Home > Uninhibited : Savage Wilde(16)

Uninhibited : Savage Wilde(16)
Author: Liberty Parker

I’d never strike David. He’s been like a second father to me all of my life. I’d have to just stand there and let him dole out his punishment until he exhausted himself.

I do deserve it after all.





Now that the parental figures are aware of Hadley’s existence, I’m expecting an ambush any day now. I just hope and pray that by the time they make it my way, they’ve had time to get all of their anger out of their systems. I don’t want the tension anywhere near my girl.

As I say goodnight to Rayne and his sisters, I suddenly don’t want him to go, but I know I must stay strong—stick to my guns and make him work for it. He has a lot to prove to me in order for me to hand my heart back over to him. He still owns a piece of it, but I’m keeping the other parts hidden from him. He can’t have it all… not yet, anyway.

I was always so willing to jump through hoops for him. I was so damn young when I ultimately agreed to be their manager. I remember their first show as if it were yesterday.


“I can’t believe this is really happening,” Rayne excitedly stammers as we peek out at the audience from backstage.

“Believe it, baby, those are your drums out on that stage!” I holler back. The crowd is roaring out their names in anticipation for them to take the stage.

“Jace, can you believe it! All of our dreams are coming true,” he says in awe as he takes in the overcrowded auditorium. It is filled to max capacity. There are people standing in the back since all of the seating areas were sold out.

“Rayne, Jacey.” Sebastian, the man who discovered the sibling band comes up to us with Sibley, Billie and Justine in tow. Following close behind them is a man I’ve never encountered. “I want to introduce y’all to Jameson. He’ll be helping Jacey while she gets her footing. He is to be her assistant in any way she will need him to be.”

The man, Jameson, sticks his hand out to shake Rayne’s, but I get an instant dislike for him. Not that he’s said or done anything wrong, but there’s something dark and sinister about him, I can feel it. I’m going to have to keep an eye on him.

After introductions are made, Sebastian slaps Rayne on the back as he steps onto the stage and begins introducing them one by one.

“Welcome ladies and gentlemen!” As he starts, Rayne leans down and places a chaste kiss to the top of my head. “Let me start off by introducing you to our drummer, Rayne Wilde!” Rayne walks out onto the stage, drumsticks twirling through his fingers as he lifts his arms up high. Not once do his sticks stop moving. It is a sight to see! “Next up, is our keyboardist, no one can rock your world the way she does, Justine Wilde!” Justine gives me a quick side hug before sauntering off on the stage. These girls are too much sometimes. Her hips do some sort of twist dance as she does her thing while Rayne plays on his drums during her introduction. “Next up, we have the guitar goddess herself, Billie Wilde!” Billie gives me an air kiss as she dances on the stage to the beats of her siblings playing their instruments.

“I can’t believe this! I’m nervous, Jace. What if I get out there and my throat closes up?” Sibley asks me as she wears a petrified look on her face.

“Sibley, you’ve got this! Look at all those people, they are here to support you. If you get nervous, close your eyes and get lost in the music.”

“Love you, Jace,” she tells me as she brings me into a hug.

“Love you back, Sibs, now, go knock their socks off!”

“And our vocalist, the lady who can belt out a tune like no other, Sibley Wilde!” Sebastian introduces her as she places her game face on and marches out on that stage like she owns it.

“So, you’re their manager?” Jameson asks me.

“Sure am,” I quickly respond, wanting to watch the show, not talk to this asshole.

“What are your qualifications?” he snidely questions me.

“Listen.” I turn around and aim my ire at him. I do not like nor enjoy the way he’s speaking to me, and he’s fixing to learn that I’m not the one to be fucked with! “I don’t know who you think you are to question my qualifications, that’s not your job. I’ve known the Wildes since we were all in diapers. I know every single damn detail of their lives. I know who’s allergic to what, how they like their toilet paper put on the holder, what times they eat and when they shit. What do you know about them?” I angrily glare at him.

“It was just a question.” He tries to defend himself.

“No, it wasn’t. I don’t know what game you’re playing here, Jameson, but just remember, I’m a damn shark, and I’m protective of every damn one of them. Do not take my young age to mean I’m naïve, I’m anything but. I will always win. Do not come in here and try to pit us against each other, you will lose every damn time,” I confidently express. My emotions are high, and I’m ready to fight this sonofabitch if he tries to mess with my family.

They are mine!

I turn around, dismissing him by ignoring him and watch as my friends, my family, my lover own that stage and audience. I allow myself to get lost in the melodic sound of Sibley’s voice and the way the rest of the band is in perfect harmony with one another.


Turns out, my intuition where it pertained to Jameson, and my first impression of him, was spot on. I force myself to close my eyes, knowing that Rayne has planned to pick Hadley up bright and early and spend the day with her. He’s bought out the petting zoo and has had the employees sign a non-disclosure contract. So, if the media catches wind of them being there, that man is going to have a hefty fine to pay.

I’m sure Rayne paid more to have a day in the park with his daughter than that man makes in a year’s profit from his small business.









I pull up to Jacey’s house and notice that most of the lights are on. She had some business that required her attention today, and her normal sitter, Mrs. McGuire, a lovely older woman who lives near her, wasn’t able to keep Hadley. I feel bad using her circumstances against her, in a way, but it gives me an an opportunity to spend some quality time with Hadley.

Just a father and his daughter enjoying some time with one another.

As I step out of my rented truck, I notice the blinds move in the front window. A little hand sticks itself out between the blinds and is furiously waving at me.

“My’s daddy’s here!” I hear my baby girl holler out as I make my way closer to the front door. “I’m ready to go’s Momma, I spend the day wiff my daddy’s, okay?”

“Hadley, go brush your teeth, wash your face and then you can go with your daddy,” I hear Jacey inform her, her voice causing my body to take notice. Her voice is sleek and melodic, reminding me of what I’d imagine an angel to sound like. I clamp my jaw tight and take in a deep breath before raising my hand and knocking on the front door.

“Hi, Rayne, Hadley will be ready to leave here shortly,” she says by way of answering the door. She’s dressed in a tight, form-fitting dress, and I can’t help but admire her curves; they’re in all the right places. Giving birth has done her body good; she has the perfect hourglass-shaped form. I can’t wait to get my hands on her hips as I pound into her from behind.

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