Author: V L Peters

‘’Fucking hell woman, you’re a pain in the ass,’’ I was told from behind me, ‘’you’re going to get me gutted,’’

‘’Please,’’ I signed rolling my eyes as I heard his footsteps following closely from behind me ‘’stop being over dramatic,’’

‘’Lady you don’t know the half of it,’’ came from somewhere behind me ‘’if Lucien finds out I never stopped you, I’m in some deep shit,’’

‘’You couldn’t stop me even if you tried,’’ I laughed out loud, is he for real! ‘’I could have left days ago,’’ I informed him, looking at him briefly over my shoulder ‘’we made an agreement, one your boss hasn’t kept to. So, there is two choices either you take me to see him or I’m leaving. It is entirely up to you,’’ I told him with a shrug of my shoulders.

Muttering came from behind me, and even though I couldn’t make out what he was saying. I knew that they wouldn’t be pleasant ‘’fine I’ll take you to see him,’’ he finally told me with a sign, as he come along beside me ‘’but you owe me one,’’

Owe him one, yeah right, I didn’t owe him anything.






A few minutes later.

I was back in the same room I’d been in the other night. Another of his lackeys sat in the same chair Lucien had sat in. The night club was closed till tonight, the only thing you could watch was the workforce doing their daily duties. I’m guessing that the evening staff weren’t due in till later. I had been brought here by Adam, the shifter who been standing outside my room. Ordering me to stay here until Lucien turned up. Oh, the joys, it was a bit better than being in that bedroom, but not by much. The male in the room hadn’t said a word to me the whole time I’d been sitting here, it was like I wasn’t even in the room. He’d taken one look at me and then turned his attention back to the TV monitors. I wondered what kind of supernatural he was. I wasn’t getting anything from him, but something was telling me he wasn’t human.

‘’Err excuse me,’’ I called out to him, trying to gain his attention, waving my hand in his direction. How rude! He just sat there blatantly ignoring me. Maybe he couldn’t understand what I was saying, or he was deaf. No, I couldn’t see his boss hiring someone who couldn’t hear with the kind of businesses he ran, it wouldn’t be a wise decision on his part. ‘’do you know how long until your lord and master arrives?’’ I ask him. I saw his eyes flicker towards me on hearing my last statement, argh so he could hear me. He was just being a dick. Fine, I could deal with that. If Lucien didn’t arrive in next few minutes, I was getting out of here. I had wasted enough time in this place.

Once I got home and if we had to, we could gather up enough people we knew to help us find Megan. The problem was it would be bringing unwanted attention. After the discussion we had had. We’d agreed that it wasn’t something we were willing to do. When the word had gotten out that Megan was missing. They had come forward in their hundreds offering their help. There had been a deep relief in finding out that so many cared and were willing to help us in our need. We just couldn’t put them at risk.

That’s why we had decided to approach Lucien Sinclair, she had been here at his club. So, in all likely hood there was a huge chance he knew what had happened to her or could find out. Letting all our family and friends reveal their true selves to the world, when we had been able to avoid in doing so for so long. Wasn’t something we wanted to chance, unless absolutely necessary. The only problem was I had a deep foreboding that something was coming, and I had this awful feeling that it was going to affect us all. I didn’t want them to worry so I hadn’t told anyone. There was a possibility, I could be wrong. I had tried our mental link but hadn’t been able to get hold of Pamela and all sorts of scenarios had been going through my head and not one of them where the white flurry ones.

Spitting the last word out, while shooting daggers my way. ‘’He’s on his way …... Witch,’’ came from the male. If looks could kill there was no doubt in my mind, I’d be dead on the floor beneath me. Did he think that would upset me? It didn’t, it was like water off a ducks back. We had gone through hell and back. The way my ancestors had been treated, that wouldn’t happen again. As the saying goes, sticks and stones. It was as plain as the nose on my face that it had gotten around that Lucien Sinclair had a witch on his property.

‘’Really is that the best insult you can come up with?’’ I asked with a snort ‘’I mean, I don’t fly on no broomstick, wear a pointed hat or a black cloak. Myself, I prefer Enchantress or Sorceress,’’ I told him with a smile thinking what a stupid ass he was.

I heard the huh coming from his mouth as a reply, as he stared at me with no emotion written across his face, just looking at me with those beady eyes of his, well isn’t he a talkative soul? If a smile appeared on that mouth, I’m sure it would crack his face.

I returned the stare, not wanting to show any sign of weakness. Not knowing what he was, I hated to admit, it bugged me. He reminded me of a snake with his little black beady eyes. I had heard of shapeshifters who could change into snakes but had never met any. My aunt had mentioned about meting one. I could remember her saying that they weren’t to be trusted. First chance they got they would stab you in the back. That they were sneaky blighters and her description of the one she had met fitted him perfectly. It wouldn’t surprise me to find out he was one. I didn’t trust him, something was sending warning signs towards me, it was like a neon sign flashing its lights and I bet the clothes on my back he was one.

My witch, at that moment perked up. She’d been quiet these last few minutes which was odd, she was more talkative than my Omega, she never shut up, and she was like a constant bug buzzing around your head. I had to keep my cool, I knew if I showed too much interest in the male, she’d start egging me on. Wanting to confront him. Something told me I could take him on, maybe even hurt him. I could hear her talking away to my Omega. Yes, they spoke to each, weird I know, but over time you do manage to ignore them and yes, get used to it. It was a funny feeling having two other beings inside me, I was the human, the other two being the witch and the Omega. I had hated it as a child and had felt as if I wasn’t normal. I had never asked any of my sisters, our cousins, or the handful of friends I’d had if they felt the same way. It was something I’d learnt to accept. Over the year’s I’d learnt to live with those feelings. In a way it was three beings in one body, each fighting to take over, and I had learnt to live with it. I had learnt to close off the witch in me or bring her forth when needed. The omega wasn’t really a problem, it was when I had to combine them together that the problem could rise. I had often wondered what Evelyn felt and others like her. She was part Phoenix.

Even though the Omega was powerful, being the healer in all of us. When that part of me was in play I could heal anyone that was hurt. I could mostly heal any injuries that might have been sustained plus I could carry any future children whether they were human or supernatural. My sisters and cousins where the same, though our powers differed in various ways. There were other full-blooded Omegas and Witches out there in hiding, yes, they were still amongst us. We knew some of them. The full-blooded witches, we tended to keep away from, there wasn’t many left, but they were out there and they could be dangerous, darn right nasty. The ones who had some human blood weren’t as bad, but you still had to watch them. The Omegas were different, they were friendlier, but didn’t tend to mix as much. Who could blame them! There were so many supernatural’s that were believed to be gone. Of course, there were some that even we hadn’t heard of or seen that were believed to be extinct. The mightily Dragons were one, another were the Kelpie, Changelings, and the Mer-people. The list could go on. The Fae kept to themselves and were hardly seen. Demons, Vampires, Shifters, Soul Keepers and the Soul Eaters, Dwarves, Hobgoblins, Familiars were still amongst us. Angels had been seen but were another who liked to keep to themselves. Then there was the ……….

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