Home > 'Tis the Season for Lady Sarah : Sweet Regency Romance(19)

'Tis the Season for Lady Sarah : Sweet Regency Romance(19)
Author: Maggie Dallen

Ever since she’d kissed him so sweetly…

He groaned at the memory that tormented him. And it was a torment. Every new intimacy, every dance and every private conversation—they all fanned the flames of his emotions and led him to believe that maybe someday she would feel the same.

He sighed. Even now those memories were taunting him. They gave him hope where there was none.

In the end, it was so clear that it was what needed to be done. For her rejection would be a mercy; it would end this foolishness before it could truly begin. And what was more, he suspected it would help her to heal.

Even if she did not share his feelings, she deserved to know that she was loved. That she was seen. He closed his eyes for a moment as he realized with a weary resignation that he’d reached his decision.

He would tell her. And he might as well do it now while he had the courage.

With that in mind, he started after her. The trek to the back of the house was longer than he imagined, and when he got there, he looked about, wondering which way she might have gone.

He stood on a large terrace, flanked by several garden beds, currently dormant for the winter. Behind a retaining wall at the very back stood a greenhouse and further behind that a potting shed.

Had she gone inside?

But then a movement caught his eye. Someone hurried across the cold stone.

It wasn’t Sarah, however.

Theo’s head reared back and fists balled up at his sides. What was that man doing out here and was it a coincidence that Sarah had just disappeared in this direction?

He didn’t want to believe it. He’d just professed his trust, at least to himself, but had she planned another illicit meeting with that wretched Mr. Stallworth?

Could it be coincidence that she’d slipped away from the wedding? Ran from him and now...now Stallworth was in the very place she’d disappeared.

Anger bubbled inside him, hot and volatile. Why did this man get Sarah’s affection? He didn’t deserve her, he wasn’t good enough for her and he’d never love her the way… His fist thumped against his thigh. Stallworth would never love Sarah the way Theo did.

“What are you doing out here?” he bit out, stepping further onto the veranda, his body taut with tension. “Where is Lady Sarah?”

Stallworth’s lip curled. “You. Always you.” He stopped several feet away and Theo knew why. Mr. Stallworth was a coward. “Sarah’s whereabouts don’t concern you.”

Theo started toward the cad again, Stallworth scrambling back several steps. Theo quickened his pace, reaching Stallworth and grabbing him by the collar. “On the contrary. Sarah does not concern you. I told you before you left and I’ll say it again. I would never allow you to put your filthy hands on her.”

“Too late,” Stallworth’s eyes lit with a victory that left Theo cold and hollow inside.

Theo’s hands gripped the collar tighter as his gut twisted with fear and revulsion. “What have you done?”

Stallworth’s eyes narrowed, his lips pulling taut over his teeth. “What have I done? You should be asking yourself what she did. But I can tell you our kiss put that one between the two of you to shame.”

Theo staggered back, pain ripping through him. “No.”

Stallworth sneered. “That kiss was for my benefit, wasn’t it?”

Theo was shocked into silence, but Stallworth seemed to take that as confirmation. “I knew it. The Sarah I know wouldn’t want anything to do with a stuffed shirt like you.”

Blinding rage had Theo clenching his fists, his jaw locked tight as he tried to wrangle his emotions.

“You said she was too good for the likes of me, eh? Well, it seems Sarah doesn’t feel the same. She never was the elitist snob that you were. And that’s good news for me, wouldn’t you say?” Stallworth pressed his advantage, straightening with newfound confidence. “Sarah’s going to be my wife. Miss Rathmore is nothing more than a mistake that marrying Sarah will correct.”

Stallworth had taken things too far. His words finally registered past the initial rage and terror and—

There was no way. Reason returned with a jolt.

This was Sarah they were talking about.

Theo knew Sarah well enough to know that there was no way she’d consented to marry an engaged man.

Which meant Stallworth was baiting him. He crossed his arms over his chest. “Really? Where’s Sarah? I’ll have her confirm your claims.”

Stallworth paled and then Theo knew he had the other man. “I don’t need to prove anything to you,” he said as he began stalking back toward the house. “You’ve gotten into her head, that’s all. But I won her once, and I’ll do it again. And this time, I won’t let you stop us.”

It took everything he had not to strike the man. He held on to reason with a firm grip. Getting into a fight would only add credibility to this man’s claims that he’d kissed Sarah. “I have not told Sarah’s brother about your antics for her sake, but I think it’s time you and I had a chat with the marquess.”

Stallworth stopped short, his retreat forgotten as he spun back to face Theo again. “I—”

But whatever the man was going to say was lost because another voice cut through the cold air. “How dare you?”

A triumphant grin spread across his lips as he watched Sarah approach from the direction of the greenhouse, her eyes blazing like an Amazonian warrior. But the smile died again. Because she wasn’t glaring at Stallworth. Her ire was pointed directly at Theo.

Stallworth cleared his throat. “Sarah, please—”

But she held up her hand, never glancing at the other man. “You, Mr. Stallworth, are dismissed.” Her voice had an edge that Theo had never heard before, but her chin notched up at that angle he loved so dearly as she eyed Mr. Stallworth with clear disdain. “I would not try to spread rumors if I were you. It will be your word versus mine, and I assure you my brother would never turn his back on me. All you’d manage to do is make an enemy of a marquess and destroy your current understanding with Miss Rathmore.”

Stallworth sputtered and cursed, but he’d lost and he knew it.

Theo didn’t bother to look back as the other man walked away. He kept his gaze on the woman who, minute by minute, took more and more of his heart. “Sarah,” he said and then winced. He had the same pleading tone that Stallworth had used just seconds before.

“Don’t Sarah me, Theo.” She drew out his given name, her arms crossing over his chest. “I expect him to treat me like a fool. You were right. Eighteen months ago, I played the part.” Her spine grew stiffer with every word.

“I already told you…” He held up his hands in some sort of surrender. “It wasn’t foolishness, it was innocence.”

“And what, pray tell, is it this time?” she said with a dead calm that almost frightened him.

“I don’t know what you mean.” But a weight of sick dread began to fill his stomach. Theo was replaying the conversation he’d just had with Stallworth in his head and, sincerely, it wasn’t good.

“Sarah,” he drew in a deep breath. “Please. He said—”

“What did he say?” she asked then, her hands coming to her hips. “What could he possibly have said that would have caused you to have so little trust in me?”

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