Author: V L Peters

"Scarlett, I know, things are hard………" he began, trying to pacify me without success.

"Hard……..." I whispered, feeling like I was going around in circles. I felt like pulling out my hair out I was that pissed off. I lowered my head into my hands, closing my eyes. This was so fucked up, time was wasting I didn't know what was bloody happening I hadn't been kept informed as that dick head of a male had told me he would and I was ready to hit someone or something.

I realised I must have said the last part out loud as I heard Alex laugh, which he tried to cover with a cough. Did he think I was joking, I thought, as my body started to shake in anger. I didn't honestly give a shit. Lifting my head and dropping my hands, I stood up. Raising my finger, my body shaking in a temper, I could fill my face start to redden in temper. I was reaching the point of no return. I stood there in front of him my finger now pointed at him

"Alex, I like you, and for a shifter you're ok, and I even like you as a friend. So as a friend, I can overlook certain things, and I don’t know, maybe you don't realise how serious this is, but I am not fucking joking I don't find this funny in any shape or form. My sister…" my voice breaks, no, that's wrong. I won't show my weakness, not for anyone. I lowered my arm, dropping it to my side, taking a deep breath I carried on as if I'd never faltered "Our sister is missing, other people not only human but other supernatural’s are disappearing. So you tell your dick of a boss I want an update, or I'm going to really lose my shit." I glopped in deep breaths trying to calm myself down I knew it wasn't his fault it was that bloody idiotic of a boss of his and no matter how much I found myself attracted to him, how my body tingled in reaction every time I thought or saw him. My family came first.

Alex stood up from the chair meeting my gaze the smile wiped off his face. As if for the very first time, he really sees 'me.' His eyes filled full of what looked like remorse or regret. I knew something was wrong. What I didn't know, but I had every intention in finding out. "you tell him I want to see him now otherwise I'm leaving" I held up my hand as he opened his mouth before he could even utter a single word I carried on "Don't think I can't leave. That any of you can stop me, because let me reassure you none of you can."

I could tell he didn't believe me. I didn't care. They thought I was just a stupid useless witch who didn't have much weight behind me. That my powers weren't much to worry about. Though they knew that the witches of old had been powerful. I had no intention of telling them otherwise, not yet. We were one of the last few of the original witches. Yes, our blood had become somewhat diluted over the years due to the mating with humans and not just any kind of human. Many did not realise that at one time, there had been two different branches of humans. One branch was what we'd class as 'normal humans' and other branches well, they had certain traits. The scientists of our coven had realised that to keep us safe and make us stronger, we had to mate with those humans who had these traits in their DNA. It was a way to help us control the witch in us. For we had become so dangerous, we were being attacked and killed. The leaders of our coven decided we had to start mixing and mating with humans. Not all had agreed. The new law that our leaders had put in place had caused some to rebel and refused to acknowledge it. It had caused a split, and due to that split, there were still pure-blood witches out there. Witches who you'd class as dark being that their magic was dark. They had little or no human blood in them. We intended to avoid them as much as they did us. That hadn't always been the case. They were the reason why many of us had been killed or attacked all those years ago and why we had gone into hiding and yes breeding with humans. It didn't take the scientists to figure out the benefits of doing so. We were more robust than full blood witches and had we had compassion, full bloods didn't. The few dark witches who had some human blood were slightly different, and the full bloods tended to treat them differently. We all tried to avoid each other as much as possible it was the only way for us to survive. Some of us had also mated with Supernatural’s.

"I'll relay your message Scarlett, but don't be surprised if he doesn't come at your whim." He informed me, "He’s not one to be told what to do. He's the one who calls the shots,"

Shaking my head, I reply, "Not now he isn't. As I just told you …. What is going on is too important for us. There are others out there who are missing their own loved ones. People are going missing. How many have been taken since the last time I saw him………" I turned my head once again, looking out the window, "I'm not going to keep repeating myself Alex. Tell him or I will have to leave." I turned my head to look at him again, signing I hated leaving it up to him. I wasn't going to run after him. He had said he'd keep me updated; he'd broken that promise. It wasn't something I could continue to let happen. Standing from the seat, I walked past him to reach my bedroom door opening it as I told him "just tell him Alex. I'm sorry I'm putting you in this position," I apologised feeling guilty that I had to leave it to him, "but he needs to realise I'm not messing around. I don't care if he's too busy playing around with his girlfriend or anyone else. Either he comes to see me or I go to him before my family arrives or I'm gone and we will find, another way, to find my sister and who's taking humans and supernatural’s alike,"

Alex shakes his head, "as I said I'll pass your message on but, I can't say whether it will convince him to see you," he stopped in the doorway entrance, turning slightly, so he was facing me "he's a hard man to figure out. I know he seems hard, unforgiving and yes he can be that way, but he's also fair, and those that are loyal to him are given that loyalty in return," he tells me as he walks out the door closing it behind him with a click.





The next morning



The brilliant razes of the sun woke me up. The brightness hitting my face full-on, causing me to squint and turning my face away. I had waited until the late hours, thinking he might turn up or ask me to meet him in the office once again. He did not do either, to say I'm pissed off is an understatement. I'd gone to sleep that way, and it looked like I was wakening up the same. I punched the pillow in frustration, bloody fucking man, it was plain as the nose on my face he hadn't taken my warning seriously. I rolled over with a sign looking up at the ceiling. I ignored the dream I'd had last night; it wasn't something I wanted to ponder over. It had been different from my usual dreams; something was coming, and it had to do with the deep past. I knew I'd have to mention it to my family; it didn't look good whatever was headed our way, and whatever the warning was it looked, we'd have to start trusting each other to survive. It wasn't going to be comfortable is an understatement. It was going to be much harder than any of us would think it would be. Putting it to the back of my mind, I went over the conversation I had with my family last night, and after a lot of disagreement, we had decided that I give it one more try and, if need be, seek him out first thing in the morning. It wasn't something I particularly wanted to do, but it was down to me to find any information before I decided if I should leave. I alone had to make that final decision. Melissa was going to make sure that the portal would be stable enough for me to move from one area to another without any problems. It had to be strong enough that no one would be able to prevent it from working or me going through it. It would also have to have an extra barrier or shield to prevent that from happening. Spells weren't my specialty, oh I could wield one up when the occasion arose as we all could, but I wasn't a dab hand at them. Melissa, well, she was the expert. Plus, in doing so, we would be showing them that we weren't like normal witches. It wasn't something we had intended to do; it would be giving ourselves and our coven away. Showing everyone who we really were. With a sign I threw the covers off the bed, I couldn't lay here all day no matter how much I wanted to. I had to jump into the shower, dress, and go looking for his majesty. There wasn't time to waste, and if I ran into that nutty cow well, I thought with a sign, I would have to deal with it. There was more at stake. I had to leave the room before someone came knocking at the door. After having a quick shower and dressing into a pair of black jeans, a pale blue jumper, and black boots and with a quick comb out of my hair, I left the room with one thing on my mind. Finding out what the fuck was going on.

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