.

“I hate you,” I grumbled as I squeezed my eyes shut and prayed for a hole to open up in the ground and swallow us. That was about the only thing that would do away with the pure embarrassment I felt right then.

But Wes just kept chuckling as he carried me toward the shower, completely unconcerned.




Chapter 21



I couldn’t even look at Sebastian the next morning. To his credit, he did a perfectly fine job of pretending last night hadn’t happened. But every time I looked at him, the memory came flooding back to me, and I wanted to hit Wes for his role in that.

After we’d showered, he’d carried me back to his room. At least that time, I’d had a towel around me, though he hadn’t bothered with such modesty. He didn’t let me go back to my own room either, not until we’d woken up this morning. And even then, it’d only been after I reminded him I couldn’t go to school naked that he’d let me out of his arms.

I bolted across the hall to my room, then locked the door behind me. I’d thought for sure Sebastian or Lucas would’ve been out there at that moment, but thankfully neither were, and I was saved from at least a little bit of embarrassment.

If Lucas noticed my fascination with my plate of food at breakfast, he chose not to say anything. It seemed like the only safe place to look, though, since I had Sebastian sitting next to me and Wes sitting across from me. Looking at either of them just gave me flashbacks to last night, and since it was almost time for school, a trip down memory lane was not something I needed right then.

“See you later,” Wes said with a wink as he left the kitchen. He had morning practice again, and of course, seeing him in his t-shirt and baggy shorts made me think of him changing into his singlet and just how much of him that showed off.

Mentally, I cursed myself, fighting to keep my mind out of the gutter. I was just thankful I wasn’t a boy. As long as I could keep from blushing every time I thought about Wes, no one would be able to know what I was thinking about. Not that it helped the warm, wet, feeling between my legs, but I would take it.



Adrian looked at me with a raised eyebrow when she met me at my locker. She pursed her lips as she looked me up and down, walking around me to look at me from various angles. “Something’s different about you...” she said after a moment, still scrutinizing me.

Heat rushed to my cheeks, and I tried to ignore her. There was no way she could tell, was there? It wasn’t like sex left some kind of mark anyone could see just by looking at you. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Christ, even to me that sounded lame.

And Adrian’s “uh-huh...” told me she didn’t believe it for even a moment. Then, she fixed me with an accusatory glare. “It’s not nice to lie to your best friend, you know.”

“I’m not lying...” Except, I totally was. But there was no way I was going to tell her I’d had my first time with Wes last night. It was bad enough, Sebastian knew. Even though I doubted Adrian would gossip about it, I wasn’t going to risk that information spreading through the school. And in a school like this, any gossip that was related to Wes certainly spread to every student and every teacher within a day.

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