Author: V L Peters





I didn’t know what the hell was going on with Lucien, his fucking head was all over the bloody place ever since the witch had come on the scene. It came as a huge surprise to find out that witches were on our own doorstep. How long they’d been there, was still a mystery. The witches of old had been unstable. They hadn’t been able to control their powers and they had been aggressive, violet and they would attack without due cause. Lucien had a particular bad history with them. We thought that they had become extinct, none had been seen or heard of for generations. We thought wrong. Though I hated to admit it, this new witch seemed different, but how different, only time would tell. I knew she was holding something back; I had no problem in smelling the witch. Underneath that, there was something lingering, as if it were asleep, waiting to be awakened, as it were. I knew Lucien without a doubt could sense the witch in her, I couldn’t understand this attraction he felt towards her. Sure, she was beautiful in the next-door type of way, she didn’t match the normal females he’d usually go for. I would find out what the fuck was going on with her, something just didn’t sit right and until Lucien got his head out of his ass it looked like it would be down to me. Then there was that whore Aria, I had always hidden my feelings from the cunt …… until now. Lucien was a different matter; she’d been in my life for centuries. My loyalty to Lucien had stopped me in the past in doing anything to her. She was a nasty bitch, from day one when I had met her, I had known she was a ……. Crazy bitch. The Crazy wasn’t the problem per say, there was many out there naturals and humans that you’d call crazy, but were basically harmless. Her crazy was on a completely different level. I could see what he saw in her. She was his type; unlike the witch he’d taken an unhealthy liking to. Aria’s beauty was skin deep, underneath the surface she was malicious. Over time she had gotten worse. I didn’t trust her, never had done. She was unstable. She went ape shit if Lucien became what she referred to as to friendly it didn’t matter whether they were female or a male. She went shit bat crazy. I’d witnessed it many times over the years. Lucien normally kept her under a certain amount of control. This time she’d taken it a step to far. This attack hadn’t anything to do with any sort of attraction Lucien or Alison might have held for each other. Lucien had known her nearly the same time as myself. Aria knew that there wasn’t anything between them and never had been. Now she had nearly killed someone I cared for. Alison was an old friend of mine. I had known her mate; I knew her two children. Did Lucien think I could once again turn a blind eye? That I shouldn’t retaliate? It was too late for that. The bitch would get what’s coming to her. My demon was crawling around inside me, pushing me to let him out. I could feel him close to the surface his dark purple scales pushing up, digging, and tearing into my flesh causing my skin to become translucent enabling you to see the beast beneath my skin. I knew Lucien could see my demon, my beast was trying its hardest to rise to the surface, doing its hardest to get out. He was pissed off that I wouldn’t let him. I could feel his anger amongst the power he wielded. That fact that I kept smacking him down, just managing to keep him under control kept his fury burning like a scorching fire. I watched as it appeared Lucien was comforting her as he pulled her into his arms. I witnessed the sick smug self-satisfied smile play over her face as he pulled her into his arms. She thought she had gotten off with hurting Alison.

She was wrong.

I’d have my revenge at some point.








I honestly didn't expect Lucien to turn up to show me around the club, part of me hated to admit that I was hoping to see him again. It shouldn't have bothered me that he hadn't sought me out, but silly bloody me, it did.

I was drawn to him like a firefly was to a flame, I had never been as attracted to any other man and that terrified me. He scared me in ways that I didn't want to acknowledge or admit to; the power he possessed radiated off him in waves. The witch and omega wanted to tease him, tempt him into temptation, the sane part of me, the human element was shouting out no don't do it, stay the hell away.

I did not listen. I should have.

I haven't seen him for three days, I hated to admit that it was driving me insane. Not only was I wondering if there were any updates on Megan, but what he was doing. It was just mad the way my thoughts and feelings were driving me. Alex wasn't much help; I'd questioned him on the matter and on more than one occasion. All I got from him was its in hand or once Lucien knows something, I'm sure he'll tell you. I felt that things were being hidden from me, that I was being kept in the dark. The easiness I was displaying was fake, and it wasn't going to last much longer, I was at the end of my tether. It was coming to the point where I had had enough. I had a temper, one I kept at bay. But the walls I always managed to stay in place were crumbling away. My anger was starting to get the better of me, and it was on the blink of exploding. I wanted an update on what was happening, and if I didn't get the clarification I wanted, then shit was going to hit the fan. I'd known he was in the building somewhere. The place was so huge that I hadn't even managed to see him in the flesh. The reason I could tell he was still in the building as if I touched an object he'd touched, then I could see an image of him.

Some of the images hadn't been pleasant; I'd seen him on several occasions with that crazy bitch that he seemed to be attached to and other females. As well as having heated conversations with other males.

I didn't want to think about any of the women, it just showed what I had already thought. The conversations he'd been having with the men I'd seen him with. I couldn't make out what they had been saying, from the look on all their faces, they hadn't been too happy. Lucien, at one point, had thrown a chair across one of the rooms. I'd seen Damien, who I'd recently learned, was his second in command. He'd been trying to calm him down, holding him back from whom or what I hadn't been able to see. The image hadn't given me that much information. I hated to admit it but seeing him get so rifled up had twisted my stomach in knots. I must admit it had been a site to see. I had that horrible sick feeling it was party to do with Megan, the others who'd also gone missing. I knew it deep down in my gut. The anger I had felt though that vision had been genuine.

Here I sat in my room, looking out the window as the day passed, ignoring my family's calls. I sat there waiting for Alex to appear, as I knew he would. He'd come every day at roughly the same time. I had decided that I was going to demand that I see Lucien, and if I didn't get anywhere, then I had no choice than to leave. It wouldn't be too hard opening a portal. I'd be gone in minutes as if I'd never been here.

Later that evening came the usual knock on my door, Alex opens the door after I called out for him to come in. The smile he had fell from his face upon seeing the frown that was written across my own.

I heard the sign as he sat opposite me, "what's wrong?" he inquired, meeting my eyes as he lent back into the cream chair, stretching out his long, lean legs.

"Wrong?" I laughed, raising my eyebrows, is he for real "what could be possibly wrong?" I replied sarcastically, running my fingers through my red hair.

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