Home > The Endgame Is You (Rixon Raiders #4)(43)

The Endgame Is You (Rixon Raiders #4)(43)
Author: L.A. Cotton

“Huh, sure.” Her lips curved. “I’m sorry if I overstepped—”

“You didn’t. I just really need to pee.” Offering her a small wave, I hurried down the hall toward the nearest bathroom. Inside, I ducked into the first stall and closed the door, inhaling a ragged breath.

The guys thought Cameron wanted to quit.

I knew things had been tough, but I didn’t realize it was affecting his performance so much.

Because he didn’t tell you.

My heart sank.

When Cameron’s mom had gotten sick, he’d turned to me. I had been his person. His safe place. But he wasn’t turning to me now.

Whether he realized it or not, Cam was shutting me out.

And I was letting him.




Blood roared between my ears as I sat and waited for Hailee to get home. We hadn’t spoken again all day, despite me reaching for my cell at least five times.

There was so much I wanted to say to her, to explain, but every time I tried to start typing, I couldn’t find the words.

I hoped talking face to face would go better.

The door opened and I heard the soft thud of her sneakers against the floor. “I’m in here,” I called, and seconds later, Hailee appeared.

“Hey.” She gave me a tentative smile.

I wanted to go to her, to pull her into my arms and beg for forgiveness, but there were things we needed to discuss. Things I needed to say without the distraction of her close proximity.

“Sit, please.”

She did, folding her hands into her lap.

“I owe you an apology. I fucked up, and I’m sorry. I’m so fucking sorry.”

“I just don’t understand...” she said. “I know things are hard right now, but you didn’t even think to call me. Do you have any idea what that feels like?”

“I... I’m sorry.”

“Wait.” She held up her hand, silencing me. “I’m going to ask you something and I want the truth, Cam. I think I deserve it.”

“Okay...” My brows furrowed, not liking the finality in her tone.

“Do you want to quit the team?”

I reared back, my eyes growing to saucers. “How did you—”

I was going to kill Jason.

“So it’s true?” Disappointment washed over her, the distance between us vaster than ever.

“No... I mean, I thought about it, but—”

“You thought it about it and you never said a word. What is happening to us, Cameron? Because when the semester started and you began pulling away, I told myself it was just the pressure of balancing everything. Then you started going back and forth to Rixon more and more, and I got it, because it’s Xander. He’s your blood, your family. But what I didn’t anticipate was that every time you left, it would drive the wedge growing between us deeper.

“I think I’ve been understanding. I’ve tried to be there for you, for Xander, even your parents. I don’t grumble or complain, or trash talk you to our friends. Because I get it. I get you want to do the right thing. You wouldn’t be the guy I fell in love with if you didn’t. But something is happening to us and I’m starting to wonder if it has anything to do with everything else going on, or if it’s just us. If maybe you’re starting to feel like...” Hailee’s bottom lip quivered but she swallowed her emotion. “I’m the burden.”

Without speaking, I got up and crossed the room to her. Dropping to my knees, I looped my hand around the back of her neck and pulled her to me until our heads were pressed together. “You are not a burden.”

“So, what is it? Why do I feel like I’m losing you?”

Her words snaked through me, lashing my insides. “Because I’m an asshole,” I breathed. “I take your love for granted. I take you for granted, and I shouldn’t.”

“I just don’t understand how we got here?” Hailee was holding back her tears. I heard them in her voice.

“I love you. I love you so damn much, and I know things haven’t been right for a while and I—”

The blare of my cell cut through the air, and Hailee’s gaze darted over my shoulder.

“I’ll leave it,” I said.

But it didn’t stop ringing.

“Maybe you should get it; it could be your mom.”

My eyes shuttered, my heart torn in two. I wanted to put Hailee first, to prove to her she was the most important thing in my life...

“Cam, it’s okay.” She took my hands and gently moved out of my hold. “Go, they need you.”

And I need you. But the words wouldn’t come out.

I got up and ran a hand over my face. Hailee had curled up on the chair, her expression crestfallen. “I’m sorry,” I mouthed as I snatched up my cell phone and hit answer. “Dad?” I said, panic flooding me as I wondered what Xander could have possibly done this time.

“Cameron, Son…”

“Dad, what is it?”

“It’s your mom... She’s in the hospital.”

The world fell away as I tried to process his words.

“What do you mean, she’s in the hospital?”

“She... she collapsed. They think she had a seizure.”

“Where’s Xander?”

“He’s with Asher’s mom. He was there when it happened. I found them—”

“Dad?” My voice cracked.

“We need you, Son. We need you to come home.”




We got a flight to Philadelphia and rented a car to drive to Rixon. It was the quickest option.

Cameron had barely spoken a word on the ninety-minute flight from Detroit. He’d clutched my hand the entire way there though, as if I was his lifeline.

The second I pulled up outside the Rixon General, Cameron grabbed the door handle. “I need to—”

“Go,” I said. “I’ll find somewhere to park.”

He gave me a small nod and climbed out, jogging across the street and disappearing inside.

My heart ached for them. First Xander, now this. I didn’t want to assume the worst, but I knew that if anything happened to Karen, the Chase men wouldn’t survive it.

I found a parking spot and cut the engine. I wanted to go to him, to see how Karen was. But I needed a minute.

I didn’t get it though. My cell phone started ringing.


“How is he?”

“I- I don’t know. His dad called and everything was a blur after that. We just got to the hospital.”

“Is he there? Can I speak to him? He isn’t answering his cell.”

“N- no. I’m in the car still.”

“Hailee, what is it? What’s wrong?”

The tears I’d fought so hard to contain exploded, streaming down my cheeks like unstoppable rivers, the noise of my heavy sobs audible.

“Shit, Hailee, don’t cry. He’ll be okay. They’ll all be okay.”

“They won’t. If she doesn’t make it... I’ll lose him, Jase. I know I will.” Every fear and insecurity I’d felt over the last few weeks battered me like an unforgiving storm.

If his mom was sick again, he would quit the team—maybe even quit college—and move back to Rixon. Because that’s the kind of guy Cameron was. He made sacrifices for the people he loved. And they would need him.

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