Home > We Wolf Rock You(28)

We Wolf Rock You(28)
Author: Andie M. Long

Out of sight, out of mind.






I'd spent my days in the recording studio, sometimes evenings too, and any spare time was spent in my cinema room watching romantic movies. I'd done them all. Sleepless in Seattle. Dirty Dancing. You name it. And I now had a song and a series of plans which I hoped would get me the girl.

Erica had sneakily got in touch with Mrs Steel, Freya's mum, and so I was set to turn up at eight pm, ready to wear my heart on my sleeve for the woman I wanted in my life. Yes, she was my mate, but I needed to show her I wanted her anyway.

I'd confessed my true feelings to the band. How I had found her attractive but had pushed her away because I hadn't wanted to give her false hope, not when I would find a true mate. I just knew Freya was the kind of girl who threw her heart and soul at you. She was full on Freya. It was actually a testament to the respect I had for her and for Erica that I'd not fucked her six ways from Sunday and then ditched her. Freya may say she'd have been okay with that, but I'd argue differently.

And now I needed to communicate all this. I was dressed in a sharp, navy-blue suit which my mum had told me over video-chat was the best colour for bringing out my natural colouring of my amber eyes and reddish-brown hair, and I was ready to do this.

That was a half-truth. I was ready in that I was prepared ready, but inside I felt like an army of ants were stampeding around my guts, and truthfully, I felt nervous and faint. I mean, think about it. I was off to try to tell Freya how much I needed her, for life. And would it be okay if at some point soon I bit her neck and made her a wolf. Not too much pressure then.

Roman passed me a paper bag.

"That's not nice." Zak stated. "I think he looks quite handsome."

"It's for him to breathe into, not for over his head."

"I know, couldn't resist though." Zak nudged me. "Go on, ya sexy beast. Go get your girl."

I took a few deep breaths and then I left my house, walking to the driveway where Miles sat behind the steering wheel of my car, because even though I could drive myself, my shaking hands right now would make that very difficult. With Freya's mum's address in the SatNav he set off.

This was it.





My brother had insisted that we work from my bedroom after my mum had said she was fed up of us hogging the kitchen. He'd already complained my room was too hot and had demanded I open my window, and he seemed very distracted. He was showing me some potential designs he'd put together, when mum yelled up the stairs to him that she needed his help urgently.

"Coming." He shouted which struck me as odd because he always groaned whenever he was asked to do something. It had my suspicious nature alerted to my family's current actions. I'd stood up and was just about to go see what they were up to, when I heard a deep voice from under my bedroom window.

"Freya Steel."

My heart skipped a beat. Rex Colton was in my parents' back garden?

I hung my head out of the window. When I saw him in his suited and booted glory, I swear my heart beat twice as fast as normal.

What was he doing here?

"Miss Freya Steel. You seem to not be fully aware of my feelings for you. So allow me to demonstrate." He did a little nervous cough. "I have been researching romantic movies for inspiration and I would like to start by serenading you under your window. Would that be okay with you? I can clarify it is a brand-new song."

"Okay, you may." I smiled, leaning as far forward as I could go without plummeting to my death.

"This song is dedicated to my love, Freya Alberta Steel. It's called Thirty-Seven Seconds."

Fuck. I just knew before he even sang a note that this song was going to be everything.


I told you no

When my soul said yes

In my defence

I had your happiness

In mind

In mind


I thought that you and I

Could never work

That's the reason why

I was a stupid jerk

All the time

All the time


But come on

We're 37 seconds from love

37 seconds from us

It's no time at all

I can't wait that long for you


So get up

We're 37 seconds from love

37 seconds from us

I'm moving fast

Don't let me run on past you


I didn't want to hurt you then

And that was why I had to pretend

To not want you

But I wanted you


I thought my true love laid in wait

And so I was awaiting fate

But I saw you

I really saw you


Thought someone else would be my mate

Turned out it just switched on too late

But it was you

It always was you


So come on

We're 37 seconds from love

37 seconds from us

It's no time at all

But I can't wait that long for you


So set off

We're 37 seconds from love

37 seconds from us

I'm moving fast

Don't let me run on past you


As he finished, he handed the microphone to my scheming father who now came into view. My dad looked up at my window and winked, and then I heard footsteps in the house. Rex was moving fast, and I didn't want him to 'run on past'.

I yanked open my bedroom door and he was there, out of breath.

I was about to launch myself at him, but he smiled and shook his head.

"Miss Freya Steel. Would you accompany me on a date this evening?"

Now I knew why my mum had told me off earlier for 'letting myself go' and saying that being in the house all day wasn't an excuse for not bathing. She'd made me have a wash and then passed me some clean jeans and a top I'd thought was far too dressy for home, but the look on her face had made me just eye roll and stomp off putting them on anyway.

"I'd like that." I answered.

"Okay, well I know I'm not dressed as one, but in An Officer and a Gentleman style, I shall now pick you up and carry you to the car, if… that is okay with you?" He lowered his voice. "I thought that one might appear a bit alpha."

I walked closer to him. "I give you permission to carry out any part of your date night plans without asking for… oh that actually makes no sense. Pick me up, Rex."

So he did. He lifted me into his arms and he walked me down the stairs past my mum, who was embarrassingly clapping and whooping, and he walked us out of the front door and up to a Mercedes being driven by Miles. Miles stood leaning against the car, smiled at me, and then opened the rear door. "Your carriage awaits, Miss." He said and winked.

I climbed into the back. "So where are we going?" I asked.

"You'll see." Rex told me.

We ended up in the Oxo Tower Restaurant with its fantastic views over the London skyline.

"This is the closest I could get to Sleepless in Seattle. I didn't want to send you wandering around a building, but I wanted iconic views, so I settled on this. I hope it's okay?"

"Rex, it's amazing. Thank you for inviting me out tonight."

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