Home > 'Tis the Season for Lady Sarah : Sweet Regency Romance(15)

'Tis the Season for Lady Sarah : Sweet Regency Romance(15)
Author: Maggie Dallen

She’d find another, and unlike Evelyn, Theo would be forced to watch the whole affair and then… He nearly winced. He’d be expected to attend the wedding.

The organ struck the first notes and he turned, taking his place by Max’s side even as Sarah came down the aisle in front of the bride.

He swallowed down a groan because she looked stunning.

And because, in this moment, he could picture her making that same walk toward him but this time as his bride.

What had he been lecturing himself? To keep his heart out of it?

His heart was in it.

It was useless to deny.

What he had to decide was what he was going to do about that fact.

Did he try and pursue Sarah or did he leave her be and allow another man to stand beside her?






The impromptu intimate wedding had been a success by anyone’s measure, of that Sarah had no doubt.

The ceremony was beautiful. The bride was lovely. The groom was moved to tears. And as Sarah stood off to the side of the chapel once it was over, watching as Max and Marigold glowed with happiness together and in the presence of their closest family and friends, she could honestly say she had never been happier. For them. She had never been happier for their sake.

Her own happiness was in shambles, of course, but during that brief time that the wedding had lasted, she had felt their love and joy as if their emotions were so very overwhelming they had enough to spare for everyone in attendance.

Everly had done a masterful job officiating the intimate vows, which might not have been binding by law, but which Sarah, and likely everyone who’d borne witness, understood were the most meaningful words these two had ever spoken, or would ever speak.

She eyed Everly now, as covertly as she was able from where she hovered on the periphery. He’d very nearly stolen the show, as far as she was concerned. That low, grave voice of his held the attendees in thrall.

Or at least she’d been mesmerized by the sound of it. Hypnotized, even, because so long as he spoke she’d entirely forgotten her own misery. She’d nearly forgotten all about Mr. Stallworth by the time the ceremony had ended.

All she could see and hear was Everly.

And that, somehow, was more alarming than anything else that had occurred these past few days.

She smiled as Max kissed Marigold right then and there, prompting a gasp from their mother and a giggle from Marigold’s friends.

It was a mistake to look over at Everly. He was smiling, along with everyone else, but his eyes were on her, and she felt it with a jolt when their gazes collided and locked.

That kiss. Was he thinking about it too?

No. Likely not. She tore her gaze away, fixing a smile on her face as she listened to Daisy, Lily, and Daisy’s cousin, Virginia, ooh and awe over Marigold’s gorgeous new gown.

Of course Everly wasn’t obsessing over their kiss. Only she was fool enough to do that. Maybe he kissed ladies that way every other day.

He was a known rake, after all.

It had likely been just another evening for him. She swallowed tightly as she kept her eyes determinedly on the scene before her, even though she was certain she could feel Everly’s gaze on her.

Worried, no doubt, that she would burst into tears and cause a scene.

She just barely held back a sigh. No, while she had felt as though her world had spun upside down during that kiss, he’d been disgusted by it.

It had been written all over his face when he’d pulled away from her. That can never happen again.

She winced slightly at the memory of it. That moment when she’d gone from euphoric to humiliated as she’d seen it there in his eyes.

Nothing had been changed by that kiss, even if she could have sworn the feel of his arms around her had shifted something inside of her to her core.

She let out a huff of exasperation. A melodramatic fool, that was what she was. And Everly knew it. He’d only ever see her as Max’s willful, silly little sister.

And perhaps now he could add fickle to the list.

Her brows drew down as the thought that had been nagging at her rushed to the forefront of her mind with the precision of an arrow hitting its mark. There was no ignoring it any longer.

How could she have gone from being in love with one man one moment to being thoroughly addled by another gentleman’s kiss the next?

How could she have been so certain about Mr. Stallworth at the start of the evening and then swept away by Everly’s kindness and intentions at the end?

Perhaps she truly was as immature and silly as Everly believed. As her family thought her to be.

“Aren’t you coming, Sarah?” Lily asked as she and her husband joined the others in retrieving their overcoats to head outside.

Sarah blinked in surprise. She’d very nearly lost herself to her thoughts there. That would not do. Not when she had a day’s worth of entertaining ahead of her, not to mention preparing for the actual wedding the next day. The eve of Christmastide.

“I will be right behind you,” Sarah said.

She watched as the others led the way back out into the cold, wintry air. They’d all be hurrying back to the main house, where the rest of the houseguests were likely just now beginning to rise. Food and hot beverages would be waiting to warm them as they celebrated this morning’s happiness. And Sarah...

Well, Sarah ought to go back with them. But she found she could not. Now that the excitement of it all was over, some of that borrowed joy was starting to fade, and all that lay before her was a long, tedious day of making small talk and listening to her mother’s last-minute frantic worries for the wedding of the season.

She sighed as she slid into her own cloak and headed toward the side entrance, away from the others. If she could just find one moment of peace and quiet, perhaps she could quiet these nagging thoughts and be well and truly able to make it through this day.

Her hopes were banished when a voice greeted her just outside the door. “If you were seeking a moment of solitude, I’m afraid we shared the same idea.”

Everly’s voice was tinged with amusement and his lips held a curve she’d rarely seen before last night.

The sight of that small, knowing smile caught her off guard. “Oh, I’m—I apologize. I did not know you were out here.” She made to turn back, but he caught her arm.

“Stay.” His voice softened. “Please.”

She drew in a deep breath. This was a bad idea. Not just being alone with Everly—although how would this look if they were discovered? It would only add to the whispers that were surely spreading around them like wildfire after last night’s performance.

But also, more time in Everly’s company was exactly what her addled mind and confused heart did not need.

And yet...she stayed. She glanced up at him as he turned to face the scene before them with a long exhale that left a cloud of mist. Even covered in snow, the hills and meadows that surrounded their estate left her in awe.

“It’s beautiful here,” Everly said, as if reading her thoughts. “It is no wonder your father chose to spend so much time here with you and the family rather than in London.”

She nodded, crossing her arms to stay warm. “I suppose all that time spent here rather than in town is why you consider me so naive. Or part of it, at least.”

Heaven knew her own actions had not helped.

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