Author: V L Peters

‘’Oi, Casanova’’ I shouted, till his dark head lifted towards the window I was hanging out of. ‘’Oh, that got your attention did it? We have a deal in case you’ve forgotten ’’ I shouted down at him all of a sudden feeling brave ‘’and I want to know what the fuck is going on, ‘’ even from this distance I could tell that I had pissed him off. Good, I thought, feeling brave. Maybe that would get his ass in gear. I was on a roll and curse the witch inside me, I could not seem to keep my mouth shut ‘’I’m not staying in this bloody room anymore. Lucien, bloody smug, Sinclair. Either you tell me what the hell is happening, or our so-called deal is off, and I am leaving this bloody dump,’’

If looks could kill, I would be dead was the first thing that came to mind, as two sets of eyes bored into me, the second was shit, what hornets’ nest had I poked at? As I stared into the dark eyes of a very pissed off demon and that wasn’t a good thing to see. Those black eyes were shooting daggers at me. Telling me that there would be consequences from my outburst. Did I give a fuck? Yes, did I let him know? Nope. The woman beside him didn’t look too pleased either, I must have upset their mouth sucking moment. The woman turned towards him, an annoyed look appearing across her face, and from the look on his, he was not a bit happy with whatever she was saying to him. His eyes seemed to flash red before turning to their natural colour, I could see he was replying to what she had been saying, but I couldn’t hear his reply. Whatever he had said to her, she didn’t look very happy. Come on, I might have powers, but that didn’t include super hearing, but I knew it would be about me. He must have said something that pleased her, as it caused the dissatisfied look to disappear from her face. She through me a smug look, which caused my skin to crawl. I was in no doubt that he was a force to be beckoned with, but there was something about her that was still sending warning bells to ring in my head. I watched as a triumphant smile formed across her lips, like the cat who had just licked the cream, before he turned and walked back into the building with the woman following closely behind. Something told me that I was in a shit load of trouble, more than I had been before, and I was going to find out what it would be sooner than later.

I had a bad feeling that if he was headed up here to see me, then there was no doubt in my mind she’d be in his company and my gut was telling me to get out of this room, whatever it took. I needed to see him on an even level. Especially if she was going to be there in his company. The way I had responded to him the other night had scared me. I didn’t want that to happen again, especially with her there, I hated to admit it to myself that in all my years as a teenager, or as an adult, I’d never had felt the feelings he’d brought forward in me.

I had a sick feeling in my stomach that the woman I’d just seen him with, whatever she had wanted or demanded, it would be to do with me and there was no way in hell I was going to let that happen. I wasn’t a violent person, I’d rather help someone than harm them, but if I had to protect myself or someone I loved or cared about, then I would do so. I had a bad feeling that hiding my powers was not going to be possible for much longer. It didn’t bother me as much as I thought it would, he knew I was a witch, only thing he didn’t know, was how was how powerful I was or that I was an Omega. That was what I was more worried about. Walking towards the door I pulled it open.

I wasn’t surprised to find one of the other shifters, Adam, if I remember correctly, was standing up against the opposite, typing intently away at the phone he held in his hands. I waited until he realised that I was standing there in front of him. He raised his head from the phone, scowling with the realization that I had stepped out of the room.

‘’Go back in,’’ he demanded, frowning at me as I ignored his demand, closely watching my every move.

‘’Not going to happen, wolf boy,’’ I told him with a sweet smile appearing across my face, as I stepped further into the hallway and pulled the door closed behind me. I could not help feeling somewhat satisfied when I caught the surprised look across his face. The little wren was gone, now I was the big bad tiger. Up until now I had followed their every order, not questioning it. Only demanding to see Lucien, to find out what was happening with the search of finding Megan and trying to find out if he had any indication of where she was. The human in me wanted to cower in a corner, hiding away from anything that was coming my way. The witch in me, wouldn’t let me, she was more confident than myself, with the Omega combined, even more so. The combination of both, with my blessing, could to a certain extent take over the human part, making me more powerful, that I could make everyone in my path quiver in fear, if need be and right at this minute, I had to let the human side of me step back slightly and let the witch in me take over. The Omega wanted to join in with the fun, but that was something I couldn’t let happen.

As I walked away from him, I felt a large hand grab my forearm, I knew without turning around, it belonged to the shifter. I didn’t want to hurt him, oh I knew I couldn’t do him real physical damage, but there was more than one way to hurt someone human or supernatural. I could knock him out for a few hours if I choose to do so. I could leave him a few bruises if I attacked him. A swift twist or kick to his nether regions would no doubt be painful and make him go down. He would have no choice but to fight back which undoubtedly, he would do. I realised I didn’t want to do either. I found I did not want to hurt him if I could avoid it. I could try to talk him into letting me go, I mean I wasn’t being guarded, was I? Even if I could go into the room, I had been in the other night, that would be something, but I didn’t have time to talk him into anything. A compulsion spell I knew would no doubt work, but I did not have time to cast it. My patience was wearing thin, I hadn’t anytime for this nonsense.

‘’I suggest you let go of my arm wolf boy,’’ I told him with a smile indicating down at his hand, his fingers closed firmly around my arm, ‘’either take me to see Lucien or I’m leaving,’’

‘’Look lady your need to get back into your room. Mr Sinclair is busy. He’ll see you when he is available,’’

I laughed; can you believe this guy? Come on, I’d been asking for bloody days and he has the cheek to tell me he’s too busy. He can go and fuck himself ‘’oh, I know the reason why he’s busy and I’m not wasting anymore of my time. What with the bloody excuses I’ve been given,’’ I tell him, pulling my arm out of his hand as I carry on walking away from him.

‘’You’re going back to your room whether you want to or not,’’ he told me as he caught up with me grabbing my arm again, in a tight hold.

What was wrong with these men? I thought angrily as I wrenched my arm back, don’t they listen to what they are being told?

‘’Back the fuck off,’’ I snarled, lip curled and with one hand placed upon his chest, I shoved him with all my might, causing his grip to slip. He had no choice but to let go of my arm. Staggering a few steps back away from me, I watched as he gained his balance. A look of bewilderment appeared upon his face I could tell he was confused. I could see the clogs of uncertainty going through his mind, wondering how a lowly witch as myself managed to make him fall backwards with no effort and making him become unsteady on his feet. I knew I’d end up with a few bruises on my arm later on, but at that moment I just didn’t give a shit, ‘’I don’t have time for any of this crap. So, you either take me to where I’ve asked you to, or bugger off,’’ I told him holding on to my temper with a thin thread. I once again carried on down the hallway, either he followed, or he could stay where he was. I just didn’t care one way or another.

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