Home > Mangled Minds (The Harkwright Trilogy #2)(76)

Mangled Minds (The Harkwright Trilogy #2)(76)
Author: B.C. Morgan

I pull back slightly, our lips a whisper breadth apart. “Happy New Year, Darius.”

“Luna, what was that?” he asks, his voice cracking as he blinks rapidly.

“That was me telling you it meant more than I can show you right now. That when I leave this place, I don’t want to lose you.”

“You can’t say that. Anything could happen from here to then. You could change your mind.” I shake my head vehemently at what he says. “How can you be so sure?” he asks hesitantly, but a smile is pulling at his lips now.

“Because when I started here, I said I would never find a knight, I’d only find villains.” I palm his face, brushing my lips along his jaw. “I was wrong, you’re my knight, Darius. You make me feel safe and protected and one day, I’m going to do that for you.”

He rests his head against mine and we’re both smiling now, soft and full of meaning.

I rest my head on his shoulder, and he holds me. I know I have to get back out there, but I just want a few more moments. I have this feeling deep in my core that this is going to blow up in my face, that although this may have started perfectly, it will only end in tragedy.






Fearing The Unknown



New Year’s Day, and Tucker has woken up in a strange mood. I don’t think I’ve seen him look at his phone once and he’s been… friendly. By Tucker standards, at least.

“Did you have a good night?” he asks, as he throws on a shirt, before walking over to the coffee machine and pours us both a mug.

“I did, thank you. It still feels weird though, having an interest in more than one person.” I give up, that’s it. I refuse to help you anymore.

“Well, that’s easily fixed.” He passes my mug and I can’t do anything but stare at him and wait for the other shoe to drop. “I’ve decided, I don’t want to share. I’m rescinding all permissions and from now on, you’ll only be waking up next to me.” My hand pauses, my mug just centimeters from my lips. This feels like a complete U-turn.

“I didn’t think you minded, not t-that I c-care.” My heart is racing and I’m terrified I’m going to say the wrong thing.

“I didn’t and now I do, that’s all there is to it. Remember, Tiny One, I don’t have to explain myself to you, so don’t try to question me. Now, I’ve got some arrangements to make, so I will see you this evening.” He puts his barely touched mug down and moves to stand in front of me. “Remember, you’re no longer allowed to be alone with them and I’m ordering you to not touch or kiss anyone other than me. Break that rule and you’re gone. If they try to make you break it… well, we’ll have to see what happens.”

I can’t believe this, but then again, isn’t this what the Harkwright experience is all about? I’m still getting the better end of the stick compared to most, but I get the feeling I won’t be getting the same allowances I have been. I’m not sure what has changed, but either I roll with it or I risk everything. I’m going to miss the others, but there isn’t a damned thing I can do about it.

My door sounds and it bursts open before I can even call out “come in”. Jake walks in, and something cold crawls down my spine. This can’t be good, and if it’s about Daria, then I don’t think I’m going to be any help with the way our friendship is right now.

“I can’t be alone with anyone.” It feels weak to even say it, but he doesn’t falter as he closes the door, and moves over to my sofa.

“Then I guess you better keep this quiet, seeing as I’m not the one who’ll get in trouble.” Isn’t he supposed to be the nice one? Did he miss the memo or something?

He drops down next to me and I stare at him for a moment, before I get to my feet, and move over to my recliner. I don’t know why he’s finding it so funny, but that’s the least of my concerns.

“What’s wrong, Jake?” I pick at invisible lint on my leggings, as I listen to him shifting around, like fuck am I going to look at him.

“I need you to ‘be there’ for Daria, and should she mention anything about Bradley or myself, then I want you to relay the information back to me. I think that covers everything.” My eyes finally meet his, and he’s got a deceptively looking friendly smile on his face. He can’t be serious though, he must know I can refuse him. Like Hell will I agree to this.

“N-n…” I square my shoulders and try to keep a strong chin as I take in a few deep, calming breaths. “No, Jake. I won’t do that and before you start in on the rules, I am allowed to say no to you. To anyone who isn’t Tucker, so no.” Stop raising your voice, what are you playing at? Stay calm and remember that you kind of have the upper hand in this situation.

“You’re right, Luna. You don’t have to agree, but I’m about to tell you why you are going to change your tune.” His smirk suits his surname perfectly. Ice is crawling down my spine.

I have a really bad feeling about this.

He rests his ankle on his knee, before leaning forward slightly. His look is anything but friendly. No, this has the Harkwright darkness written all over it.

“That club. last night was ‘entertaining’ to say the least. The girls were shameless, and pretty much everyone got laid.” My brow furrows as I try to put all the pieces together. Where is he going with this? “None of that surprised me, at least, until I took this pretty little thing into the security office and my eyes fell on the cameras. You really get around, don’t you, Luna? Are the Harkwright’s not enough for you? You need to go after the help as well, I find it fascinating. Truly I do.” He chuckles under his breath, but it lacks warmth or any humor.

I can feel the blood leech out of my face, my hands are trembling, and I can’t stop blinking. Why can’t I stop blinking? I really should close my mouth. Shit, he saw us.

I can’t remember how to breathe. Why aren’t my lungs functioning? Has it always taken this much effort to force air into them?

“Calm down, Luna, I’m not going to tell anyone. As long as you remember my generosity and lend me your assistance.” Shark meet Jake, your long-lost twin.

“You were supposed to be the nice one.” It’s all I can think to say as I take deep, gulping breaths. My hand is clutching at my chest and I can’t stop the tightness from forming and growing.

“I am. Scary, isn’t it?” His tone is low and chill inducing. He knows he has me over the ledge and there’s no way I can refuse.

“Why do you hate him so much? What did he ever do to you?” I ask, and he glances over his shoulder at me. Not even bothering to turn back around.

“He did something years ago that made me realize what a selfish bastard he really is. He took something that meant more than I can describe, and he didn’t think twice about it. His whole personality is built on a lie. You may think he’s one of the good guys, but that’s only because he wants you to. Don’t fall for it, Luna. Be the smart girl I think you are.” He doesn’t look back as he walks out and I’m left to sit here with unanswered questions. Maybe secrets really are toxic and can only make things worse.

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