Home > Log Fires & Toffee Apple Cake at the Little Duck Pond Cafe(31)

Log Fires & Toffee Apple Cake at the Little Duck Pond Cafe(31)
Author: Rosie Green

Not that either twin is smiling now.

‘Mum’s so upset you’ve been avoiding her,’ says Jasmine. ‘And I think Dad’s even worse.’

‘We’ve hardly seen him,’ says Chloe. ‘He’s working harder than ever, really long hours, and when he’s home, he just hides away in the greenhouse or in his study.’ She frowns. ‘I think it’s hit him hardest of all, this bombshell.’

My eyes open wide in indignation. ‘Hardest of all? What about me? How would either of you feel if you suddenly found out that everything you thought was true was actually a lie?’

‘Not everything, surely?’ Chloe’s expression reflects the chaos I’m feeling inside.

‘We know how hard this must be for you,’ says Jasmine softly. ‘Just talk to them, Maddy. That’s all they want. Because at the moment, the atmosphere in this house is basically shit.’

Chloe nods. ‘Double shit with bells on.’

I shrug. ‘Okay, okay. I’ll talk to them. Well, Mum, at any rate. The last time Dad and I had a real heart-to-heart, I was probably about twelve. I really don’t think this is the time for olive branches.’

Jasmine sighs. ‘You’re as bad as each other, you and Dad.’

‘What do you mean?’

Chloe shrugs. ‘Dad’s determined you’re going to ruin your life and you’re just as determined you’re going to kick over the traces to spite him.’

‘But it’s my life, not his. I’ll do what I want,’ I retort. ‘I’ll be me, whether Dad likes it or not.’

‘Yes, but you could meet him half way. Instead of just refusing to even discuss the subject of career, try having a proper conversation with him about the choices you’ve made. He’d understand if you talked to him about it.’

‘Would he? Would he really? I think his mind is made up. He’s ashamed of having a daughter who dropped out of university to “wait on tables”, as he puts it?’

Chloe shakes her head. ‘No. He just wants the best for you.’

I heave a shaky sigh. ‘Well, I’m afraid I don’t see it like that. Everything I do is wrong in Dad’s eyes, and that’s never going to change.’

‘Yoo-hoo! I’m back.’ Mum’s voice is followed swiftly by the bang of the front door.

We shout hello and when she walks in, we’re all sitting stiffly to attention with rigid smiles, anticipating the potential upset that my bombshell revelation might cause.

‘Maddy, love.’ Still in her raincoat, Mum rushes over and just before we hug, I see the glimmer of tears in her eyes. I feel choked up myself as she grasps me tightly, as if she’ll never let me go.

She stands back to look at me. ‘Are you okay, love? I’ve been so worried about you. We both have.’

I nod. ‘I’m okay, Mum. Although…’

‘Yes?’ She frowns anxiously.

I draw in a deep breath and let it out slowly. ‘I need to tell you something. I’ve got in touch with Marcus and we…well, we’re getting to know each other.’ I shrug. ‘I should have told you before but I didn’t want to upset you.’

I watch a range of expressions cross her face – shock, dismay, worry…

‘We’ll be in the kitchen,’ murmurs Chloe diplomatically, and she and Jasmine leave us, each giving me an encouraging smile before they disappear.

Mum takes in a deep breath herself then plops down on the sofa, looking dazed. ‘So…Marcus Kingston is back in our lives.’

‘Yes.’ I sit down beside her and she turns to me, and I can see the worry in her eyes.

‘I had a feeling this might happen. How did you find him, love?’

‘It was easy. I went to the taxi and limo firm, and he was working that day. He took me out for lunch and talked, and it was nice. He’s nice. I can…understand what you saw in him.’

She gives a rather bitter smile. ‘Is he still determined to be famous? When I knew him, his big ambition was to make it to number one in the charts, and failing that, get top billing on the cruise ships.’

I nod eagerly. ‘He succeeded. Well, not with the number one single, but on the cruise ships. He’s a Frank Sinatra tribute singer and he goes all over performing at weddings and other functions.’

She nods slowly, staring into the distance with a hint of a smile, and I can see that memories of their time together are running through her head. At last, she says, ‘Well, I’m pleased for him. That he got his dream. He certainly worked hard enough for it. And made…lots of sacrifices.’

‘I think he’d like to do the cruise ships again. And he’s moving to London to be where a lot of the work is.’

‘Is he, indeed.’

I nod. ‘We’re having a fund-raising event at the café, and I’ve asked him to entertain…to do his Frank Sinatra. And he said he will.’

Mum nods. ‘He’s a good singer, I’ll give him that.’

‘He seems really pleased I went looking for him.’

She gives me an arch look. ‘Be careful, love.’

‘What do you mean?’

‘Men like Marcus have a way of disappointing you. I don’t want you to get hurt.’

I frown. ‘But I won’t, Mum. As I say, he’s really glad I came into his life. He’s told me so a few times. And we get on so well. We’re always laughing. He says I’m a chip off the old block, and I really am. We’re similar in lots of things and - ’

I break off with a shrug, realising I sound a bit hyper. But I want Mum to realise that it was a good thing, me finding Marcus. Maybe one day, when they’re used to the idea, we might even be able to socialise together…

‘We just want you to be happy,’ says Mum simply.

‘And I am. Really.’

She smiles. ‘Good. As long as he doesn’t do a disappearing act for a third time, maybe things will be okay.’

I frown. ‘A third time? What do you mean?’

Mum glances at me, her eyes full of alarm, then she shakes her head. ‘I meant a second time.’

‘Mum?’ I watch her, as she stares down at the carpet. ‘Did he get in touch after I was born? Is that what you meant?’

She looks up with a sad little smile, but says nothing.

My heart is hammering. ‘Mum? Please tell me. He’s my dad. I have a right to know.’

‘He’s your biological dad,’ she murmurs. ‘Barry’s your real dad.’

‘Whatever.’ I brush this away. ‘Mum, tell me. I need to know. Did he come back to see me?’




Tears flood her eyes and my heart stands still.

At last, she nods. ‘Marcus came by the house. It was a week after your second birthday.’

‘Really?’ My head is reeling.

He came back for me!

‘So did he see me?’ I shake my head. ‘I must have been too young because I really can’t remember.’

Mum shakes her head. ‘I was out when he called. At the shops with you.’

I nod slowly, processing this. Then something occurs to me. ‘So who answered the door? Was it Dad?’

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