Home > Crave All(4)

Crave All(4)
Author: Lindsay Becs

My mother hardly left the house, and when she did, she didn’t take me with her. My father barely acknowledged my presence at all growing up, just waiting until I was old enough to work for him. That was my only worth to him, after all.

The King family became more of a family to me than my own. With parents who didn’t give me much attention and didn’t care what I did or where I went, I found solace in others. I think that’s part of why I was so drawn to Ruby. She was this little girl who just wanted attention and to be loved and so did I.

She was barely four when she became obsessed with fairies and dressed up like Tinker Bell for Halloween. Their mom wanted Harry to be Peter Pan to match her, but he didn’t want anything to do with it. I remember thinking even then that I could never be as good as Peter Pan, but Captain Hook on the other hand… I was so excited to show little Ruby.

I still remember the way her blue eyes lit up when I arrived at their house for trick-or-treating dressed up like Captain Hook. She ran up to me excitedly, and we walked the whole neighborhood hand in hand. She’s been my Tink ever since.

I guess it’s fitting. Tinker Bell was Peter Pan’s best friend, but Hook stole her from him for a time. It’s pretty much what I feel like I’m doing these days with Ruby. Harry isn’t here to protect her from the villain, and I’m definitely stealing her all for myself.

“Whatever you say, man.” Dez brushes off my comment as we climb into my car. “Your birthday’s next week. We partyin’? Gotta make it big one way or another.”

Lifting a shoulder, I answer indifferently. “I guess.”

“I’m sure your old man has big plans for you, huh?”

I snort in annoyance because he’s right. My father has been waiting for me to turn eighteen since the day I was born. The powerful man that he is has been waiting for the day he could put his final hooks in me to draw me into the family business. Pass on his legacy, as he likes to call it.

Legacy my ass. He’s not stepping down from his throne anytime soon, and he can keep it for all I care. I don’t want to run half the shit he does, let alone know about it.

Eamon Knight is an Irishman with a wicked temper and an iron fist. He has no patience for anything or anyone that threatens him or his family. And by family, I don’t mean me or my mom. No, my dad is part of the old Irish mafia that still lurks in the underground of the city of sin. Still running and fighting with the other families.

Sure, things are much quieter these days as far as the mafia goes, but let me assure you, it’s still very much alive. Mobsters never die, and the ones you think have still linger like the roaches they are.

“Yeah, I’m sure he’ll have me kissing his ring and slaying dragons soon enough,” I tell Dez, trying to make light of what I know is coming.

“Then I better get you laid before you’re scorched from some fucking dragon that lights you on fire,” he jokes.

“Like I can’t get laid any time I want.”

“True. The way you been smiling’s gotta mean that honey is keeping you satisfied.” He smirks. But the fucker saying things about Ruby like that pisses me off. No, he doesn’t know it’s her he’s talking about but still.

“How about you stop worrying about my dick getting wet and worry about getting word out about a party at my place on Friday.”

“Fuck, yeah!” He fist pumps a few times as he dances as we walk. He’s such a fucking child, but it makes me laugh anyhow. “How big you want it?”

“No more than 200. And I don’t want a keg. I want a real bar.”

“Oh, Mr. Mob Boss Junior already makin’ things classy.”

“Shut the fuck up and just make it happen, huh?”



Taking another hit, I stand on the balcony off the upstairs lounge, looking out at the pool below filled with half-naked bodies. Slowly I release my inhale, wishing I’d made sure Dez invited Ruby but knowing he probably didn’t think to mention it to her or any other underclassmen.

Generally, we try to keep our parties to no one younger than sixteen. But tonight, I wouldn’t have minded one freshman joining the festivities.

“Here you are.” Dez breaks me from my thoughts. “I’ve been looking everywhere for you. We have a problem.”

Turning to look at him, I’m irritated that he’s coming to me with a problem instead of dealing with it. Moving my hand in circles, signaling for him to get on with it, he begins.

“Baby King is here,” he tells me, sounding exasperated by the thought of her presence.

But me? I have to work hard to hide the smile wanting to show. “And?” I ask with a raised brow in question.

“Harry would have both our left balls if he knew she was here. Specially after what happened last time you were near her,” he says accusingly. “What you want me to do wit her?”

“Did you chain her up or something? Stop being a dick and let her join the party. Maybe she just wants to wish me a happy birthday.” I can’t even hide my chuckle as I say the last part.

Desmond gives me a look like I’ve lost my damn mind, and maybe he’s right, but right now, I don’t give a fuck. I just got the one thing I wished for on my birthday—Ruby.

Shaking his head in disapproval, he turns and leaves the room only to return a few minutes later with Ruby. I’m now sitting on the leather couch nursing a glass of twenty-year-old Scotch.

She enters the room a little apprehensive but still the self-assured girl I know. My eyes scan her long gorgeous legs, and I dream about running my fingers up the length of them. She’s wearing short jean booty shorts with a cropped black top and red fuck-me heels. She looks hot as hell and much older than she is, showing off all her new curves. As much as my fingers and dick twitch wanting to touch her, it also pisses me off that she’d show up dressed like this.

Our eyes lock, and we stare for a beat too long. Finally, she rolls her eyes, shifting on her feet. “I only came to say a quick happy birthday, Sonny. I’m not planning on staying.”

“Being kinda rude showing up uninvited, don’t you think?” I ask, throwing back the rest of the amber liquid in my glass.

Her eyes flash anger as they pierce me, making me chuckle. Fuck, she’s feisty. “All you had to do was ask and we wouldn’t have minded you joining the party. Isn’t that right, Dez?”

His eyes ping-pong back and forth between us, trying to work through what is happening. “Yeah,” he says, looking at me like he figured me out. Turning to Ruby, his grin grows big. “Miss the hell outta you, baby King.” Pulling her into a big bear hug, he picks her up, spinning her in circles. She yells at him to put her down, and when he does, she’s smiling as big as him.

“You could always come say hi, you know,” she sasses him.

“I just…” He trails off, looking at me.

“Some people don’t have a problem with going against what they were told before,” she tells him.

Rubbing his hand over his mouth to cover his smile, his eyes find mine for a second before going back to her. “Guess I won’t hide from you anymore then.”

This time, it’s her eyes that find mine. Lingering. Searching. Asking.

“I guess I’ll go then,” she says quietly.

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