Home > Like Grim Death(15)

Like Grim Death(15)
Author: K. Sterling

“Perhaps, it’s more of a matter of who you’re loyal to. Or, more exactly, the fact that you don’t seem to be loyal to anyone. I see the potential for you to do more harm here than good. I’ve shown your notes and Grim’s X-rays to another doctor and I’m confident we can proceed without you,” Blink said, causing all the voices in Casper’s head to howl in protest.

“I don’t want a different doctor!” Casper growled as he dragged himself around the wall.

“What are you doing?” Hawk yelled as he hurried across the living room.

“What are you doing?” Casper yelled back but he allowed Hawk to lift him and carry him to an arm chair. “It’s my goddamn leg and I’m a fucking adult. You don’t get to decide for me,” he told them but he aimed most of his fury at Blink. “Nothing’s happening between us but I’ll fucking kill you if you try to use him against me or to control me,” he vowed.

“Not at all!” Blink insisted and held up a hand soothingly. “You’re hurt and vulnerable and I’m only concerned about your well-being.”

“What the hell are you talking about? All I care about is his well-being. You’re the one making assumptions,” Hawk told Blink and he hummed as he shoved his hands into his pockets.

“All I can do is make assumptions and based on your track record...” He agreed and gestured vaguely.

“That?” Hawk chuckled and pulled a face. “Who have you been talking to?”

“I ordered a very thorough background investigation when it looked like you’d be staying for a while. There was quite a bit of confusion, given your romantic entanglements,” Blink said cryptically but Hawk flashed him a wide smile.

“Are you slut shaming me? I heard that you don’t even learn your ‘guests’ names,” he replied and Blink’s eyes hardened as they held Hawk’s.

“Pack your things, Hawkesworth. You’re going back to Chicago.”

“Pack my things too. I’m going with you,” Casper announced.

“What?” Blink and Hawk both said loudly as they turned to him.

“I’m not going to trust another doctor and I don’t have patience for someone with morals and ethics,” Casper declared with an airy wave and Hawk made a choking, snorting sound and his lips twitched as he fought to keep them straight. Blink was furious. More so than Casper had ever seen and it was thrilling but he was slightly worried for Hawk as Blink’s nostrils flared.

“We had an agreement and I’ve taken care of you,” he said as he advanced on Casper.

“And that agreement stands as long as Hawk stays,” Casper said and used the arms of the chair to hoist himself up so he’d be eye-to-eye with Blink. He hugged his side and leaned on his good leg but Casper put every bit of malice and warning into his gaze as his eye held Blink’s. I won’t let you take him away from me. Not if there’s a chance, he vowed silently.

“I’m afraid he won’t do, Casper. I’ve found someone else and he won’t give us any trouble,” Blink said in a low, lethal murmur. He raised his brows, daring Casper to argue.

“And I’m afraid you didn’t hear me. If he goes, I go. Maybe it’ll sound fancier and you’ll listen if I say it in French,” Casper offered sweetly. Blink snatched Casper by the front of his shirt and Hawk rushed at him. “Stop!” Casper’s finger shot out, halting Hawk before he sealed his fate with Blink. And his fate, in general. Casper relaxed and swayed back as he raised his hands, making himself heavier but Blink’s fist tightened as he held on. “The mess you’d have if you killed the both of us...” Casper sang and he smiled at the ceiling as his head fell back and he shut his eye. He imagined Blink groveling and begging Lavender for forgiveness. He’d be so completely fucked and Marston would expose so many of Blink’s financial and security weaknesses. Until Blink had them destroyed. “But the war would be glorious and gory!” He whispered gleefully.

“Put him down,” Hawk bit out, snatching Casper from his reverie.

“It comes down to this: how irreplaceable am I...?” Casper sang at the top of his lungs and raised his head so he could watch Blink. “You can find another doctor to amputate my leg but can you find someone to replace me? You’ve already lost Lavender. Can you afford to lose me too?” He asked and held onto Blink’s arm as a thin, glassy chuckle swelled from him. “Can you afford more enemies?”

“You’re right, of course,” Blink said, then carefully released Casper and spotted him to make sure he was stable before he turned to Hawk. “I won’t interfere but you’re on your own if he boils your pets or cuts off any of your appendages,” he warned then clasped his hands behind his back and strolled from the room. The front door slammed a moment later and they heard an engine start and tires on the gravel.

“I really hate your boss,” Hawk said after several awkward moments. Casper nodded as his brain swam uselessly in his skull. He barely knew how to cope during typical human interactions but he certainly didn’t know what to do when the situation became complicated by sex and—God help us—feelings.

“What if we forget he was here and pretend this never happened?” Casper suggested hopefully. Hawk’s lips pulled tight as he brushed a hand through his hair.

“What if we forget everything but what he said about me? I think you know me well enough by now to know I’m not going to mess with your head but I don’t want you to think I’m the kind of man who uses people.”

“I don’t and you don’t owe me an explanation,” Casper said quickly. It wasn’t his business if Hawk lied and slept around; Casper wasn’t Prince Charming and he wasn’t living happily ever after with anyone.

“I don’t but Blink’s jumping to conclusions because it sounds more exciting than the truth. I’m not the kind of guy who uses people but I’ve let people use me. I’ve got a lot of friends with benefits back in Chicago but it wasn’t as harmless as I thought it was—for them and for me. I was really broken for a while but I realized it isn’t too late to start over so I put a little distance between myself and that life,” Hawk explained as he gathered Casper in his arms and carried him up the stairs. Once again, he was gentle and it was natural, like he’d always done it and Casper’s stomach flipped and fluttered.

“I understand,” Casper whispered as he became mesmerized by the way the setting sun shone through the windows and caught on Hawk’s stubble. It was grey and Casper ached to lick the cleft of Hawk’s chin. It nearly brushed his lips as Hawk angled Casper through the bedroom door. “Well... I’ve never had a friend with benefits but I don’t think you’re a slut,” he said and Hawk coughed as he swallowed a laugh.

“I don’t think it would be inaccurate but I’ve never cheated on anyone and I’ve always been honest with my partners. I’ve never promised them something I didn’t have to give them and I made sure they knew I’d only hurt them if they weren’t careful.”

“I believe you,” Casper said. That was all Hawk was after and Casper was flattered that it mattered.

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