Home > Just One Glance (Oh Tequila #5)(7)

Just One Glance (Oh Tequila #5)(7)
Author: C.A. Harms

“I would hate to see you live a life you hate, Ruby.” Lifting my gaze, I was met with her penetrating stare. “I know your mother would have wanted you to do all the things you loved. She’d want you to experience life, make mistakes, and learn from them. She wouldn’t want you to be forced to be someone you’re not.”

Vera and my mother were so close, more like sisters than friends. They shared everything, and I knew if anyone understood the kind of mother mine was it was her. She fought for me from early on, ensuring that I lived out all the dreams a little girl could. The fairy princesses, the dance lessons, and midnight cookies and milk. All the things my father thought were simply a waste, she made sure I experienced them. I lost that fearfulness, that desire to dream when I lost her. I became the person he wanted me to be because it was easier than fighting him at every turn.

“So enough about all that.” I was immediately thankful for the instant detour. “Anyone special you want to tell me all about?”

“Nope.” How sad was it that I was a college student who had never really had a date?

“Oh Ruby, you need to get out there and meet people.” Fighting the urge to roll my eyes, I looked downward. “You aren’t going to have any true fun hiding in libraries and classrooms.”

“Now you sound like Darcy.”

“The girl you were with the other day?” Nodding, I still avoided her gaze. “She looked like one who knows how girls your age should be living.” If only she truly knew how well lived Darcy was. That girl had no boundaries, she was not quiet about it, either. She did not care what others thought―if you didn’t like her and the way she chose to spend her days and many nights then you could just buzz off.

“When was the last time you had your hair cut?” I feel her lift the edges of my hair and I shy away. “Maybe some highlights.”

Now I do laugh. Simply because a vision of my father, all wide eyed, his face blood red from irritation flashed in my mind. “It’s been awhile.”

“We need to find your inner spirit and set her free.”

I raised my head, locking my eyes with Vera’s, and found not even an ounce of a smile on her face. She was completely serious.

“Now you really do sound just like her.” Reaching in my purse, I pull out the list that Darcy had written. One long red line marked out the one item we’d managed to complete. Shame settles in as I was about to admit that I’d stolen to the one person I felt was the closest connection to my mother. “She insisted on making a list of so-called things she believes I should experience to rescue myself from, well, myself, I guess.”

I watched closely as she took the paper and began scrolling over the items. Nervously picking at the sleeve on my cup, I bounced my foot, fighting the urge to lift my hand to my mouth and start biting my nails. What was I thinking? Why would I show her this? What on earth could she possibly be thinking at this point?

“I have the perfect pair to show off your legs for number one.” I was frozen in place, watching her grow excited over each item. “Two hurts a bit the first time or two, but you’ll get used to it. Three, I love the way this girl thinks. Four, I’ll be the designated driver and place to crash if you need me to be. Five, daring, but again I love it.” I said nothing as she grew more and more interested with each item she read. “Six, you can always give him the wrong number if you don’t really think he’s worthy. Just to eliminate one off the list. But my suggestion is pick one who you’d really like to have take care of number ten for you too. Two birds, one stone.” When she wagged her brows at me, I had no other choice but to laugh. I was seeing a side to Vera I had no idea existed.

“Seven, let me guess―I interrupted that one the other day?” I nodded and she laughed. “I still remember the first time your mother stole, but it was lace panties instead of nail polish. It was on a dare and she owned it without a moment of hesitation. Such a trooper, that one, never a dull moment with your mom in all the years we were friends.”

My sweet mother, no way.

“Your mother got her first tattoo right before we left for college. A heart on her lower stomach, hidden just beneath her bikini line. Mine I went a little bigger, and a little more daring.” Winking at me I chose not to ask for more detail. I was still reeling about my mother having a tattoo.

“Go for the belly button.” Leaning back in my chair, I tried to remember exactly what number nine was. “A nipple just sounds like it would be too painful, and the southern border―” She winced. “I knew a girl who got hers pierced and she literally peed when it happened.”

Looking around, I ensured no one was close enough to overhear as it dawned on me that we were, in fact, discussing the piercing of a clitoris.

“And the intriguing number ten, as I said, could be fulfilled if you choose number six wisely.”

I stared at her, my mouth hanging open, humor dancing in her eyes as she watched me and waited. One thing, a very big thing, dawned on me at that very moment.

Vera was my mother’s Darcy. And that alone made me feel a little more connected to the woman I lost so long ago.



Chapter Nine





With my head down staring at my phone, I walked across the lawn toward my truck. The sounds of other students talking and laughing echoed around me.

I was so focused on my sister’s text that I didn’t noticed until it was too late that I’d crossed the path of another. My shoulder collided with someone. I dropped my phone and saw a flash of white. It was a girl, tripping and stumbling, doing her best to keep herself from landing flat on her ass.

Reaching out, I gripped her waist and heard her squeal in surprise. “Calm down, I’m just trying to save you from breaking something.” Righting her, I quickly removed my hands and bent down to gather my phone.

By the time I stood, the girl was already hurrying away. “You’re welcome,” I hollered, shaking my head as I continued on to my truck.

Climbing inside, I hit the button on my phone to wake it.


Jade: Dad stopped by this morning.


Staring at the message, I felt my frustration grow rapidly. I wished he’d just walk away and leave her the hell alone. The yo-yo shit he continued to play with her especially was really pissing me off.

Choosing not to respond, I dialed my father direct and lifted the phone to my ear. On the third ring I was sure it was about to go to voicemail but he picked up and immediately I cringed.

“Son.” A little shuffling could be heard in the background. “How are you doing?”

Part of me wanted to be chilled and just say what I felt but another part knew if I did, he held the advantage. In person would be better, then he’d be forced to listen.

“Jade said you stopped by to see her, does that mean you’re still in town?”

Again I heard noise in the background, rustling of papers, a conversation he was attempting to muffle by possibly covering the receiver of the phone. I waited for him to find the time to continue this conversation, again fighting against the urge to say the things I’d bottled up for so long.

“I leave tonight.” Again he covered the phone and talked to someone else.

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