Home > Logan : Darlington Brothers Series Book 3(10)

Logan : Darlington Brothers Series Book 3(10)
Author: Avery North

Realizing that Vanessa was genuinely upset, he tried to lighten the mood. “Can I watch?” he said with a grin.

“Fuck you,” Vanessa scoffed as she turned and walked out of the room.

Zipping up his pants, Logan picked up his phone and continued his research on the MacDuffs. He wasn’t that bothered that Vanessa was upset; he knew it wouldn't last long. It was nothing that a pair of diamond earrings couldn’t fix.




Vanessa went up to the bedroom and threw her clothes on the bed. “Damn you, Logan. I’m trying so hard,” she said out loud as she walked into the bathroom and turned on the bath faucet. A good soak in the tub would do her good; she thought as she admired herself in the mirror, slowly running her hands over her breasts. She was still aroused from her disappointing episode with Logan downstairs and far from satisfied, but she’d fix that.

Stepping into the warm water, she lowered her body until she was completely submerged. Hitting the button to start the jets, she knew exactly where to place her body to get the maximum amount of pleasure. Laying her head back, she felt the gush of warm water, hitting her most tender spot and closed her eyes. Since moving in, she had done this many times when she wanted to be satisfied. Her breath started to come in short gasps, and she knew it wouldn’t take too long. It felt so warm and so naughty, and she loved to be naughty. Maybe one night, she would let Logan watch her, but for now, she wanted to keep this sexy secret to herself. Suddenly her body tensed as her orgasm hit her with a force that even surprised her.

“Holy fuck,” she gasped as she sat up in the tub. “I need to do this more often.”



Chapter 8



Saturday morning, Logan walked into the kitchen and looked around in disgust. Vanessa had attempted to cook him breakfast and insisted she would do everything, including the cleanup. It didn’t take him long to realize she couldn’t really cook.

He wasn’t a clean freak, but he liked things in their place, and he liked a clean kitchen. He was very careful about germs, and now standing in his own kitchen, he felt dirty.


“Vanessa, we need to have a little talk,” he said out loud as he opened the dishwasher door. He could easily hire a housekeeper, but his mother had taught her boys that they needed to know how to do things around the house and not to rely on others. He took great pride in the fact he could maintain a house, and he actually found it therapeutic doing things like laundry and vacuuming.

“Hey babe,” Vanessa said, coming into the kitchen after her run. “Feel like going to the beach?”

Logan looked up at her. "Nope, I am cleaning this house, and then I have to go into the office for a bit today.”

Vanessa looked at him. “What’s wrong with the house?”

“Vanessa, this place is a mess. Look at the kitchen. Stains on the counters, dishes all over the place, jars of jelly not put back in the fridge. Do you like living like this?”

Vanessa shrugged. “I’ve never liked housework. It’s just so boring.”

“Don’t tell me; Daddy always had someone to do that for you?”

“Yes. Didn’t you?”

“Kind of, yes, but my mother taught all of us how to keep a house, and I like things tidy."


Vanessa shrugged again. “Okay, so I’ll go clean the living room while you clean the kitchen if that makes you happy.”

Logan just nodded. He didn’t have the patience to talk to her anymore. He found her a spoiled little brat, rather than a partner.

The countertops sparkled when Logan was finished, and he smiled to himself. “There, that’s better,” he said as he turned to go and check on how Vanessa was doing in the living room.

“What are you doing? I thought you were going to clean,” Logan said as he looked at Vanessa lying on the couch, scrolling through her phone.


“I did,” Vanessa said. “There wasn’t a lot to do.”

Logan looked at the glass stains on the coffee table, newspapers lying on the floor, and dust covering the wall unit. Shaking his head, he looked at her, disappointed at her lack of effort.

“I’m going into the office,” he said, turning and grabbing his keys off the hall table. He'd had enough, and he was slowly realizing Vanessa was definitely not the person he wanted to spend the rest of his life with.




Logan walked into the office, switching on the light. Even at two o’clock on a Saturday, the sound of phones and voices could be heard down the hall. There was never any rest for a real estate agent, especially one that worked at Darlington Realty. They had over fifty agents now; there was always some sort of action going on in the office at any time of day.

Geordie had neatly laid out the papers he needed to sign on his desk, along with a few phone messages that had come in yesterday afternoon.

Picking up the messages, Logan smiled to himself. Chelsea MacDuff would like you to call her, was written on one of them with her phone number underneath.

Dialing the number, he felt an excitement inside of him he hadn’t felt in a long time.


“Chelsea? It’s Logan Darlington. I’m returning your call from yesterday.”

“Oh, Mr. Darlington. I was wondering if I could meet with you sometime. I have a few more questions, and I just thought it would be a good idea to meet face-to-face,” Chelsea said.

Checking his watch, Logan said. “I have some work I need to finish, which will take me about an hour or two. Could you meet for dinner tonight?”

“Well, I actually wasn’t thinking of anything so intimate,” Chelsea said hesitantly.

“Strictly business. It will be my treat,” Logan said. “I’d love to hear more about your father and the MacDuff family.”

“Well, I'll tell you everything that I know, but I pay for my own. I insist.”

“Deal. There is a place downtown called Craigstone. Have you ever heard of it?"


“Yes. It’s one of my favorites.”

“Great. How about we say five thirty?” Logan said, looking forward to meeting her more than he had looked forward to anything for a long time.

“See you then,” Chelsea said.

Logan hung up and quickly dialed Vanessa.

“When are you coming home? We were supposed to go to the beach?” Vanessa whined into the phone as soon as she answered.

“Sorry, babe, change of plans. I have a business dinner to go to tonight. It’s a new client, and they have some questions. I won’t be home late.”

“But you promised …” Vanessa whined.

“Sorry I’ve got to go. I'll make it up to you, I promise," Logan said, quickly hanging up. He didn't want to listen to her whine any longer, and he was amazed that what he had once found cute, now annoyed him.




Vanessa threw down the phone and crossed her arms over her chest. Now, what was she going to do? She certainly didn’t want to spend the rest of the day alone. Picking up her phone, she quickly dialed a number and waited for an answer.

“Hey, Vanessa. Nice to hear from you,” a male voice answered.

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