Home > Tortured Souls (Rebels of Sandland, #2)(20)

Tortured Souls (Rebels of Sandland, #2)(20)
Author: Nikki J Summers

Thirty minutes later, and I was sprinting out of that counsellor’s office like my life depended on it. I couldn’t escape fast enough. The air in the building was stifling, and it wasn’t to do with their lack of air conditioning. I’d had about all I could manage for one day.

I stomped over to my car parked towards the back of their cramped car park and stopped dead in my tracks when I saw it.

A single white rose lay underneath my windscreen wiper.

He was here.

Anger bubbled and coursed inside me, but it didn’t make me weak. It burned a fire in my soul. My broken, bruised, and battered soul. He thought he could play me. Intimidate and scare me into submission, to do what? Take me further down than I already was?

Too little, too late, mate.

I was dancing with the devil, on first name terms with the guy, and had him in my back pocket. He was playing on my team now. The battle lines had been drawn all those weeks ago in a shitty, rundown barn. Now, he was over-stepping the mark and he needed to be taught a lesson.

I plucked the rose out of its holding place and held it to my nose, smiling like a fool. Anyone watching would think it’d been left by an admirer with the way I was grinning. I opened my car door and threaded the stem into the front dash panel so it sat up proudly on display.

“Thanks for the rose,” I said in a cool, calm voice. “I hope you rot in hell.”

Then I drove off, my rose standing tall for everyone to see. I’d get rid of it when I got home, but I knew he’d be watching, and I wanted him to know he wasn’t getting to me.

Leave all the roses you want. This lady’s stone heart is numb, frozen, and ready to fight back.



I was fired up and couldn’t relax. Driving back home, I decided I needed to offload some of my tension, so I decided to make a detour to the Lockwood’s house. Mum had said I should call in, pay my respects for the loss of their… cars.

Fucking jerks.

As I pulled up to the kerb, I spotted Jensen and Chase on their driveway, arms folded over their chests and looking over two brand spanking new Range Rovers, one black, one white. I supposed these were their new rides and they could take their pick, deciding which one to use every day. Black for their traitorous hearts or white for the fake image they were currently projecting all over Sandland. I’d have thought yellow would’ve been more their style, to match their cowardice.

They both turned at the sound of my car pulling up and Jensen’s jaw tightened as he muttered something to Chase. A warning, I’d bet.

Don’t say anything.

Cover your tracks.

Protect the family name.

“Harper,” Jensen said through gritted teeth as I got out of my car.

He walked towards me, extending his arms like he expected us to hug. After our last meeting, I was going to struggle with a handshake.

“How are you?”

He saw that I wasn’t there to play nice. My shitty expression gave it away, and he went back to folding his arms over his chest in a defensive manner.

“Sorry to hear about your cars.” I nodded over to Chase as I spoke. He gave a strained smile but stayed back.

“We know who did it.” Jensen turned to glance at Chase, who grimaced on cue. “When we find him, he’s a dead man.”

“So, you’ll kill him over a fucking lump of metal, but not for my brother?” These guys were unbelievable.

“It’s not that simple.” Jensen took a step forward then bent down to sneer into my face. “I told you to fucking drop it.”

I grinned back, trying my best to look unhinged and deranged.

“See, that’s where you’re wrong. I won’t drop it. I won’t ever give up. If getting to Mathers means outing your shady shit then buckle up, boys. You’re in for a bumpy ride.”

The veins in Jensen’s neck looked like they were ready to pop. His jaw was clenched so tightly he’d probably do permanent damage to his teeth.

“I’m not fucking around, Harper.”

“Neither am I.” I took a step into his space this time and made him lean back. Good. I liked having the upper hand in his intimidation tactics. “You were there that night. Your statements hold a lot of weight in Brodie’s case-”

“What case? There is no case.”

“Oh, there’s a case. And I’m gonna make damn sure it stays open. You’ve got something to hide, I know that. But I think you’re underestimating me. Brodie had the brawn, I have the brains. I’ll find out what it is, and when I do, I’m taking you down with him. Do you hear? I’ll take you, Chase, Mathers, hell I’ll take your whole fucking family down if I have to. Better warn your second cousins I’m coming for them.”

“That’s big talk from a little girl,” he snarled on a low growl.

“Wasn’t it Shakespeare who said, ‘she might be small, but she is fierce?’ He liked his tragedies, and when I’m finished, that’s what you’ll be living.” I kept my manic grin in place. I was on a roll.

“Yeah, and that quote comes from A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Just like your threats… all a dream. It will never happen. Leave it be or live to regret it.”

Just at that moment, Don Lockwood strolled out of his front door, giving me the stink-eye but smiling his fake smile.

“Harper. How are you?” He strode down the steps onto his driveway as if he were the Godfather, all bravado and menace. I half expected a few goons to come strolling out after him, carrying tommy guns and chewing matchsticks or whatever it was they chewed. “It’s good to see you getting out and about. How are your parents? You will send them my regards, won’t you?”

“Yeah, thanks,” I replied, coming across like a stroppy teen. I eyeballed Jensen and hissed, “This isn’t over.” And then flounced off to my car without another word.

As I slammed the door shut, Don’s face took on an evil sneer and his lip curled up as if he was threatening his sons. It should’ve made me feel sorry for them, but it didn’t. They needed a wake-up call. The people of Sandland were fed up with the bullshit, and my shit list, which was growing longer by the day, had them toying for first place.

Mathers or Lockwood?

Who would I take out first?



Once I got home, I threw that bloody white rose in the bin and then safely ensconced myself in my bedroom.

My haven.

I logged my computer on and clicked into the bereavement chatroom. I needed a bit of light-hearted banter after the day I’d had. I was done with people who thought they could walk all over me.

LadyStoneheart23 has joined the chat.



Regina_Phalange- Mate, you know it’s a fucking bad day when the dog shitting on your bed is the least of your worries.



JoeNotExotic- I hope you fed him dry food last night.



Regina_Phalange- Did I fuck. My whole house is getting fumigated. Hey lady!



JoeNotExotic- Welcome back, lady. Glad we didn’t scare you away.



HangingWithMyGnomies- Hi lady, how’s it going?



My fingers hovered over the keys, but I stayed silent.

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