Author: V L Peters

‘’I have information on your sister,’’ he told me, his lips twisted into an expression, I suppose I could call a smile but not, it’s too self-assured and smug like he was amused at my expensive. ‘’it’s not as much as I was hoping for, but it brings you all closer to what happened to her,’’

‘’Sister?’’ the bitch standing next to him questions ‘’we’re doing deals with witches now, my love,’’ it wasn’t a question, but a statement.

‘’We?’’ I questioned her with a snort


‘’Of course,’’ she purred ‘’we are after all …’’ running her hand up towards his face cupping his neck, as she leaned in to lay her lips on his cheek, as if she was staking her claim, watching me reaction as she did so ‘’What you’d call husband and wife and we do absolutely everything together,’’

I was waiting for him to speak, but he doesn’t. His inspection of me ends with his gaze meeting mine. I want to look away, but I find that I can’t. I let the disgust I was feeling reflect through my eyes.

I felt myself cringle. I knew exactly what she was indicating, it was obvious. I felt sick to my stomach, if she even thought I’d let her lay one finger on me she was badly mistaken. What anyone did behind closed doors was fine in my book, but to bluntly advertise it, she was repulsive and if he liked sharing his lovers with her, or anyone else that was up to him.

‘’I do not give a damn whether you’re his wife, mate, girlfriend or his bit on the side. I didn’t make any deals with you,’’ I corrected her through clenched teeth, feeling my nails sink further into my skin ignoring her last statement ‘’any sort of agreement was made between me and Lucien. You are not even in the picture,’’ god what kind of mess had we landed ourselves in. There had never been anything about him being married not in the press or through the contacts we had used to get the little bit of information we had required about him. It was obvious we needed better hackers.

It just didn’t make any sense. I hated this feeling of helplessness; my witch loved the challenge. She was dying for her to attack me. It would give her the right and me an excuse to strike back. I could feel her jumping around inside me with excitement. Though I was scared shitless, there was also a hint of excitement, yes, I was that fucked up! My witch was raging to go, she was dying to come out and play. The omega was just bloody sitting there feeling relaxed, as if she hadn’t a care in the world. As if she was filing her fucking nails and waiting to see if she needed to get involved.

‘’The agreement was and still is between you and me,’’ I told Lucien, turning my attention his way indicating between the two of us. Glaring at him I tell him ‘’and there won’t be any kind of agreement between us if you don’t follow through,’’

‘’I have no intention of doing that,’’ he grated out between clenched teeth, his expression turning dark, as his eye flashed red, he was obviously pissed off, he didn’t like being questioned or talked back to ‘’I don’t go back on any deals I make. It’s not good for business,’’

‘’Lucien surely you can’t mean you’re going to listen to this witch.’’ She protested beside him, placing a hand on his forearm.

‘’I’m sorry my beloved, I’m not happy about it, but she’s right. Our agreement was made between just us. And no matter how much I’d like you to be involved, I’m not going to go against our agreement,’’ he told the woman standing beside him, his voice softening, laying his hand on her forearm as he laid a kiss upon her head trying to appease her.

I couldn’t help rolling my eyes, please don’t make me throw up. I listened to the as she tried her hardest to convince him to change his mind. Thank god he wasn’t wavering; it’d be bad enough to handle him, let alone his crazy ass partner.

I opened up my self slightly, not enough to draw attention to myself, I wanted to view her aura. Doing so could tell you a lot about somebody. Her colours were more intense, the colours were darker, which showed more negativity. It wasn’t a good sign. No wonder I had had an off feeling about her!!

I was still getting over the shock that he had a partner, he was seen with different women regularly and was never seen with the same woman more than twice and it was only a few nights ago he’d been all over me. It was obvious they had some sort of open relationship, which they were both happy about. Each to their own, it wasn’t something I was into, I liked to know that the person I was with was thinking about me and me alone, not some other woman or man for that matter.

‘’If you two love birds have quite finished,’’ I interrupted them wanting to get this over


and done with.


‘’Your sister was taken by a Soul Keeper …………...’’he informed her, his black eyes narrowed on my face, waiting to see my reaction.

‘’Soul keeper?’’ I interrupted, totally ignoring the woman and man in the room. He had my full attention. Shit. Soul keepers, of course I’d heard of them. They weren’t as bad as the Soul Eaters. If you saw one of them. Run. With the Soul Keepers, it was best to avoid them, they were like leaches, but instead of blood they sucked out your soul and held it for their own pleasure. You became their plaything, their toy. I’d heard that once they had taken your soul, your body tended to walk around as if in a trance, until, if you were lucky enough it was returned to you ‘’does that mean that this Soul Keeper has taken her soul?’’

‘’No, not as far as my Intel has told me. You’re lucky this one’s more like a bounty hunter,’’

‘’ How is that lucky?’’ I scoffed, part of me was relieved if she had her soul intact…

‘’Because it means that whoever wanted her, didn’t want her soul taken from her body. They wanted her whole, they wanted her alive,’’ he grinned with a half laugh ‘’and that makes it easier for me and my men to find her. Believe me, it could have been much worse. He hires himself to anyone who needs a job done at the right price. Whether it’s to take someone’s soul, kidnap them or kill them. Whoever wanted your sister, wanted her bad enough to pay to get her taken,’’

‘’Do you know who hired him? I mean where we find this Soul Keeper,’’ I ask him, hoping that he knows the answer I’m hoping to hear.

‘’That’s the problem, he’s disappeared. It’s like he’s just vanished. Like that’’ he informed me with a click of his fingers, a look of frustration written across his face.

‘’No one just vanishes. It’s just impossible,’’ I muttered to myself, trying to get my head around the idea. The feeling of hope, that maybe we would soon be getting Megan back home, was quickly disappearing as the seconds passed, disappearing like a handful of golden sand that was slowly trickling through our fingers.

‘’It is not impossible if you want it hard enough. Either he’s gotten spooked or he was made to disappear,’’ Lucien told me breaking me out of my thoughts.

‘’So, you think that he’s been killed, murdered? It that what you’re saying?’’

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