Home > The Endgame Is You (Rixon Raiders #4)(40)

The Endgame Is You (Rixon Raiders #4)(40)
Author: L.A. Cotton

The reality was quite a bit different.

After that first game, when his parents and Xander had visited, Cameron began splitting his time between Michigan and Rixon as much as he could.

Sometimes I went with him, but most of the time, I didn’t. I had classes, friends, various installations across the city.

I had a life... here.

But more and more, his life became back in Rixon.

I watched him pack his weekend bag with a tightness across my chest. It was the third time this month.

“I thought you were going to try to stick to the schedule,” I said.

“I was.” He leaned down and kissed my hair. “But Xander has been doing better. I don’t want to ruin all his progress.”

“But what about classes Monday?”

“I spoke to Professor Joffrey. As long as I get a copy of the notes and submit my essay on time, he’s happy to excuse me.”

“And practice?” The team were on a winning streak, and Coach Byford was determined for them to go all the way to playoffs.

“I’ll be back. I told Xan it’s a fly-by visit. If I leave tonight—”


“Yeah, I thought I told you that was the plan?” Cam stuffed another t-shirt in his bag.

“We just got home, it’s late.” Not to mention the fact he’d just played a football game. “You can leave in the morning. You’ll be there tomorrow night and then you can have all day Sunday together.”

“I promised him I’d take him to the park.”

“You can’t go to the park Sunday?”

“Hailee...” Cam paused what he was doing and lifted his eyes to mine. “I need to do this.”

“I know. I just don’t like the idea of you driving through the night after a game.”

“I’ll be careful, I promise. I’ll stop halfway and get some rest.”

My lips pursed. I didn’t like the sound of that any better.

“What?” he asked.

“I just worry you’re pushing yourself too hard. I know you want to help Xander, but you can’t be everything to everyone, Cam. Something has to give eventually.”

And the way we were headed, I was starting to wonder if it was me.

If I was the thing to give.

Between practice, classes, and going back and forth to Rixon, Cameron was barely here anymore. Yet, I couldn’t say anything, because if I did, it made me a terrible person.

So I stuffed down my reservations, put on a smile, and played my role as supportive, understanding girlfriend.

And it was slowly breaking my heart.

“It isn’t forever. The holidays will be here soon enough, and then once it’s the new year, and he knows there are only a few months before graduation, I think it’ll be easier.”

Cameron was in too deep to see that he was feeding Xander’s attachment issues. I knew Asher had tried to talk to him about it; Mya had told me the last time we spoke. But again, I didn’t feel able to say anything because Xander was his brother. His baby brother. And after what they went through almost losing their mom... I couldn’t criticize his choices.

Even if I didn’t fully understand them.

“I think I’m done.” He zipped the bag and stood, running a hand through his damp hair. “I’ll see you Monday, okay?”

I nodded, a rush of emotion clawing up my throat.

“Please be safe, and call me when you stop, no matter the time.”

“I’ll text. You need to get some sleep.”

Like that would come easy knowing Cameron was on the road in the middle of the night, running on nothing but adrenaline and energy drinks.

“I will.” He slid his hand along my jaw and tipped my head back, grazing his lips over mine. “I love you, Hailee.”

“I love you too.”

I went to deepen the kiss, but Cameron had already pulled away, slinging his bag over his shoulder and making for the door.

While I stood there watching as he took another piece of my heart with him.



I woke to the sound of my cell phone blaring. A smile tugged at my lips at the prospect of speaking to Cameron, but when I saw Felicity’s name, disappointment snaked through me.

“Hey,” I said, around a yawn.

“Did I wake you?”

“I must have fallen asleep.”

“Late night?”

“I barely slept. Cameron drove back to Rixon through the night and I couldn’t settle.”

“I thought he was going this morning?”

“Me too,” I said, my chest tightening.

“He’s going home a lot, huh?”

“Yeah, I guess...” I trailed off, unsure of what she wanted me to say.

Everyone knew Cameron was going back and forth. It wasn’t some big secret. But it did make me wonder what our friends were saying about it.

“Has Jason said anything?”

“Like what?” Felicity asked.

“I don’t know... ignore me.”

“Hailee, did something happen?”

“No... yes...” I released a weary sigh. “I don’t know.”

“Okay,” she said, “start from the beginning.”

So I did. I told her how Cameron and I made the calendar for Xander, how it was supposed to help him count off the days until he saw his brother. I told her how the visits were becoming more and more regular, and the time we spent together was becoming less and less. I even told her how we’d barely been intimate lately.

“What, like no sex, at all?”

“We’ve fooled around a little, but no, no sex.”

“God, Hails, how are you functioning right now? I can’t go more than a couple of days.”

“It’s not by choice, trust me.”

Cameron was always too tired or too wound up to get into it, so I’d stopped trying.

“I feel like we’re drifting apart, and I don’t know what to do about it. And I hate myself for even thinking it because it’s Xander. Of course Cameron should be there for him.”

“Well, yeah. But you’re important too, babe. He shouldn’t be neglecting your relationship either.”

“How do I say anything without coming across as a selfish, horrible person though?”

“I’m thinking it's less about saying anything and more about finding the spark again.”

“The spark?” I said with skepticism.

“Yeah, you know, put on something sexy and wait for him to come home and then seduce him.”

I smothered a groan. “Sometimes I really wish you wouldn't suggest things you clearly do with my step-brother.”

“It’s just sex, babe. Everyone does it.”

Some more than others apparently.

“Do you think I’m crazy?” Because I was starting to feel that way.

“What? No! No way. You’re totally justified to feel upset.”

“I’m not upset, Fee, I’m just...” Oh, who I was trying to kid? I was upset and that only made me feel guiltier which in turn upset me more.

I was a mess.

All because my boyfriend was trying to do right by his family.

“It’s okay. You’re entitled to your feelings, just don’t let them fester. Cameron loves you Hailee, so much. Besides, if he ever hurt you, Jase would—”

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