Home > A Springtime To Remember(40)

A Springtime To Remember(40)
Author: Lucy Coleman

How can I gain his trust?

‘I would dearly love to learn a little more about her time here, George. Was she happy? Did she make friends with anyone in particular? Was she sad to leave?’

His look is almost a scowl as the memories come flooding back and a sense of anger takes over.

‘You’ve grown close to Ronan. There’s no point in trying to deny that you were defending him just then, when you don’t even know the half of it. We’re done. I can’t trust him and now I can’t trust you.’

I end up leaving with nothing else to go on, thanking him for his honesty, but worried sick about how I’m going to handle this new information. The reality is that I don’t know much more than I did before the visit, although my suspicions have been confirmed. There’s obviously a story to tell and George may well be the last surviving person who knows what happened. My instincts are telling me that we’re not done here and I simply have to sit and wait for the next call. He wants to set the record straight and time is running out.

Only now, do I finally understand the dedication in Ronan’s first book, to his grandfather whose spirit lives on in the gardens he loved more than life itself.

That’s a tough legacy with which to come to terms for anyone. From a tender age, the men in his life, who should have been there to guide and support him, failed him – albeit in very different ways. Does he fear that those traits will eventually surface within him? That thought sends a chill to my stomach and my heart aches for him.






A Closer Association



‘You look happy,’ I remark, as I let Ronan in through the door. ‘I’m guessing you had a good day.’

The last week has flown by and when we’ve not been working, we’ve been inseparable. It’s the tonic I needed, as money is now really tight, so I’ve applied for a business loan. At the moment, no one – including Elliot – is aware of the situation. And I need to keep it that way until it’s all sorted.

‘I did, actually. Productive and, oh, I received some good news.’

‘Come on up. Have you eaten? I was going to wait for you, but I was starving. I can rustle something up.’

‘No. I’m good. I had a late lunch with Solange, which turned into a bit of a celebration. I assume she told you?’

‘That Philippe has asked her to marry him? Yes. Is it still a secret?’

He nods, striding over to the sofa and gratefully easing himself down into it with a groan.

‘So, come on, what have you been up to?’ I enquire.

His smile is lighting up his face.

‘Solange isn’t the only one taking her relationship to the next level. My mother rang to break the news that she and Frank got married this week at the local registry office.’

I look at him, rather puzzled. ‘And she didn’t invite you?’ I ask, hesitantly.

‘She didn’t invite anybody. They grabbed a couple of witnesses from the waiting room. That’s just her style. She’s not big on being the centre of attention and I’m only delighted Frank finally talked her into it. Anyway, they are heading off on a three-week tour of Europe. The second stop is Versailles.’

I sink down on the sofa opposite him.

‘Is that wise? I mean… old memories and things.’

He sits up, resting his hands on his knees, and looks at me with a frown furrowing his brow. ‘I thought the same thing at first, but she said it’s time to put the past behind her. Revisiting my grandmother’s house shows this isn’t lip-service, and she really does mean to move on. She says that with Frank beside her she knows she can do it and it gives her a chance to check up on me.’

Now he grimaces. ‘Which is why I’m here. I wanted to ask you a big favour.’

I look at him enquiringly. ‘Of course. Anything.’

‘They’re arriving on Saturday and will stay at the house overnight. I don’t really want to take them out to a restaurant, which isn’t a problem as I can easily cook, but it would be a little easier if I had some help. Even if it’s just to keep the conversation going while I’m in and out with the food. It’s a lot to ask, I know, but—’

‘Hey, it would be my pleasure. I’ll help you get the house ready, too. This is a big deal for her, well, for them and for you. Consider me signed up.’

He looks relieved. ‘Thanks, Lexie. That means more to me than you realise. And it deserves a hug.’

Ronan’s words carry a sincerity that stops me in my tracks for a moment and as he walks around the coffee table I stand, relaxing into his arms as he folds himself around me. I think he’s in need of a little reassurance and I can tell he has mixed emotions about the visit. After a few moments I look up at him and he takes the opportunity to kiss me softly on the lips. Kissing him back, this time he responds with vigour. This feels so good and so right. To know that he’s turning to me for comfort is reassuring.

However, as I nestle into him again, I feel bad not saying anything about George. But last night in bed I mulled it over for a long time. Ronan is an experienced researcher and he knows the questions to ask, and where to go to find information. Maybe there’s an element of self-preservation in the fact that he hasn’t been able to get the answers he’s looking for about his grandfather. He must have said something to alienate George at some point.

Obviously, Ronan’s mother doesn’t know any more than he does. George may be the last surviving person with any knowledge of what went on at that time, but I wonder how accurate even his account could be after all these years. Especially as it sounds as though he didn’t get on particularly well with Fabien. Could there be an element of payback involved in this? I’d hate to think that George was a vindictive person, but how would I know whether or not that’s the case?

I look up to see Ronan watching me with interest.

‘You are sure about this, are you? Be warned – however I introduce you, my mother will know instantly that there’s something going on between us.’

‘I’d be disappointed if she didn’t pick up on that.’ I laugh.

Ronan’s hands slide down to my waist and he lifts me off the floor quite effortlessly, until our eyes are on the same level.

‘I can’t get you out of my head, lady. You know what you’re doing to me, don’t you?’ he groans. ‘Whenever I’m around you I can’t even think straight any more.’

When he lowers me back onto my feet, he grabs my hands in his and excitement bubbles up inside me. I look up at Ronan from beneath my eyelashes, flirtatiously.

‘I’ll take that as a good sign that we’re moving in the right direction, then.’

His look is one of amusement, but I have to catch my breath as my eyes travel over his face. Ronan makes me want to ignore the voice in my head advising me to do the sensible thing and take this slowly, or risk being disappointed. That adrenaline high doesn’t always last and the fall, afterwards, can leave you feeling hollow.

Whatever happens next, although I’ve only been living here for a few weeks, it’s already beginning to feel like a lifetime. One I could never, ever have anticipated.


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